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i wake up in the morning and Matteo isn't in bed.
i sit up and i'm pretty confused.

"my mom took him out to eat"
Mattia said, he was sitting next to me.
"it's the same huh?" he asked.

"what?" i had just woken up, i was pretty confused.

"my room, literally went unchanged" he said looking around.

"yeah, pretty much" i say looking around as well.

"it's crazy, we have so many memories in here" he said laughing to himself.

"yeah" i pause, "we really do" i small smile forms on my face.

"social media? really? i'm still a "big thing" and tik tok room is still around, for whatever reason. and you know they were obsessed with our drama" i said looking at me.

i rub my eyes and keep my hands on my face, "i'm sorry, okay. i, do you understand where i'm coming from?"

"yes but" i interrupt him.

"and you've been dating for a whole year? that's the shit that hurt like a bitch" i say then get up and walk over to the bathroom.

"why? why does it hurt you to see me with someone?" he asked following me to the bathroom.

i give him and look of disgust and begin to brush my teeth.

"i'll wait" he said

i finish and sit in the counter, "Matteo asked about you, he lost two father figures in a month, your dad has been it for him, and when we come here, you have to go away to avoid seeing him" i explained.

"i don't think this is about Matteo..." he says

i sigh, "Matti, i, i waited, for years, i waited for you to come back, i wanted you to come back"
"my best friend to back" i pause, "the love of my life to back" i say quietly, looking down.

"Allie, i'm sorry" he said putting his hands next to my thighs and bending down to look at my face.

i look up and rest my head on his chest, "when i gave you the option to live your life, without us, i was hoping you'd say no and stay with us" i say with my arms crossed.

"i should have stayed" he said putting his hands around me and coming between my legs.

i wrap my hands around his torso and just sit there.
soaking in the moment. the good feeling.

then his phone rings.

Mattia sighed and groaned, "hey D" he said with one arm still around me.


i could hear her through the phone.

"your mom invited me over to help with Matteos party, isn't that weird?"

"yeah it's weird and inappropriate" i say trying to be quiet.

i look up at Mattia who's smiling and shaking his head

"um, i don't think it's a good idea D" he said.

"i heard a females voice, who was that"

"no one, but like i said i don't think it's a good idea"

"Bebe, i'm going to be Matteos stepmom someday" i hear her say softly, and she giggles.

she never giggles when we were friends. she made fun of girls who giggled.

i laugh quietly and hit mattias back and give him a "really" look

"i think it's a good idea that i get to know him, and contribute in the planning" she finished saying.

"Diah, Allie isn't okay with that alright? i've gotta go"

"she's there!?"

"bye D" he said before hanging up the phone.

he puts his phone away and continues to hug me tight.

"you love her?" i ask.

"who? D?" he acts stupid.

"yes, who else" i look up.

"i don't know" he said
"before you got here" he paused and took a deep breath.
"i was planning to take her to Rome, and uh, propose"

propose? oh

"oh" i say, you'd thing i'd let go of him but i really didn't want to, i just wanted to ignore what he said.
but soon after tears wanted to escape my eyes, so i look up at him and smile.

"that sounds like a good idea" i say then let go, i jump down which causes out bodies to touch.

"tell me not to do it" he said

"but, i think you should do it" i smile once again and walk out of the bathroom.

Authors Words:
i didn't revise. ok sorry.
buttttttt how is everyone doing? i hope you all are safe
and health and doing good mentally.
i know this is a tough time for a lot of people
i can relate.
if you need to talk to someone,
don't be afraid to message me loves <3

i published this at 4:20 btw (:

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