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"why the hell are you here" Mattia immediately began yelling at me once he slammed the kitchen door closed.

"i can't come back to see my friends?" i yell back with an attitude.

"not when you left like a fucking child, you ran away, literally" he said slapping his hands together on the last word.
"we were trying to help you and you just left, we had to hear that you moved to Miami from Roshaun and Alvaro"

"jeez, those two can't keep a secret" i say quietly.

"so you have nothing to say? nothing at all?" he asked

"what do you want me to say?" i ask

"i don't know" he said sitting down on one of the chairs and putting his head in his hands.
"you left, like you always do, but you took Mariano with you?" he looked up and me with a "wtf" look.
"Mariano, not me" he looked hurt.

"i've been a whole mess"
"yeah, you're just a girl but, you were my best friend Allie"
"and you just left me here, without thinking anything of it"

fuck, i never thought of that

we were silent for a bit when my phone went off. Mattia looked over at it and saw my wallpaper which was me and Matteo .

he scoffed, "who's that? your little brother?" he asked grabbing my phone and looking at it.

"no, that's uh, my son" i say looking down at my hands

"you had a kid with Mar? wow" he said with and angry tone.

"you called me over here, i left work, can you just tell me why you're so worked up" Mattia asked as he hovered over me

"don't be mad" i said quietly.

"oh my fucking god, just tell me" he responded.

"i think i'm pregnant" i blurt out

this left him speechless, his head dropped and he calmed down. he squatted down in front of me and put his hands on my knees.

"okay, are you, upset about that?" he asked me

"no shit, i'm 16" i said, angry

"okay okay, calm the fuck down"
"did you take a test?" after he asked that, i pulled it out of my pocket.

"wow, um, okay"
"it could be false, take another one and then i can take you to the doctor for a blood test" i agreed and took another test, i had to wait 5 minutes for the results.

"what are we going to do if it's positive?" i asked to break the silence.

"have a baby, raise it" he said like he was so sure about it.

"we're 16, we can't"

"yes we can, all we're doing is starting our family early. we were going to do it someday, i guess the universe just wanted it to happen sooner than we thought" he said

after a minute, i accepted that.

"we're not naming it anything basic like, sarah or john" i said making a disgusted face.

he laughed, "fuck no, Gianna if it's a girl and-" i cut him off

"Matteo, if it's a boy" he smile at me


i got up and walked over to the test and this one was negative. i took one each hour and they were all negative, every single time

"it wasn't meant to be"
"one day okay?" Mattia said hugging me
-end of flashback-

"hello?" Mattia waved his hand in my face.

"sorry" i said snapping out of it.

"so you and Mariano had, that" he said pointing at the screen.

"he, not that, Matteo" once i said that his face dropped, he looked hurt.
"and he's not Marianos" i said fidgeting with my hands.

"who- oh my god" he balled his fists.

fuck, he knows, he knows, i'm about to get it

"he's jordan's kid" he looked at me in disbelief.
"and you names him MATTEO" he was pissed

"Matti-" before i could say anything, all the boys can back into the kitchen.

"hey hey hey" they all said loudly.

"how are the wine drinkers doing?" Kairi said nervously

"good" Mattia said drinking from the wine bottle
"you know what, give me a beer bro" Mattia asked Ale

"you get stupid when you drink beer Mattia" i said quietly but he still heard me.

"okay? it's your celebration, we're mixing it up fam" he said opening the beer

i just looked at him and rolled my eyes.

Authors Words:
Hiiii, so i'm open to ideas :) if you cuties have some.

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