Kagome's Back.

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After Kagome reunites with her friends and her love Inuyasha she can feel something in the wind. Something that keeps beckoning her to the bone eaters well.
"Inuyasha. I feel like I need to go to the well." Kagome says as she sits her bowl of rice on the table. Everyone looks up to her to see her lost in thought.
"Kagome. If you feel that it's that important to you then we'll go in the morning." Inuyasha said while shoveling a couple pieces of meat into his mouth as if he hasn't eaten in days.
Kagome looks toward the doorway of the hut as she feels a presence approach. Inuyasha's face contorts into a sour look "Oh man...." he hisses as he looks up from his food. Quickly swallowing the food that he was enjoying until he caught Sesshomaru's scent. "Rin. You have a visitor." Kagome said with a sweet voice. Rin lifts her head and her face lights up as she hears the high strill voice of the imp demon that was her former traveling companion. "Rin.... Rin...." Jaken shrieked while entering the hut "Master Jaken. What brings you here? You and Lord Sesshomaru just departed a few days ago. I was expecting you back until the next full moon." Rin said with a cheery disposition. Jaken looked as if he was worried about something. Sweat dripped down his face as he entered the hut. Panting Jaken leaned on his staff of two heads. "Rin something is going on in the meadow where the bone eaters well is Lord Sesshomaru has sent me to fetch you to prevent you from getting into danger." Rin and the others stiffened. Something was wrong and Kagome had sensed it before Jaken had mentioned it. Rin tilted her head "Master Jaken I believe I am safe here but if Lord Sesshomaru wants I will return with you." She said standing to her feet and stopped at the hut doorway. She looked at the others "Lady Kagome maybe you should go now. I dont think that strange light coming from the meadow by the well is in is normal." Everyone looked shocked. Standing to their feet everyone hurried out the door. Something is definitely off and it needed to be addressed before something happened to someone while being around the well. Kagome alerted Lady Keade while Sango fetched her children from inside and Miroku carried their son and Sango walked with their daughters. Everyone walked to the well despite Jaken's loud and shrill protesting about going near it. As they approached they could see vibrant colors illuminating from the bone eaters well. The bright light was almost blinding and visible from miles around. Standing in front of the well was the great dog demon. His long hair swayed in the wind as he stood there. He looked like he was in deep thought as he stared at the well with that emotionless look. He narrowed his eyes and turned to see everyone approach. His gaze fell downward. "Jaken." He said with a cold voice. Jaken in a panic bowed. "I'm sorry milord I told Rin to follow me away from the well." He said with panic lacing every word while cowering in fear of what his lord would do to him if anything happened to the mortal girl. The lights from the well flashed for a split second and Inuyasha's ears twitched and eyed widened  and Sesshomaru's eyebrows lifted slightly as if they knew something everyone else didn't. Everyone was stepping closer to the well as if being drawn into the light like a moth to a flame. Suddenly the light expanded and the wind carried Rin, Jaken, Kagome, Sango, Miroku and their  children into the well. While Kirara, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Shippo all tried to stop them from being pulled in by the strong wind. Everyone was sucked in after minutes of fighting the strong currents of wind. Everything suddenly went black. Everyone was out cold at the bottom of the well. Sesshomaru, Kagome and Inuyasha were the first to open their eyes and look up to see a wooden roof above. "What I thought the well stopped working after you came back." Inuyasha said with wide eyes. "I thought it did too " Kagome said just as shocked. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes picking Rin up carefully from the ground. "Explain." He said looking at them. "We're still in Japan. Just 500 years in the future. This is my era where I originally come from." She said still looking up confused and shocked at the same time. Sesshomaru's eyes widened as it sunk in. As he was told this is a time where demons aren't as common as his era where they aren't even seen walking around. The most you hear are ridiculous ghost stories about them. Inuyasha jumped out of the well and directed Kagome to wake the others and help them climb the ladder to get out of the well. Sesshomaru jumped out of the well and exited the shrine. The homes of  Kagome's time were odd but looked sturdy enough. After everyone was up and out of the well they gathered outside the shrine and looked around in awe. Everything was so different than what they were used too. "Kagome you're back!" An excited voice said as the group's back was still turned toward the house. Kagome turned to see her little brother Sota running up to them. Kagome smiled and hugged her brother. "Rin has not come to." Jaken said as Sesshomaru kneeled with her on his lap. "Come bring her inside." Kagome said and lead everyone to the house. Everyone entered the house looking at the strange furniture and gadgets inside the home. Kagome lead Sesshomaru to the couch to lay Rin on. He gently laid her down and stood next the couch to stand guard over her. Kagome looked to around. "I dont know if we'll all fit comfortably here." She said with a sweat drop. "What about Kida's place? She left her house keys for you while shes not home." Sota said running over to a few hooks with keys hanging on the wall. Picking up the keys that had a black tint to them and jiggling them happily thinking he just solved a problem. Kagame looked at him. "Yeah Sota for me. Not for a whole group of people." She said nervously. Sota pouted and tossed the keys to Kagome. "Well she's gone she wont be back for a while so you might as well do it. What she doesnt know won't hurt her." Kagome sweat drop and Inuyasha placed his hand on her shoulder. "If it's a place to stay then we should do it this place isn't big enough for all of us." Kagome sighed knowing he was right. "Ahhhh.... I have a bad feeling about this." She said before agreeing to take everyone to the house of her friend.

☆ok what do you think so far? Leave me comments please☆

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