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"hey were are you going?"i asked carter,it was may 5th,Carter's birthday.It had been two hours since the party started at the beach.
"I'm going for a swim with Cameron and the guys"carter said,
"your drunk carter, sides it's late and you know how high the current is at night"i tried to reason with him"sides you promised me a dance"holding unto his hands dragging him back with me.
"hey pines you coming!"one of the guys from his football team yelled who i remembered's name being drew.Cameron came over dragging carter away but he didn't budge, he looked at me in the eyes, those blue eyes, the one I fell in love with, he smiled"i'll be back before you know it"he told me, I wanted to say he shouldn't, i wanted to tell him we should go back in to meet our friends but i couldn't.
I smiled"you know what fine, just don't take to long cause you still owe me a dance. I'll be waiting "
He squeezed my hand lightly"i love you "I kissed his forehead "just be safe alright"i told him, then I let go of his hand and he was dragged out of my presence, fading into the dark sky of the night.
I watched their dark figure from the distance they were in,feeling a presence beside me i turned only to be met with my best friend Ethan, he was smiling down at me
"hey babe, were's lover boy"i smiled"he's out on the water with his team" he nodded in response, we were still talking when Alice came over, looking panicked I furrowed my brows "Alice are you ok?"i asked her, she looked at me then smiled shaking her head"yh I'm fine, I was just wondering if you wanted to dance"still not convinced I let it go then looked at ethan who just shrugged his shoulders.
"sure"i said she then led me and ethan back to the bonfire, but the last thing I saw was her looking back unto the water were carter and the guys were when she caught my eyes on her, she smiled but it didn't reach her eyes,i was about to ask her what was wrong but decided against it that maybe it was just me reading it wrong and it was probably nothing.I smiled back directing my gaze to ethan who already had a questioning look, I just shrugged my shoulders bringing up a topic we could talk about while we walked back to the party.

An hour later, I had danced with both Alice and ethan.maddy and selene joined us 20minutes after.
I was walking back to the beach to check up on carter, since he had been gone for long, i was still walking when I heard my name, I turned back only to meet ethan who was already trying to catch up with me "hey, I was looking for you,were did you run off to?",he said while trying to catch his breath, I laughed "sorry just didn't feel like dancing again, sides i wanted to go check up on carter and the boys"he only nodded in response then we continued our way farther to the beach.
We were talking and laughing when we heard noises, toning down our voice to hear what was going on, the noise got louder and it sounded like a disagreement,swears and curses, we were speeding our pace when we heard "splash"-Ethan sprinted forward leaving me behind, by the time we reached there I was met with a mass of tension,but I didn't pay attention to it, scanning everyone I searched for carter but didn't see him, i started panicking but stopped myself ,maybe he's only swimming but I needed to be sure
"were's carter?"I asked the boys, there were only three of them and they all looked anxious and scared, I started panicking even more asking again only this time a little louder "WERE'S CARTER!"they flinched by how high my voice was, but still didn't answer, I looked at ethan for help meeting my gaze he understood what I wanted, just as he was about to ask again we heard his voice"there you see, now was that so hard, I told you Alice will take care of her which will give us more time ,she'll never know the truth about tonight"he was still oblivious of our presence but when he realised no one had answered him he looked up freezing when he saw both Ethan and I there, he paled looking anywhere but me muttering something inaudible, I was about to ask were carter was and what he was talking about, when i saw blood on his clothes and the side of his neck, my heart stopped and I tensed Ethan must have felt how tensed I was ,directing his gaze to him ,he saw the blood but before he could react i asked again "were's carter Cameron?" I asked, he still wouldn't look at me, muttering something under his breath but I could still pick up what he was saying"shit shit shit shit, I asked Alice to keep her distracted long enough for me to get rid of the body and clean up, fuuucck" it felt like air was knocked out of me, realising he wasn't as inaudible as he thought he was, he looked up completely alert but still didn't say anything to justify or deny what I had just heard, still thinking it was nothing, hoping, praying it was nothing, that maybe it was just something else he was talking about or a joke, I asked again only this time it sounded more of a plead"were's carter?-still no answer-"CAMERON WERE THE FUCK IS CARTER!?"this time I yelled not caring anymore ,I was already on the verge of tears, he muttered something under his breath, something along the line as-"what's the point of denying it,i've been caught already-"...he then shrugged his shoulder, what he said next killed every part of me, it with my sanity, "he's gone and isn't coming back"i looked around me Ethan to be precise who by the looks of it with how his teeth was clenching and unclenching was trying to keep his cool. "what do you mean he's gone and isn't coming back"i said chuckling slightly ,he looked at me with a deadpan expression "I mean he's dead, gone, never coming back!" he yelled, I looked at him,then at ethan his gazing meeting mine we then bursted into laughter, we were still laughing our ass off, but stopped when we didn't hear any of the guys laughing with us. Still trying to control my laughter"good one cam ,now tell me were carter is so we can go, I need to tell him something-i said still trying not to laugh at their joke -"oh and by the way nice ketchup stain" I said referring to what I "thought" was blood, meehn were they good at acting no wonder they were in drama class they really are good at faking things.
Drew one out of the three guys spoke"A!-he called,-"this is no joke" looking up i was met with a serious expression on his face. All trace of amusement left my face i looked at everyone then Cameron, then my eyes landed on another red mark that was more of blood than ketchup on his knuckles alarmed I directed my gaze towards Cameron but before i could run towards him Ethan beat me to it, he grabbed his collar, landing punches to his face, he didn't even seem bothered by it he was just laughing, drew and his friends had used that opportunity to run away to only god knows were,but that was besides my problem, i was screaming at the top of my lungs, running towards the water only to be dragged back, people had already gathered around ,some guys were able to get Ethan off of Cameron but the deed was already done because Cameron looked like shit and that was just too good enough for him.
I pushed trying to entangle myself from the persons grip, screaming with all my might "CARTER!, CARTER, baby please don't do this to me, CARTER! "I screamed, Maddy, Selene, Lucas and Derek had showed up later looking slightly confused ,seeing Cameron with a busted face, Ethan with bloody knuckles trying to loose himself from people's hold to pound on Cameron again but when they saw my face and how broken I looked with my swollen teared eyes that confusion turned to rage, Lucas and Derek took large steps towards Cameron, yelling and punching asking what he did to me ,Maddy and selene came to my side hugging me they kept asking what happened?, whether he touched me?, tuning everyone and everything out i kept my focus on Cameron, those bruised part of his face and body, thinking that no amount of punch, threat would change anything ,cause he was gone and he was never coming back...

I woke up with tear streaked face, looking at my phone -may 5th-. I closed my eyes trying to hold unto the fresh tears that were threatening to escape, but you know that saying "the heart wants what it wants"yh that saying is accurate, because before I knew it i started sobbing, clutching unto my pillow, holding the locket around my neck, I kept sobbing until I felt a hand wrap around me, I didn't bother looking up because I knew it was maddy,after sometime i asked"why?,why didn't i stop him?, why didn't i see pay attention to the signs from both Cameron and Alice?,I could have stopped everything, could have changed and prevented what happened,its all my fault".i finished still crying i was hyperventilating clutching harder unto my locket, i tried to get out of her grip but she held on harder"dont say that, it's not your fault"she said, with the sniffling I was hearing it seemed she was crying also,i slightly looked up meeting her teary gaze, she tightened her hold on me"its not your fault" I turned my gaze downwards to my locket, the only piece i have of him tightening it even more i continued sobbing,if it isn't my fault, whose is it?, I'm the one that let him go swim with the boys, i could have stopped him but I didn't. There's no one to blame but myself.

Hope you liked this chapter

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