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It's been three weeks since the whole Alice shit show, my wrists healed though I have a little scar at the side other than that it's good as new, preparation for our drama fest has been going great, me and apollo have gotten closer than ever before though he has become quite protective, ever since that incident he's always by my side even Kyle and Cole. Ethan's still...well he's still ethan,maddys still her overdramatic self, Lucas is still Lucas and so is selene and Derek.
With them all by my side i feel like I'm happy, that I'm complete,that i have nothing to worry about.But you see that's the thing no matter who tries to make me happy there's always going to be those broken pieces in my heart that refuse to heal...in all I guess am not just ready to let go...
Besides not everything's too good to be true, there's always that one day you will always dread, but hey what can you do, it's just life....
"April" I'm snapped out of thought by Mr Grey, I looked around only to find my colleagues attention on me.well that's just great. I direct my gaze to Mr Grey who has a worried expression on his face, i force a smile on my face.
"yes Adam"
"are you with us?" he asks, but by the looks he was giving me he knows I'm far from with him.
"yh, sorry"i answer, he looks at me questioning but I give him another one of my fake smiles, Still not convinced he let's it go but not before giving me another glance. I slump on my seat and close my eyes counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds left till the day that changed everything, feeling a tap on my shoulder i open my eyes, turning my gaze back I'm met with a worried expression from apollo.
"hey you OK?"he asks still searching my face.
"yh"i lie, still not convinced, I look for another lie to tell him"just tired, slept late last night"he looks like he's about to say something but stops himself just nodding his head, I smile at him then focus my attention on Mr grey.
I actually felt bad I had to lie to him, but what good would it do if he knew ,maybe it would ease the pain a whole lot more, maybe i wouldn't have to be alone ,but with all the possibilities of goodness that would come if Apollo knew i still can't help but wonder if it's worth it, if he's worth it?.I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe I don't wanna ease the pain, maybe i want to be alone, maybe I don't want any goodness from anyone, maybe i just want to keep falling farther into the depths of my despair.
"cause sadly it's my normal"....


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