Keeping Busy

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Kida rounded the corner of the house closed her eyes and swung the bat. Suddenly it stop and she was pulled forward by her wrist. Her eyes still closed as she heard the person who caught the bat breathing while pulling her closer. "That would be incredibly foolish of you to do mortal." She opened her eyes to see she was face to face with Sesshomaru. His emotionless face was just above hers. She scoffed and pulled her arm away and stepped back a few steps to put distance between them as Kagome and Sango ran around the corner. "Why are you sneaking around like that?" Kida asked with irritation lacing her words. Sesshomaru turned and walked away without even answering. Kida turned to Kagome and Sango. "Kagome are you alright? You look so pale." Kida asked now with worry in her voice. Just then Inuyasha came running sniffing the air. "Kagome. Let's take you inside." Sango said as she took Kagome's hand and guided her inside. "Are you hungry or something? Why are you sniffing the air like Inuyasha?" Kida asked while looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "I thought I smelled....." Inuyasha stopped before saying anymore. "I guess I am hungry." He said smiling and heading inside. Kida shook her head and looked toward the house and walked out toward the fields to check on the animals. It was time to feed the animals. Walking along she filled each troft with food then going back and filling others with fresh water. Inside the house Sango and Kagome were preparing dinner for everyone while Inuyasha was speaking his mind. "I'm telling you I know that scent anywhere." He said frustrated with his teeth gritted and fist in the air. Kagome looked up from the vegetables she was cutting. "Inuyasha I thought I felt his presence as well but he's been dead for some time now." Kagome said calmly. She looked around noticing that Kida wasn't there. She put the knife down and looked out the window but she didnt see her. "She went walking towards the animals in the field." Inuyasha said noticing Kagome looking out the window. "She must be tending to them. I dont know if she should be out there alone like that, not with the scent you're picking up Inuyasha." Kagome said as Miroku entered with his and Sango's daughters and Rin. The girls all looked so happy and deep in conversation. "Hey Miroku did you happen to see Kida out there?" Kagome asked "Why no Kagome I did not. I'm presuming you have felt the presence as well." Kagome looked shocked "See I told you so." Inuyasha said folding his arms over his chest. The door opened and Sesshomaru entered. He walked over to check on Rin seeing she was well and happy he turned towards Inuyasha and the others. "Inuyasha by the look on your face I can tell you picked up the scent as well." He said looking around. "Where is the woman?" He asked not seeing Kida. "She's in the field tending to her animals." Kagome said looking out the window. Sesshomaru turned around and walked out of the door and headed towards the fields. He walked slowly looking around carefully. Everything seemed so peaceful there. He passed the horses that were freshly brushed and their stalls had been recently cleaned. All the trofts were full of fresh food and water. The breeze was picking up and on it was Kida's scent. Sesshomaru walked along the path leading back to the house. There she was walking back with fresh picked fruit in her basket. She stumbled over the path and the basket tilted emptying half way.

She kneeled down slowly picking up the fruits when she noticed she was being approached

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She kneeled down slowly picking up the fruits when she noticed she was being approached. Sesshomaru kneeled down helping pick up the fruits that had just fell out of the basket. Embarrassed from her clumsiness being witnessed by another she mentally face palmed. Sesshomaru put the last apple into the basket and stood to his feet. Kida stood to hers as well. "Thank you." She said brushing the hair behind her ear. "Also I'm sorry about earlier. I didnt realize it was you." He started walking forward and stopped when he noticed she wasn't moving. She watched as he waited for her. She took a few steps and stumbled forward again almost loosing her footing she closed her eyes and put her hands out in front of her waiting for impact until she realized she stopped moving she opened her eyes the fruit basket was in Sesshomaru's hand and in his other was her arm. She was shocked he didnt show any emotions at all and barely talked since he'd been there. She stood on her feet and they slowly walked back to the house admiring the scenery around them. As the house came into view Sesshomaru stopped by the water with the koi fish swimming in it. Kida paused noticing that he'd stopped and she smilied as Sesshomaru looked at the fish swimming around. "Are you coming?" Kida asked. Sesshomaru looked up at her as his train of thought was interrupted. He nodded and followed her into the house. Kida handed the basket of fruit to Kagome and she headed to her room and boxed her clothes as she decided to move her belongs to her office instead giving Sesshomaru his own space. She finished moving the last of her personal items to the her office when Kagome came to get her for dinner. "Kagome I think I'll shower before dinner if you don't mind." She said heading to the bathroom with her clothes in hand. "Sure I'll put a plate together for you." Kagome said as Kida walked by her. Kida closed the door behind her and started the shower. "Hey Kagome what are these?" Inuyasha asked pointing at the boxes. "Oh Kida thought that these were going to make everyone happy." Kagome said smiling big walking over to the boxes and opening them. "Yes! Our clothes!" Everyone was pleased to see their regular attire being removed from the boxes. Sesshomaru changed immediately as did Jaken and Shippo. "Lord Sesshomaru might I still wear this," Rin asked "Do as you wish Rin." Sesshomaru replied as he walked to the table and sat down. He felt more comfortable in his own clothes and was curious as to why the woman decided to retrieve them for everyone. 'Oh Kida thought these were going to make everyone happy.' He sat there not touching the food in front of him. Kida came into the room dressed in a pair of pink sweatpants and a white tank top with her blue hair flowing behind her. She looked around now seeing that almost everyone had changed into their own attire except Rin and Kagome. "Child. Why have you not changed into your other clothes?" Kida asked Rin. "I really like this. It's pretty." Rin said smiling at Kida. Kida lifted her eyebrow. "I see." She went over and grabbed her wallet, phone and keys from the counter and started walking towards the door. "Wait where are you going Kida?" Kagome asked worried. "This child needs clothes Kagome I'll be back soon." Kida said walking out to her car. Everyone watched her out the window as she got into her car and drove away. Everyone sat and ate except Sesshomaru he just stood at the window and waited. After a few hours Kida's car drove back up and parked and she carried a single bag into the house. She handed the bag to Sesshomaru and went to the kitchen. Sesshomaru opened the bag and pulled out beautiful dresses and socks and shoes to match them all. He gave the bag to Rin and walked into the kitchen to see Kida had heated her food and left to her office shutting the door behind her. Was she avoiding them? Was she upset at the broken wall? Or was she upset about their encounter after she, Kagome and Sango had returned. Sesshomaru brushed the thoughts away and went outside to admire the koi fish. Kagome had shown Rin where to put her new clothing and her old kimono. The children were soon asleep and the adults gathered to discuss the matter at hand. They had come to the conclusion that until they knew the answer that there was no need to inform Kida of anything. Kagome was worried she had promised Kida just a few hours earlier that she wouldn't hide anymore secrets from her. Thankfully Kagome knew that in a few days Kida would be going back to work and would be gone for a while that would give them time to figure out what was going on. With that everyone headed for bed. Tomorrow would be a new day.

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