Chapter 6- Meeting Nomads

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I woke up super early. Ever since that talk with Sokka i've been feeling a lot better. Yue was right, talking to people about trauma or stuff that makes you sad/angry can make you feel better.

I stood outside where Sokka and I was talking last night. I'm hoping he would come down.

"Oh hey Handsy, I didnt know you woke up this early." He laughed.

Why Handsy

"Why Handsy? Because you talk with your hands. So your nickname is Handsy."

Can I ask you a question

"All I know was 'I ask you', so I'm taking it as you wanna ask me something."

What happened to your mother

"My mother?.."

He looks really hurt.

I'm sorry for asking

"No it's okay, you told me your story, i'll tell you mine. When I was 5 or 6 the fire nation invaded the southern water tribe. They were looking for a water bender. Our mother protected Katara and went with the fire nation...well you know what happened next."

I put a hand on his shoulder, letting him know that i'm here for him.

"You know, sometimes I wish you could talk. I'm tired of reading." He laughed.

I sheepishly smiled at him. We started to walk back to the place where Aang and the Earth Kingdom General are at. But once we got there all of the soldiers are fighting Aang, and Katara was in the ground.

"What's happening?" Sokka yelled.

"I told the general I didn't want to practice anymore and now he's attacking us!" Yelled Aang.

"Please help!" Katara said before disappearing into the ground.

"Katara!" Aang stopped from what he was doing and started levitating. His eyes and arrow started glowing, he's in the avatar state.

Sokka and I exchanged glances, we have no idea on what to do. Aang started lashing out, the general was screaming out of happiness.

"Okay Aang you can stop now!" The general said. "Aang! She's okay, see?"

Katara appeared out of nowhere. Aang saw her and went back into his normal state.

"Aang i'm okay, I promise. But you were in the avatar state so congratulations?" She wasn't too sure if that was something to be happy about.


"I call this move the octopus." Katara showed Aang the octopus move, which that was not what it's called. But Aang got the move right, he beat Katara.

We found this place full of water and trees this morning whenever we left the Earth Kingdom General.

"Hey Y/n, can you teach me some water bending moves?" Aang asked.

I nodded my head and took off my clothes, leaving me in my undergarments. I saw Sokka sneak peaking a look but try not to acknowledge that.

"How is she supposed to teach you if you don't understand sign language?" Katara said.

"True, but Y/n understand body language super well, she can almost predict what another person is about to do." He replied.

I let him repeat my body movement, each arm and leg does something different with each move. So if you see somebody with their arms sticking out beside of them then you know that they're going to make something huge, whether it's water, fire, or earth. Air is hard because I haven't studied Air movements yet. Soon enough Aang got the hang of reading people.

I looked over at Sokka, he was laying on a rock that was sticking out of the water. I splashed water on him to make him notice me.


I let out a laughter, but it wasn't silent. The laugh was harsh and it sorta hurt my throat. Whenever I laugh, groan, or cry I try to keep it silent because it's super embarrassing.

"You laughed!" Sokka said.

Before I could "say" anything we heard some singing.

"Oh hey guys. Are you nomads too?" The guy in the middle say. There was maybe 2 others behind him.

"I'm a nomad!" Said Aang.

"Hey me too!"

"I..I know you just said that."

"Oh yeah. I'm Chong, that's Lily, and over there is Maku." Chong said.

"I'm Aang, Katara, the half naked boy over there is Sokka, and the girl staring at the half naked boy is Y/n. She's mute."

"Aw so no singing?" Chong said while strumming his guitar.

My cheeks got red whenever Aang said I was staring at Sokka. I wasn't staring I was respectfully looking.

"The mute girl is still staring at the naked boy." Maku said. I shot a glare at him. I put back on my clothes and walked over to where everybody else was at. Sokka was hiding behind Momo.

"So where are you guys headed?" Lily said.

"We were going to go back to Omashu but stopped and took a break." Aang replied.

"We got some good songs to sing!" Maku said.

We all sat and hanged around Appa. I was getting my hair braided by Lily, the others were making flower crowns. Chong was singing and everybody would join. I miss singing, before I lost my voice I would sing 24/7.

"Look what I learned!" I picked up a guitar and started singing.

"You're doing great! I'm proud of you."

"She doesn't need to learn how to sing, she needs to learn how to fight." He took the guitar from me and slammed it into the ground.

"Zhao! She's only 5!"

He hit her, for the first time. And I'm thinking it won't be the last.

"Hey how come you're not singing?" Chong said to me.

I pointed at my throat.

"Oh yeah."

"Okay look we seriously need to go and stop singing and stop making flower crowns!" Sokka yelled, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I know how to get to Omashu the quicker way! There's this one legend about the Cave of two lovers." Chong said.

"Is it real?" Aang asked.

"Oh it's a real legend alright."

Chong started telling, well more like singing the story. I'm going to hate this trip.

"Well let's go." Sokka said.

"It's not one big tunnel, it's a bunch of smaller tunnels so nobody would know where they're at. You have to trust in love in order to make it through."

Sokka and I glanced at each other.

woohoo 2 chapters!

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