Chapter 13- Library

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"And what would you like, miss?" The bartender said to me.

I put three fingers up and move that hand onto my chin, which that sign means water. The bartender looked confused.

"She wants water." Sokka said.

"Oh my bad. Coming right up!" The bartender said, he was maybe around in his early 20's. His hair was tied up in a bun and he had a green apron on.

"I felt your heart rate go up, Y/n." Toph said. I elbowed her lightly. "Ow use your words!...Oh right."

"I would like some water as well." Katara smiled. "What about you Aang?"


"Sorry for bothering you guys. But have you seen my pen? I'm trying to write things but I can't find it." A traveler said, he was a lot older and had a cool hat on. From the corner of my eye I saw a black pen on the ground that's beneath Sokka's seat. I hopped down and picked up the pen and gave it to the traveler.

"Oh thank you!" He circled some things on his map.

"What do you got there?" Aang asked him.

"A map of the world, I'm a traveler and a professor and I do most of my travels in the desert to find this ancient library! I almost died in that desert 11 times."

"What does the library do?" Aang asked, he was super into this travelers story.

"The library holds so many answers. Oh where are my manners? I'm Professor Zei."

"I'm Aang, that's Katara, Toph, Sokka and Y/n. Can you take us to the Library?"

"It takes months for me to go to the desert, besides I have no idea on where it's at."

Aang looked as us with a smirk. "I guess you haven't met our flying bison, Appa."

The desert was hot, but the cool wind of us flying on Appa kept me feeling fresh.

"There it is!" Toph yelled.

We all looked out but nothing was there.

"That's what you guys would sound like if one of you spots it." She waved her hand over her eyes.

We groaned. We've been flying in the air for hours. I've been teaching Sokka some more harder sign language. Like words that are less often use, well words that I hardly ever use.


I moved my hand in front of my face, making a swirling motion.

He did the sign perfectly. How are you, beautiful He signed, I laughed and signed back,

I'm good, boomerang man

"Ah man eh? You hear that Katara I'm a man!"

"Wait! I think that's the library!" Katara pointed at this tiny statue.

"Uh Katara, I don't think that's it."

"No she's right, that's the top part of the library. It got covered in sand over time!" Professor Zei said.

Appa landed next to this statue. We all hopped off, admiring this place.

"Toph do you want to come inside?" Katara asked.

"Books isn't really my thing, but if there's something for me to listen let me know." She stood beside of Appa.

The rest of us had to get in by a rope. This library was huge! I started walking towards the books but something grabbed my arm. I quickly turned around and saw Sokka. He had a worried look on his face. I tilted my head and raised my eyebrow, he pointed to something that was over yonder. It was this huge owl, that must be Wan Shi Tong.

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