Chapter 19- The Earth King

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We left Ba Sing Se and arrived on a small island near the big city. Wondering what we should do, the others was throwing out ideas. I sat on a small rock, bending the small grass, making them dance.

"I think we should leave this place. We found Appa and we already got ourselves in deep trouble." Katara said.

"For once I agree with Katara." Toph added.

"But we should probably inform the king." Sokka said.

"I..agree." I stood up and stand next to Sokka. My voice has gotten a tad better. It was louder but raspy and deep.

Sokka smiled. "You talked! Anyway back to what I was saying again, we have to inform the king about the conspiracy that's taking place and the solar eclipse."

"Sokka's right. We have to tell him." Aang spoke up. Katara and Toph gave in, and we all rode on Appa back to Ba Sing Se.

"How are we going to break in the palace?" Katara yelled through the wind. I gripped Appa's fur tighter, in fear of falling.

"Y/n could blood bend those guards." Sokka laughed.

I shook my head no. I don't want to blood bend unless somebody's life depended on it.

We arrived and managed to break through. The Royal Earth Bender guards was getting ready to fight us. Toph fought a bunch of guards, she was going to end up winning that fight. Sokka used his boomerang and some of his water tribe weapons on them, I can definitely tell that he has gotten better over these few months. Aang was beating them one by one, Katara was becoming a master with her water bending, and for me, I stayed back.

Mostly because I'm afraid that I might blood bend somebody. Not gonna lie, it's easier to blood bend then not to blood bend.

We managed to safely fight them off and face the Earth King, but Long Feng dude and some other Dia Le agents were his last set of guards.

"What do you guys want?" The King said.

"There has been a 100 year war! You have to listen to us." Aang blurted.

The King still didn't believe us. We dropped our weapons and by that I mean we got on the floor, hoping the King would trust us.

"I will arrest you guys if you don't leave." Long Feng said harshly. I looked over at Aang and pointed to my forehead, indicating the arrow on Aang's forehead.

"I'm the Avatar." Aang got back up. "So please trust us."

The King thought about it, "Alright. What do you want to tell me?"

Huh, that was. I silently snickered.

"First this place captured my pet bison, brainwashed Jet, and the most important thing is the 100 year war."

"What are you talking about? What War?"

Long Feng glared at us. "These kids are lying."

Aang airbended Long Feng's pants, showing the bite scar on his leg from Appa.

"See! There's proof that they took Appa!" Aang yelled.

The King glanced over at Long Feng and the Dia Le Agents, and then back at us.

"Alright. Show me some other things. I'm interested. But can I...ride your bison?"

"Sure!" Aang said happily.

We all flew over to the outer wall, the Earth King was screaming out of happiness.

We landed and got off of Appa, showing the King the fire nation drill that was stuck in the wall.

"I can't believe this, I was so oblivious to this whole mess." He said.

"So now would you listen to our plan?" Katara said hopefully. The Earth King nodded his head.

"Yes..But I have some firing to do."

"You're fired." The king said to Long Feng.

"What? Those kids are lying all of that is not true!" Long Feng had cuffs put around his wrist. He was soon taken away, I think that's going to be the last that we saw him.

"So, what are your plans to stop this war?" The king gave his attention to us.

"The Day of Black sun, it's where the moon is over the sun, making the fire nation weak. We can invade them during that time. We're gonna need everybodys help." Sokka spoke up. When he said "Everybody's help" he looked over at me and gave a soft smile before turning back to the King.

"We looked through Long Feng's office, there's some notes for each one of the kids." A councilor interrupted. He gave us a note, except for me. I didn't get a note but that's alright. I wonder if my mom is still alive.

Everyone opened their notes.

"I can't read what am I looking at." Toph said bluntly. Katara looked over and read it. "It says that your mother is in town and she wants to see you, Toph!" Toph smiled for a bit. Aang read his note, saying that Guru Pathik wants to help him control the avatar state. Katara and Sokka got a letter from their dad, saying that he's here. They turned to me, "Did you get a letter?" Sokka asked me.

"No." I whispered.

"I guess we'll leave out soon." Aang said.

"Who's going to stay here with the King to plan the invasion?" Katara asked. "Y/n?"

"I can...barely talk."

Everytime I talk Sokka would always smile, it makes all of this worth it. Sometimes I would talk on purpose just to see him smile.

"Oh right. Sokka I'll stay with the king. You can go see dad."

"Are you sure?" Sokka said. Katara nodded her head before Sokka pulled her into a hug. "You're the best sister ever!" He laughed.

Sokka looked at me. "What about you? Where are you going to go?" He wanted me to go with him, but I can't, it's his moment with his dad and I can't ruin that.

"I'll" I couldn't get the word stay out, but when I did my lips curled upward, I'm truly so proud of myself, I know Yue would be too.

"Alright. You stay with Katara. Let's go Aang."

"What about you Toph?" Katara said.

"I guess i'll go see my mom." The three of them left. I was disappointed that I didn't get anything. Not like I have any relatives to begin with. I'm not even sure if mom is alive, I have a feeling that she is though, but she could be anywhere, and I mean anywhere. She ran away the day before I did, and I haven't seen her since then.

"Sir, the Kyoshi Warriors are here."

"Well bring them in!" The King said excitedly.

The three Kyoshi Warrior girls came in, kneeling before the king.

"Greetings." Said the one in the middle.

"Great! Now we can all discussed the plan invasion of the Fire Nation!" Katara said.

I saw the 3 girls exchanged looks. I'm beginning to think that that's not them.

Thank you for your support, I am honored (zuko) to have such amazing people to come out and help me get through some things. Please tell me what do you want to see more of? Sokka and the reader, using more of blood bending, any sudden deaths or accidents? let me know:)

also yes i am going to make a part 2 based on Book 3! Any ideas on what it should be called?

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