Chapter 5- Avatar State and Signing

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Later that night everything was a blur. Sokka and I went to my step-parents and told them everything, with General Zhao being my birth father, Yue sacrificing herself, Aang going into Avatar State. Well Sokka did all of the talking, I didn't feel like signing because I was completely numb to the whole thing.

The next morning, Katara, Aang, and Sokka were getting ready to head off. I guess this is where it ends huh?

"Here, this is the spiritual water from the pond, take it with you." My step-father gave Katara a necklace with water in it.

"And you," He turned to me. "I see that you have a purpose, I watch you grow up to be an amazing water bender just by watching body movement. I'll let you go with them." He gave me another necklace filled with the water. I teared up a bit and hugged him. There's no need to use my hands to tell him how I feel. He knows that I'm thankful and happy. I hugged my step-mother too, she whispered in my ear. "Yue would be very proud of you."

I was still wearing the same clothes that I wore whenever I snuck out the first time, I haven't got much sleep and I didn't have time to wash these clothes.

We got on Aang's pet bison, Appa, so we could  go to some type of Earth Kingdom so Aang can control his Avatar State. I didn't try bothering to talk to everybody, I was so tired and mentally drained out that I wanted to fall asleep forever. I laid down on Appa's saddle, touching my neck. The wrap wasn't around it, I was fully exposed. I guess that's one way to heal.


"Handsy, wake up." Sokka shook my shoulder. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I must've fallen asleep.

"We're here."

I got up and fixed my hair since it was super tangly. I hoped off from Appa and was greeted by the Earth Kingdom General.

"Nice to meet all of you, especially you Aang."

"Are you going to help me to control the Avatar State?"

"Yes I am, I also want to use you as a weapon against the Fire Nation."

A weapon? That's what my father wanted me to do. I need to stop thinking about it, it's the past. Nobody wants to hear me mope around. Cough cough, Katara.

"You okay, Handsy?" Sokka whispered in my ear. I nodded my head. He raised an eyebrow, I guess he can read me after all.

The General took us to this room and gave Aang some type of tea. It was supposed to trigger the State but that didn't work so well. He was jumping around the walls and yelling, it looked like a kid in a candy store. Or maybe a crackhead at a crack store.

Aang finally calmed down, still no avatar state. We tried countless things, scaring him, giving him sugar, Sokka hitting him. But nothing. While they were trying to force Aang into Avatar State I snuck out and went to the water. I looked around and make sure that nobody was looking at me. I quickly undressed, just leaving me in a white undergarment wrapping around my chest, and white undergarment shorts. I washed my clothes, getting the sweat and some blood out of it.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the water, my hair was in a rats nest, my neck had a scar in shape of a handprint, but that's nothing new.

I waited for my clothes to dry, sitting on the grass next to it, and hugged my knees.

"What are you doing down here? And why are you half naked?"

I turned my head to see who was talking, it was Katara.

Washing clothes

"I'm sorry I don't understand."

I pointed to my damp clothes.

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