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Mattia left with his mom the next day, our lives went unchanged.

Matteo asked about him once or twice but, it didn't faze him. i felt like i failed him.

he had no father figure due to my stupidity.
all he had was me.

we'd go to Jersey so he could see Ma and he met Mattias dad but, Mattia always leaves town when we go. i tell Matteo that he's working in Italy or something.

i don't blame him though.
he doesn't want to be tied down by a child he didn't even know about. it was fine.

a month after Mattia left, Mariano came to pick up his stuff.
he hung out with Matteo one last time and he was gone.

it's been 3 years...

Matteos about to turn 6, i'm 22 now.
time went by fast, pretty fast.

"Matteo! are you ready to go?" i yelled to him while walking my luggage to the front door.

"yeah, here mommy" he came out of his room dragging his luggage.

"i got it buddy" i laugh and grab his bag.

"are really to see nonna, poppa, and uncle Gian?" i ask him

"yes, i'm so excited" he says

i laugh and proceed to put everything in the car and then we head off.

- m a t t i a s  p o v -
"Ma, what do you mean i can't go? i'm literally 23 years old! you can't tell me what to do anymore" i shout.

"Mattia Polibio! you have a son, that you haven't seen in 4 years basically! you need to take responsibility!"

"she said it was okay, she doesn't need me" i tell her.

"you've known Allison Costilla for hoe many years?"

"uhhh like 18 years maybe"

"exactly, and how many times has she let you off the hook for things" she asked

"like" i think for a second.

"exactly, now go home and unpack your shit, pinche pendejo" she said walking away.

i roll my eyes and get my keys to drive home and unpack.

- a l l i e s  p o v -
we get to New Jersey pretty late.

Roberts picking us up like he usually does.

"hey rebound" i say hugging him.

"hey, hey Matteo, how are you dude"


Matteo was still pretty shy with everyone.

we get into the car and Robert drives up to ma's house. we get settled in and we have dinner while catching up and planning Matteos party.

after dinner, Robert goes home and me and Matteo rest in the guest bedroom which was Mattias room. i put him to sleep but i couldn't do i went down stairs to look for something.

"ma, remember the box of decorations i left here last time?" i ask as i reach the top step.

"yeah, i took it somewhere else, here's the key. i'll send you the address" she smiles.  "alright, thank you"

i get into the car and drive to the address she sent me. i arrive to a house and most lights are out.

i run to the door and quickly unlock it to get out of the dark. once i'm inside i turn the lights on and see a girl with no clothes on getting something from the fridge.

"um, hello? why are you in this house" i say a bit freaked out.

the girl screams and hides behind the counter. "this is my boyfriends house, how did you get in he-" she pauses when she peeks above the counter.

"Allie?" she pokes her head up. "Diah? wha- how- wait, whose your boyfriend?" before she could answer, Mattia came from down the hall

"what the hell" i say.

"Allie? what are you doing here?"

i look around and spot the decorations. "um i, nothing" i grab the box and before walking out i look at Mattia for a second and shake my head.

i quickly get in my car and head back home.

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