Chapter 18- Lake Laogai and Talking

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"My drawings of Appa are the best! See?" Sokka pulled out the horrible, yet cute drawing Appa. Today we were going to post flyers, but it turns out its "illegal", but we were still going to do it.

"I'm sure Toph can draw it better, and she's blind." Katara laughed.

"Well Y/n likes it, right Handsy?" He winked at me.

It doesn't look like him

"I'm going to pretend she said yes."

We all went out side and hung them up, Toph couldn't do that obviously, so she went with Sokka and I to search for him.

"That thing that you did was still pretty cool." Sokka said to me.

"That's all you've been talking about! What did she do!" Toph yelled out of annoyance.

"Handsy over here can control people's movements." He said proudly.

"Sounds fun." Toph said sarcastically.

Sokka stopped in his tracks. There was a boy with long brown hair and some weird eyebrows standing in front of us.

"Jet?" Sokka raised a brow. Toph and I looked at each other in confusion, even though she can't see me.

"Sokka? What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing! Are you here to kill these people too?"

Wait what

"Me and my friends wanted to start a new life, so we came down here. That's all I swear, also who are these 2?" He pointed at me and Toph.

"That's Toph, she's blind, and that's Y/n, she's mute."

"What's up with you picking up disabled chicks?"

I kicked him in the legs, making him fall. "Ow what was that for?"

Don't call us disabled

"What?" Jet said.

"I can't see what's happening." Toph added.

"You just got shut down by a girl! She said don't call them disabled basically." Sokka put his arm around me, and then dropping it.

Jet got up and dusted himself off.

"Have you seen Appa?" Sokka asked him. Jet shook his head no.

"No, to be honest I hardly remember anything. This place is weird."

"Jet?" We turned around and saw Katara and Aang walking towards us. "Why are you here?" Katara glared.

"Long story," He replied. "But something happened the other day, I saw this light thing in an underground room and that's all I remember."

"Where is this underground thing?" Aang said. I'm still trying to figure out how they know him.


"I feel like it's around here somewhere."Jet said. We were standing on sand, next to the sea.

"There is something here! I can feel it!" Toph said. She earth bended and a trail popped up, leading us to our destination.

We got inside and started walking through this cold and empty tunnel.

This place freaks me out

"Me too." Sokka said. His fingers brushed against my hand, and then holding it, I felt my stomach churn.

"Your heart rate went up Y/n." Toph smirked, I lightly hit her arm with my other hand.

We came across this one room, it was a bunch of girls saying "Hi, I'm Jo Dee." I don't think we should be in here.

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