Chapter 17- The Tales of Y/n

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Losing your voice could be due to a spiritual lost, losing a battle to yourself. Forgive and forget, remember your past, and think of the things that you could do to change it.

I closed the book, I need to forgive myself and others. If I do that, maybe...just maybe I can get my voice back.

The others decided to leave, Katara and Toph were going to have a girls day (I didn't want to go because I need to help my voice), Aang went out to do something with animals, Sokka went out, I'm pretty sure he might be in a poetry battle, Momo is searching for Appa, and I don't know about the rest that's here.

I crossed my legs, and started to meditate in the middle of the room. I need to think of my earliest memories, a memory that had affect me.

"Mommy look what I can do!" My 4 year old self hovered a ball of water over my head.

"That's great! But be careful." Mom didn't want me to bend water, she was afraid my father will see, she didn't want him to turn me into a war machine.

"Already doing that at 4? Come with me, I'm going to show you something." Father said.

"Zhao she's only 4, it's too early."

"She has to, Esca. Even if she's not a fire and a water bender, I need to put this thing to use. She's my weapon."

I opened my eyes. I took a breather and started thinking of the next memory, the memory that makes me happy.

I picked up the guitar, strumming the tunes. I started to sing the song my mother taught me.

I smiled at my mother, she teared up and pull me into a hug. I was about 6 when I first learned guitar.

I felt my eyes water, I miss her so much. I started thinking of the next memory, this one was whenever my father made me visit Fire Lord Ozai's home.

"Good to see you General Zhao, and who's this?" The Fire Lord looked at me. I hid behind my father.

"Don't be scared, you need to be brave and strong. This is Y/n, my 7 year old daughter."

"I have a 7 year old son too, but she needs to hang out with Azula, she's 5."

"Y/n doesn't need to make friends, she can't be distracted. I want her to become the most powerful bender ever."

Ozai laughed and smirked. "Azula has blue flames. She will be powerful."

I can tell father was mad.

"By the way General Zhao, why is your daughter a water bender?"

"I made a mistake of marrying a water bender. Trust me I wanted a fire bender. But i'll take what I can get." He laughed. I was kinda hurt, I like being a water bender.

I shook my head, I can't believe he almost told on himself about the stupid mutation.

"Hi! I'm Y/n." I said to the siblings.

"I'm Zuko, that's Azula-"

"Y/n! What did I say about talking to other people?" Father grabbed my arm harshly, his hand felt hot.

Yikes. I forgot about that. I think I was 7 whenever I started fearing him.

"Try making Ice Shards!" Father yelled at me.

"I'm trying! It's hard." I tried creating ice but it wouldn't help. With him being a fire bender he couldn't help me. I'm not allowed to see Mother, only on the weekends.

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