New Job

813 15 4

Y/N's point of view

It's been a few days since our group get together and I have to admit everything feels perfect. I've spent more time with Zak and even if we're not spending time together physically he's been calling me alot. But not only is everything perfect like that, I've finally got another job to go to.

Zak has given me a job at his museum just like he said he would if I ever need a job. What's the strange part is not only am I working there I also Co own the building with Zak, so I'm basically another boss to all of the staff there. But thankfully everyone at the museum doesn't know what's going on at the moment, which is good as me and Zak wants to keep things quiet so Holly doesn't find out.

Around 12pm I made my way to the museum and met Zak there. I have to admit I'm feeling nervous as this is my first shift but I know everything will go smoothly. As I'm not a very confident at the moment Zak is getting me to work in the gift shop. To be honest I'm happy to work in the gift shop, and being able to see all the guests and hear all of their stories of any experiences they have had on their tours.

I finally got to the museum and met Zak in the parking lot. As soon as I got out of my car and walked over to Zak, he quickly pulled me closer to him and embraced me in his arms.

Ever so slightly I can feel my nerves slowly going away.

Zak: "I know you're nervous Y/N but I promise you, you'll be great and you'll enjoy it"

Y/N: "thanks, I know I'll be OK but I just can't help but feel a little nervous"

Zak: "it's OK baby, besides my mom is going to be there so if you have any issues she'll help you"

Oh great if I wasn't nervous alot before I certainly am now. I've met and seen Zak's mom Nancy a few times before but they was only quick visits, I'll be spending pretty much all day with her....I hope she likes me.

As if Zak knew what I was thinking he looked at me and said

Zak: "my mom will love you, she's seen you before and keeps asking about you all the time"

Well that calmed me alot.

Y/N: "so she'll be happy to see me working here then?"

Zak: "definitely, come on let's get inside"

Zak held my hand in his and we walked inside the museum. We walked all the way through until we reached the gift shop, as we walked into the gift shop Zak was still holding my hand. I was trying to let go slightly so no one sees us but Zak just tightened his grip.

Zak: "please... Just let me hold you for a few more minutes"

Y/N: "but Zak I thought you don't want anyone knowing about us yet?"

Zak: "I know but don't worry everything's going to be OK"

I smiled at Zak slightly before he smiled back at me. I want to stay like this forever but I'm just worried in case anyone sees us. As we was alone in the gift shop Zak leaned closer to me and was just about to kiss me when his mom walked in.

Nancy:  "Hello Zak, and hel...."

Zak's mom looked at us in shocked, as she witnessed our almost kiss. Great so much of keeping things a secret.

Zak: "mom glad you're here do you remember Y/N?"

Nancy: "yes I do, what are you doing here sweetheart?"

She had a smile on her face before she came over to me and hugged me. OK I wasn't quite expecting that.

Y/N: "Zak has actually hired me to work here so I'll be helping out here in the gift shop for a while"

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