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Y/N's point of view

Y/N: "what!?"

Y/M's/N: "you're coming back home hunny"

My mind was going crazy, why are my parents here? Why are they trying to take me home.

Y/D's/N: "Zak has told us everything that has happened, quite frankly we're not happy about you being here with Zak. You need to be somewhere where you are safe and with people who WILL keep you safe"

I can't believe what I'm hearing, Zak called my parents but not only that he's sending me away.

Y/N: "you're sending me away?"

Zak: "No baby, I don't want you to go anywhere but I also want to keep you safe"

Y/N: "so you thought calling my parents will help with everything, you knew they would come and get me"

Zak: "Y/N it's not like that, I never told them to come and get you"

I was feeling hurt, I don't want to leave Zak... I don't want to Las Vegas but yet here my parents are and they'll be taking me back to Sacramento with them and there's a very high chance it'll be today.

Zak took a step closer to me and went to hold my hand in his, but I took a step back and avoided his touch.

Y/N: "don't touch me"

Zak: "Y/N please.... Please baby"

I pushed past Zak and my parents and went upstairs to mine and Zak's bedroom. I shut the door quickly behind me and even locked it. I collapsed on the bed and cried, my heart was hurting and breaking so much. I feel like I can't breathe.

During my moments of pain there was a knock on the door.

Y/N: "Go away!"

Jay: "Y/N it's just us... Me, Billy and Aaron. Can we come in?"

I slowly got off the bed and unlocked the door and let them in. As I sat down on the bed again they guys made their way over to me.

Aaron: "Y/N, do you know how much Zak cares about you?"

Y/N: "if he cares about me as much as he says he does then he wouldn't have called my parents"

Jay: "sis. Zak was only worried about you and he wants to keep you safe"

Y/N: "I know he does but I don't want to leave him, I don't want to leave you guys or move away from Las Vegas for a little while... I want to stay here"

Billy: "you will come back Y/N it's only  until things with Holly end"

Y/N: "but If I leave then she's won, she'll worm her way back into Zak's life and be with him... Then where does that leave me, Hurt again".

Aaron: "trust us sis we would never let Zak get back with Holly. He'll always be yours"

I really don't know what I want to do, I don't want to leave Zak and the guys but I know they just want to keep me safe, Zak especially. I can feel myself starting to break down I put my head into my hands and started to cry. As I was crying I felt Jay put his arm around me a comforted me.

Jay: "what do you want to do Y/N?"

Y/N: "I don't know, I want to stay but..."

As I was just about to finish what I was saying, we all heard my mom shouting at Zak.

Y/M's/N: "NO, there's no way in hell I'm gonna allow that! If you want to marry our daughter then you have to prove you can do anything to keep her safe"

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