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I reached my apartment 20minutes later,40 if I weren't in such an hurry. I opened the door only to be met with darkness and silence.
"MOM!"I yelled "MADDY!" still no answer I was about to call mads while trying to turn on the lights until..
"SUPRISE!"I screamed and fell ass down on the floor which resulted in everyone laughing especially my friends.
"Hey you OK?" Ethan asked as he helped me up, while the others were still trying to contain their laughter.
"yh I'm fine.what's this about?" I asked confused to why my apartment was filled with people.
"It's your birthday party silly"maddy said rolling her eyes at my oblivious state.
"but isn't my birthday Monday, cause last time I checked I could have sworn it was monday"i told them but they just shook their heads, I was still confused as to why they chose to celebrate my birthday 2days before the day.
"look A, we just thought that we should have a little fun and do a Pre-birthday celebration for you ,sides no-one would want to party on a Monday"derek said shrugging his left shoulder. Aww how sweet of them to think ahead for me. I was smiling like an idiot at my friends,the gift of friendship.."sides we are going to the cabin tomorrow and won't be back until Monday night, sooo"derek finished. I went for a hug and a kiss on the cheek to all of them.
"so now that the birthday girl has approved of this last minute party,who wants to PARTY!"Ethan yelled the last word jumping his ass off and then the night began.

An hour into the party and I have never felt so bored out of my mind. I had left my friends 10minutes ago and had made my way to the roof, I was presently sitting on the edge with my gaze to the stars. You see what just happened, my name being star and am looking at the star.. Get it. Get it.... Yeah you get what I mean..
I was still lost in my thoughts gazing at the sky mostly the stars when I heard movements from my side, I turned my gaze to the side only to be met by a pair of green eyes. Apollo. He looked to be contemplating whether or not he should stay.
"Hey!" he finally said
"Hi! "he was about turning to leave when I spoke again"you can stay if you want, guess I might need the company" he nodded and then took a seat beside me.
"You OK?" he asked
"Yh, why?" I asked, wondering why he even started a conversation with that..
"Well from what I heard its your party, which reminds me happy birthday,though I don't have a gift" he smiled which made me chuckle slightly.
"Well firstly not really a fan of parties- to many memories I mumbled under my breath then continued -"and thanks for the wishes, though it's not my birthday. Yet, it's on Monday my friends just decided to throw me an early birthday party" I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Ooh in that case I guess am not too late to give you a gift"he smiled cheekily, which made me laugh, the first genuine laugh I have had all week. We were quiet after that,a comfortable silence.
"What are you thinking of?" he randomly asked which took me by suprise.
"what are you thinking of? You seem to be in another world of your own"if only you knew.
I paused for a second and thought about it then said"i don't know to be honest, I guess am just thinking of how it will feel to just run away and forget" I answered shrugging to ease the tension that was starting to build up in me. This got his attention cause he focused his attention on me."what do you mean?"yh I was expecting that question, alright think of an answer without going deep.
"well I don't know, I guess I just sometimes imagine how it will feel to live a life of no regrets, no pain, no complications, just nothing. Just you and your own world with nothing to worry about" he was nodding his head processing all I was saying.
"what happened in drama class?"well when I realised he was blunt I didn't think this blunt, but still I played dumb.
"what do you mean?" I asked using his own words, he smiled slightly knowing what I just did, but it was gone in a flash. "I mean what happened, yeah it seemed like you and Mr Grey were acting a scene for the whole class, but it felt like it was more than that, like..it felt like it was a little secret that you both were using to communicate"he said then looked at me, his eyes held concern, curiosity and desperation ,I closed my eyes trying to keep my tears back then I opened my eyes and found him still looking at me but then I averted my gaze and directed it to a particular star.
"Let's just say that not everyone gets a happy ending"i said my gaze still on the star but I continued nonthingless "life isn't all bed of roses, am not going to lie or deny what happened earlier today but doesn't mean I'll tell cause there's nothing to tell, am not perfect, neither am i a ball of sunshine cause am not!am just a girl who's trying to understand life and it's mysterious ways"..and why it had to be him..i finished shrugging, I had managed to clear my vision from all traces of tears or emotions, keeping my face neutral. I felt his gaze on me but I didn't bother to look.
"Besides if I can't get away from life, I may as well make the most of it, at least i have a view every night and their always mes-
-"mesmerizing"he finished for me, I smiled a little then tore my gaze from the star and directed it towards him. He was smiling too but before any of us could say anything more we were interrupted.
"OMG!Bitch i have been looking for you in like FOREVER!"Maddy oh but yelled making Apollo and me chuckle,she was definitely drunk off her ass..well at least she broke the tension..i thought to myself. Then she grabbed me and started dragging me towards the party were people were already dancing.
"come on let's go and take pretty boy with you"i laughed then turned towards apollo
"well what do you say? Will you take this dance with me?"I asked holding my hands out to him, he looked at it skeptically then answered.
"I dunno I think I would rather much stay here and watch the stars"i smiled and shook my head then grabbed his hands dragging him with me and drunk Maddy towards the bonfire.
"if am going to suffer with a bunch of drunk teens you get to suffer along with me, besides your the only sober person here and it's my birthday"i said laughing.
"I thought you said it wasn't your birthday "he said laughing as well.
"yh it's not, but they don't know that"i said referring to the people around us.
He nodded "point taken"then he spinned me around and we kept dancing and laughing. And in that moment even if it was just for the night, i finally knew what it felt like to be happy..

Hope you liked this chapter

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