Journey Continued

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It took about 4 days for Kida's ankle to get better. Kida told Kirin many stories about her time with all the advanced technology like cellphones, television, and the internet. He was intrigued by all and imaged the things she described. Kida had learned that Kirin was a dire wolf demon that was the only survivor of his pack. He trained all his life and had been a general for several hundred years. As they walked down the path he asked Kida many questions about her life. But one question bothered him the most. "Why was it that the first night in the forest you screamed in your sleep?" Kida stopped walking and her gaze went to the floor. "My dreams had been very realistic and even though the images of the people in them are blurred and their voices distorted I can feel the pain and emotion as if it were real." Kirin watch as Kida was lost in thought as she was recalling those dreams in her head. Fear come over her for a split second then she snapped herself back to reality. Kirin nodded at her and turn and continued on the path. It was almost sun down and they had reached a village with decorations everywhere. Kirin lead Kida to the inn and was stopped before entering the hut by a woman who was carrying a basket of food. "Good evening visitors. Would you care to join our village for the fall festival?" She asked politely. Kida's eyes lit up and Kirin could feel the excitement radiating from her. "She will join in on your festivities." He said gesturing to Kida. For the first time Kida smiled brightly and followed the woman into the decorative area that had tables of food and people playing music. Children ran around merrily and people were dancing and laughing  as the music played. Kirin watched from the steps of the hut as Kida happily clapped her hands and watched the children running. After a bit the music started to get a bit faster and people began pulling bystanders into dancing. Kida was pulled in by a woman and started to do the folk dance with them. Kirin rolled his eyes at the clumsy men who tried to dance with Kida only to have them either trample her feet. Kida narrowed her eyes at the men who trampled her feet after the song was done a new man would ask to dance each one as clumsy as the next. Kida stood on the sidelines when she felt someone tap her shoulder. "May I have this dance?" Kirin asked holding his hand out to her. Kida hesitated before taking his hand and was gracefully lead into the dancing crowd. Kirin and Kida danced twirling around gracefully, as they danced keeping eye contact with each other as the song ended Kirin pulled Kida closer. Her face erupted with heat and he leaned down as they both closed their eyes Kirin's face getting closer to hers their lips graze each other's but Kirin was pulled away quickly with a fearsome growl that erupted in the crowd. Kida's eyes shot open to see Kirin being held up by his neck by a man dressed in white. Sesshomaru had caught up to Kida after days of searching for her to find her dancing with a general from the eastern lands. Sesshomaru's eyes were red and his markings jagged holding Kirin up by one hand he barred his fangs at him. Kida rushed to the man but when she saw his face fear incased her. It was one of the men that had drawn his weapon on her when she first came to in this time. "Kida!" Kagome yelled as her and Inuyasha ran into the crowd. "Put him down!" Kida yelled at the man who was holding Kirin. His eyes returned to normal and looked at her he furrowed his brows before looking back at the general. Kirin grunted but showed no signs of fear as he stared down Sesshomaru . "Sesshomaru put him down." Inuyasha yelled at his brother. Hearing the name Kirin was struck with a hint of fear this was the western lord that didnt think twice about killing someone. Kida yelled once more then with all that she could muster flew her hand up and slapped Sesshomaru. Shocked everyone took a step back Kirin was paralyzed by what he saw. "Kida run now!" He yelled in fear of what would happen to her. Inuyasha and Kagome stood there with mouths open and wide eyes. Sesshomaru tossed the general aside and took steps toward Kida. She backed away in fear as he got closer to her. "Dont you come near me." She said in a shakey voice as he reached out for her but Kirin jumped in front of her sword drawn. "Leave." Sesshomaru said coldly to Kirin as he narrowed his eyes at him. Kagome grabbed Kida quickly from behind Kirin and Inuyasha pushed Kirin to the side "You idiot he'll kill you." Kagome hugged her friend but Kida pushed her away. "Kida?" Kagome was confused by Kida's actions of pushing her away. "Those two men were going to harm me the last time I saw you and you just stood there." Kagome's eyes widened Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's  heads snapped her way hearing what she said. Kirin's eyes stayed on Sesshomaru a tinge of blue covered the whites of his eyes as he heard Kida. Sesshomaru pushed Kirin to the side only to have him cut his wrist with his sword. Sesshomaru paid no mind and kept walking toward Kagome and Kida. "Kagome." Inuyasha called. "Kida it's not what you think. Please you need to come back with us. Kida took a step from her friend a frown upon her face. Sesshomaru stood in front of Kida she didnt acknowledge him she just glared at Kagome. He reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. The blurry images flash in her head the minute his hand touch her. Kida threw her hands up gripping her head as her scream filled the village and her eyes turned dark purple and her scent changed. Sesshomaru pulled her hands from her head and his lips met hers. She fought against him. A wave of engery came from Kida throwing everyone back onto the ground. Kagome and the others watched her as she stood there. Glaring daggers at Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. The wind started to blow hard as Kida starting moving towards them. Kirin grabbed Kida by the arm and stopped her, her dark purple eyes locked on the two men. "Kida!" Kagome yelled as Kida lifted her hand. Kirin grabbed her hand stopping her. He could feel the anger and fear that she was feeling. "Stop." He said calmly looking into her eyes. Her eyes slowly faded back to blue and came out of her trance. "Kirin." She said throwing her arms around him hugging him. Sesshomaru growled stepping forward. Kida paid no mind to him. "Kida. You must come with us." He said narrowing his eyes at Kirin. She furrowed her brows "No! I will not." Sesshomaru frowned at this. "She is now property of the eastern lord. She will not be going with you." Kirin stated holding his ground. "Lady Kida, Lord Sesshomaru!!!!" A shrill voice ripped through the tension Kida and Kirin followed the sound of the voice to find Jaken. Kida and Kirin raised their eyebrows "Lady Kida?" He asked looking at the imp demon. Jaken stopped and stared at Kirin and Kida and fear struck him seeing this dire wolf demon with his arms around the woman his lord intended to make his mate. "Ahhh. What are you doing with your arms around my lordship intended!" Jaken yelled swinging his staff at Kirin. Kirin was stuck with fear and could feel Sesshomaru burning a hole in his head. "Intended?" He asked nervously looking at Kida. "No! I dont even know him I have never seen him before the day I woke and he drew his weapon on me." Kagome, Shippo, Inuyasha and Jaken all were shocked and bewildered. "Kida you dont recognize us?" Shippo asked Kida looked to him. Kida looked to Sesshomaru. 'His intended' she thought. Kida was confused but tightened her grip on Kirin he looked down at her. Her missing time must include the western lord. He looked at Sesshomaru who was staring at Kida. "That cant be. Why did you draw your weapon on her if she is your intended? Why was she put up for sale as a slave?" Kirin yelled at Sesshomaru causing him to growl and his eyes to tint blue. "I have no need to explain anything to you. If you value your life you will release her now." Kida turned her back toward Kirin but stayed in front of him. She was standing now between the two men. "I will not go with you." She sneered at Sesshomaru. He grabbed her arm and threw her over his shoulder. "If you will not come willingly then this is how it will be." He said pulling out his sword. Kirin unsheathed his sword and readied himself. Sesshomaru raised his sword. "No!" Kida screamed as she burst engery from her making Sesshomaru fly into the nearest hut. She ran to Kirin and when she reached him they both disappeared into blue smoke. "Wha... what? Where'd they go.... where'd they go?" Jaken asked pacing the place the two were just standing. Sesshomaru growled getting up. "My lord Sesshomaru she has lost her memories what shall we do?" Jaken asked still pacing as if looking for a trap door. The Meido Stone pulsed getting the groups attention. Smack Inuyasha smacked his cheek as Myoga floated down. "Myoga how long have you been here for? Inuyasha asked. "Not very long at all master Inuyasha." Sesshomaru looked at the flea maybe he had the answer he needed to get Kida's memories back. "What do you know about the meido stone?" He asked the flea who was now cowering in fear as Sesshomaru loomed over him.

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