Chapter 20- The Last

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Before we have this big meeting I pulled Katara to aside. "I don't... t-think that's t-the real...Kyoshi Warriors." I whispered.

"You're crazy, of course that's them!"

I shrugged it off and walked inside the room. Katara sat up at front and I was beside her. I let her do all of the talking since I can barely get a sentence out. The meeting consisted of the Kyoshi Warriors, Momo who was standing on my shoulder, and the Councilor of 5.

"...and I hope you guys can help us." Katara finished. Momo got distracted and knocked some stuff off. Katara laughed it off with a joke. One of the councilors spoke up.

"Y/n I would like you to deliver this scroll to the Earth King to finalize everything."

"Can I go?" Katara said.

"That would be great." He said in a emotionaless voice.

We left the place and started walking down the streets.

"I still feel really bad about what I said about you." Katara said.

"I-it's fine."

"How did you end up talking anyway? I still didn't understand that."

"....M-M." I couldn't get it out, it was a complicated word. My voice still isn't completely better, it's still quiet and a little bit raspy.

Meditating and forgiving

"Oh really? Well I'm happy that you can talk. So is Sokka, that's all he talks about."


"Yeah. He's really happy that he can hear you talk. He really likes you, and I know you like him! So how come you two don't date?"

"Can I s-sign this? It's a lot."

"Yeah sure!"

When I couldn't talk I was afraid I was going to be a burden to Sokka

"It's Sokka out of all people. Trust me he will never think that."

And it's not a good time

"I completely understand that. Hey we should go get some tea from this new tea shop!"

I agreed and we walked in, but once we did a certain banished prince was standing in front of us. Katara gasped and grabbed my hand. We started running away from the shop.

"W-Where are we going?" I asked.



We ran into the Kyoshi Warriors down this dark alley, I think I was right about what I said earlier.

"Oh good you're here. The fire nation is here! Zuko somehow got in and he's at the tea shop right now!" The girl she was talking to glared her eyes when Katara mentioned Zuko.

Katara realized who this girl is, it was Azula. Before we could react I felt some numbness in my body and fell onto the ground, Katara fell right beside of me.


We were thrown into this jail place full of crystals. Our movements came back but we're still shocked.

"I t-told you." I said, still sitting down next to this blue crystal.

"I know. How was I supposed to know?"

"Do you still n-not trust me?" I scooted away from her.

"I do. I just thought you were being unreasonable." Katara put her arms across her chest. Definitely defending herself.

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