Chapter 8- Omashu

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Sokka and I haven't talked to each other since then. It's awkward to even look at each other in the eyes. Did the kiss mean anything? Well to me it does but I'm afraid to even say anything.

We arrived at Omashu so King Bumi could teach Aang Earth bending, but once we got there it didn't look like Omashu, the fire nation had took control over it.

"What happened? How did Bumi let this happen?" Aang said, he was so angry and confused at the same time. I put my hand on his shoulder, comforting him.

"Better yet, how are we supposed to get in?" Sokka said.

"I have a crazy idea," Katara started off. "Let's go through the sewer."

"No way I am ever going to go in there." Sokka replied.


Aang, Katara and I used our bending to keep the sewage water from getting on us, Sokka on the other hand kept getting splashed by the water.

We finally made it out of there. We all hid ourselves by wearing big black cloaks.

"Agh! Get it off!" Sokka tried to pull off the little octopus from his face. I didn't want to get near him because I didn't want it to be awkward. Aang got the little guy off of Sokka, but it left some red dots on him.

"Hey! What are you kids doing here past curfew?" One of the fire nation guards said. I stopped breathing for a bit, I'm sure most of fire nation will hear the infamous Y/n, daughter of Zhao that is a waterbender and can't speak. Also the one who ran away...twice.

"We're on our way back home!" Katara lied. We started walking again, but was soon stopped.

"What are those red dots on your face sir?" The guard was talking to Sokka.

"He's sick! He has a deadly disease!" Katara lied once more.

"Aughhh I don't feel so good! I am dying!" Sokka played along, I laughed silently, trying to keep quite.

"Hey didn't your brother have that? Let's get out of here!" The guards ran away, and that gave all of us an idea.

Next day Aang got all of the Earth Kingdom people and told them the plan. We got those little octopuses and let them leave the suction on people, making it seem like they're sick.

"Now even though you look sick you have to act like it." Sokka said. An old man came across him groaning. "Perfect! Just like that!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

I snickered to myself.

We all acted sick and escaped Omashu successfully, there was a head count before and after. We weren't missing a person, but we had an extra.

A fire nation baby was crawling on the ground, laughing his little head off. I picked him up and put him in my lap, playing with his little hands. The baby was cooing at me.

"That thing may be cute now but it's going to grow up to be a killer." One of the earth kingdom people said.

I ignored him and still played with the baby. I saw Sokka looking over at me, his lips turned into a smile.

"Azula said that she'll give us Bumi if we give her the baby." Aang said out of nowhere.

"How do you know this?" Katara said.

"Nevermind that. But tomorrow morning we will give her the baby." Aang looked at the baby that was in my arms.

I haven't seen Azula since I ran away when I was 13. Azula and I sorta grew up with each other but we hated each other. Father knew that she was powerful and despised her, but he was also angry at me for being born a waterbender. What did he expect? He married a waterbender, even if it was to create an illegal mutation.

We spent the night outside again, I still had the fire nation baby in my hands. Katara slept next to me, Sokka was somewhere else with Aang.

The next morning we met Azula, Mai and Ty Lee. I knew them because of my dad being General Zhao, he was popular within the royal family. Me, not so much.

"Alright, we give you the baby, and you'll give us King Bumi." Aang said.

"Hmm trading in the most powerful Earth Bender for a 2 year old? That seems a little unfair. Don't you think?" Azula said to Mai.

"I agree."

Bumi was in a metal cage, she didn't release him, instead he went flying up and Aang chased after him. Azula, Mai and Ty Lee started fighting us. Mai was coming straight towards me, I froze the bottom of her feet. But she was still trying to hit me with her knifes.

Katara was fighting Ty Lee, I couldn't yell for Katara to watch out. Ty Lee can and will hit her pressure points, temporarily paralyzing her.

Mai was trying to break out, I grabbed her hands and froze them together, but making sure that it won't hurt her.

"Wait! Stop!" Azula said, we all stopped fighting and had our attention to Azula.

She started walking towards me, I got into my stance.

"No need to get into that stance, I'm your friend! Remember?" She smirked.

"Y/n do you know these people?" Katara said.

"Of course she does, her dad is the general remember? We basically grew up with each other. Before she couldn't talk. She had an amazing voice, sure is a shame that she got burned."

I bended water at her but she blocked it, hitting my legs and making me fall, before I could get up she put her foot on my chest.

"Let her go." Sokka said, I turned my head and he was still holding that baby.

"Sure whatever." She let go of me and I crawled away from her. Sokka looked like he wanted to ask me something but didnt.

"Alright girls, I'm getting bored. Let's go." Azula and Mai walked away, Ty Lee went towards me and hugged me, then she ran away. What was that for? We weren't close to each other, I wasn't close to any of them. Father didn't let me hang out with them, I couldn't hang out with anybody growing up.


Aang was giving the baby back, meanwhile Katara, Sokka and I were on Appa, waiting on him.

"I'm going to go and practice my water bending." Katara winked at me and then left.

Sokka was on the other side of Appa, we both refused to look and talk to each other.

"So...How have you been?"


"That's good. So that kiss, did it mean anything?"

I was dreading this. Of course I like it but I'm too afraid to date. What if he leaves me like how my family left me? Well I left them but they didn't treat me right. Mother treated me right but she was too scared to stop anything.


"No? That kiss didn't mean anything to you?"

I'm sorry, i'm not ready

"Not ready for what?"

I didn't know the sign for dating. I thought I wouldn't need the sign for dating. I made a heart with my hands.

"Not ready for love?" His body language told me he was hurt, and angry at me.

I never wanted to hurt him, I just don't want to date, I'm too afraid to date.

Im sorry

"You're confusing, I thought you liked me for the longest time and when you wanted to kiss I was happy and for sure thought you wanted to date me."

I had to kiss to get out the tunnel

That was a lie, I want to date him. He's amazing, nice, cares about me. But I want to protect myself.

"Let's just forget about it." He turned away from me. That's the moment right there where I started to dislike Sokka.

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