Chapter 12- Earth Bending and Whispering

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"Alright Twinkle Toes, today is the day. I'm going to teach you earth bending." Toph smirked at the boy.

"What are you going to teach me first!" He started off naming some earth bending moves.

"Moving a rock." She said bluntly.


"I'm bored, do you wanna explore?" Sokka turned towards me.

Not really

"I take that as a yes." He stood up and I walked with him. We found a cave that seemed interesting enough. We sat on the outside of it so he can see me sign.

"I know that you lived in the Fire Nation and you never really talked about it."

So what

"I was just wondering how they treat you. You never talked about your childhood from there."

I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell him.

I wasn't allowed to talk to anybody, father made sure I was getting enough practice to be a powerful water bender

Since that was a lot of signing I tried moving my mouth with my hands so he could understand me more.

"So you never talked to Zuko?"

No, my father was afraid i'll tell on him about his plans

I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him stiffen up, and then relaxed.

"What about your mother?"

I sat up and faced him so he could read my hands.

She was too afraid to say anything. But she never hurt me physically

"How did you escape?"

I got on a boat and sailed north, that's where I met Yue. I don't want to talk about it

"I'm sorry."

It's okay

"You know how when you were screaming and laughing at the swamp? Do you think you can do some speech therapy to help you talk?"

I guess so

I smiled at him. If I actually try to talk I can probably at most whisper.

"Does it hurt to scream or laugh?"

Not anymore

"That's good. Can you try to say something?"

"Yes." But it was barely a whisper. I frowned.

"It's okay, your voice will heal one day. Hopefully." He whispered hopefully so I wouldn't hear, but I didn't say anything.

I heard his stomach growl, in return made me laugh. You can hear a little laugh coming from my throat, it was still a whisper laugh but it was a little more louder.

"I guess that means we should find some food." He stood up and stuck his hand out, I took it and stood up, glancing at his eyes. We started walking to this tree that had some fruit.

I picked out an apple and started eating it, I pointed at Sokka with it.

"I don't eat fruit." He said. He started walking and fell through a hole. "Augh!"

Are you okay I laughed.

"Not really. Come and help me." I tried pulling him out but he wouldn't budge. A little donkey moose came out. I gasped and reached my hand down to pet it.

"This isn't a time to play around with that thing. Now go get me help."

I huffed and started walking away.

"Wait, don't leave me. Just stay here."

I smirked at him and sat down in front of his face. The donkey moose was playing with his hair, ripping the hair tie out. The little baby licked his face and Sokka was not happy about that, but it was really cute watching him suffer.

"Can you use your water bending to help me out? It's getting hot and i'm in pain."

Where are you in pain

"...I don't want to answer that.."


"And you're making the pain worse." He nervously laughed.


"Sokka?" I turned around and saw Katara, behind her was Toph and Aang.

"Great! Help me out! Use your earth bending."

"Okay!" Aang said.

"Actually Aang I think Toph better get Sokka out. I don't want you to crush him." Katara put her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I like that idea better." Sokka said.

Toph bended the ground so Sokka could get out. But Sokka isn't getting out of the hole, he's still standing in it.

"Are you going to get out?" His sister questioned.

"I..uh..I don't think I should right now. Just let me stay in here."

I peaked in the hole and his hands was covering his lower region. I felt myself cringed and then looked away quickly.

Toph gagged. "You're gross, Sokka."

Sorry this was so short!

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