Chapter 16- The Drill and BloodBending

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We arrived at the wall of Ba Sing Se. The general was standing at the top of the wall, looking down at us. The gates open, letting the 5 of us stand up on top as well.

"Avatar Aang, so glad to see you." The General shook Aang's hand.

"Glad to see you too."

"It's an amazing sight to see." Katara said, gazing at the soon sunset that was about to happen.

It's beautiful

Nobody noticed my signing. But there's one thing that we did notice, a drill-liked object coming towards us.

I got Aang's attention, he looked closely and gasped.

"The Fire Nation is coming. We have to protect the walls." Aang informed to the General.

"I'll get my men. You guys help fight them off." We all parted our ways and stood at the bottom of the wall. The drill was coming closer to us.

"What's our plan?" Sokka asked, grabbing onto his boomerang.

"We have to somehow stop the drill. Any ideas?" Aang questioned.

Katara pondered for a minute. "How about we sneak in the drill. I'm sure there's something we can find to shut it down."

"I like that idea," Aang started, "What if we destroy the inside?"

"That's not a bad idea, all three of us can use our water bending to cut down the metal in it." Katara exclaimed.

The drill was getting closer to the wall. Once it hit we got inside. Toph stayed outside since she didn't want to be in the metal.

We found the center of the drill, it was being held up by these metal pillars. Aang, Katara and I were using our water to chop down the metal pillars, it was taking up a lot of time and strength.

The pillar we were doing was barely cut, we finally cut through it but it didn't fall.

"I for sure thought that was going to work." Aang pouted.

I got an idea. I got Sokka's attention so he could translate, he knows more sign language than Katara.

Let's cut halfway through the pillars

"She said something about cutting halfway." Sokka concentrated on my moving hands.

Then we find pressure to make them all fall

"And then we something pressure to make them...fall?"

I nodded.

"Ohh I know what she's trying to say!" Aang said.

The three of us split and used our water bending to cut through it. Sokka was there just in case a Fire Nation person would come in.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Too late, a guard from the Nation came in. Aang and Katara was somewhere else high up, so he couldn't see them. But he definitely saw Sokka and I.

He was getting ready to hit Sokka with fire. Sokka dodged it and hid behind the metal pillar. "Guys!" Sokka yelled.

The guard didn't pay attention to me, from his body language he was going to create a big fire, big enough to kill Sokka. Before he got the chance to hurt Sokka I studied his body movement, and got ready to use water, but that phenomena happened again.

He couldn't move, I was controlling his body movement.

"W-What's going on?" He yelled.

I didn't know how I was doing it, but I made him lay on the ground. He was struggling, trying to get out. I looked at Sokka, his face was in horrid. Aang got down and tied up his hands and mouth, preventing him from screaming.

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