Something seems off here

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Kida was the first to wake in the morning her night was very short and she didnt sleep very well. The thought of so many people being here was not ideal for her. She got up and went to the bathroom to cleanup and start the day. After showering and brushing her teeth she realized that Kagome's brother in law was still in her bedroom. She face palmed and went to the hall closet that had some of her dresses and some boots. She grabbed a pair of brown boots with fur trim and grabbed her yellow dress with a bandana that matched the overlay of the dress. The yellow dress had white fur trim at the bottom. *Picture below*

She hadn't worn this dress in many years

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She hadn't worn this dress in many years. She went to the bathroom and dressed putting her hair up in the bandana then went to the kitchen to start breakfast for the guests she had still sleeping in her home. Realizing she had been gone and there wasn't much except the instant ramen, canned veggies and dried food boxes in the pantry. She grabbed her wallet and her phone and headed out of the door locking it behind her. Little did she know the whole time that Sesshomaru had been standing in the hall watching her. After the door closed he walked toward the door and heard the vehicle outside start up and slowly drive away, the sound of the engine fading in the distance. He went to the kitchen and looked around. Everything seemed so different here in this time. He went back to the door and tried to open it. It didnt budge so he pulled harder and harder until the door opened. Plaster and pieces of wood fell on the floor from where the dead bolt had been locked he continued out of the door leaving it ajar and rounded the house. It was beautiful the grass was lush and green. Above loomed sakura trees that were newly bloomed. The sweet scent floated through the air. As he walked he saw gardens of fruits and vegetables. Further down the path there were flowers all different kinds. The barn was too far for him to see but he wasn't interested in going there so he turned back and sat next to where the koi fish swam. In the distance he could hear the vehicle approaching. Kida got out of the vehicle carrying bags until one split open and food fell to the ground. Kida placed the other bags down and started to pick up the items that had fell out of the bag. Carrying everything in her arms she got to the door. "What the hell." She looked at the door that had been forced open. Concerned she ran inside dropping everything on to the ground. "Kagome! Kagome!." She yelled running into the house. Kagome burst out of the bedroom where she and Inuyasha were sleeping. "Kida what's wrong? Are you alright?" Kida looked around and everything was in its place. "Nothing is missing..." She said and Kagome looked at Kida confused. She pointed down the hall and Kagome noticed the plaster and wood on the floor. "What happened?" Kagome asked. Just then Sesshomaru came in the door carrying the items Kida had dropped in her state of panic. Kida walked over and gently took the items from Sesshomaru with a warm smile and a nod as a thanks and put them on the counter in the kitchen. She walked back over and looked at the damage. "Well whatever happened it will be easy to fix thankfully." She said putting her hands on her hips. Sesshomaru looked at the damage he had done. He saw Kida lock and unlock the dead bolt checking to see if it needed to be replaced. 'That is why the door wouldn't open.' He thought to himself. "Well I guess after breakfast I'll just have to go to the store again." She said after closing the door. Kida made breakfast for everyone and they all shuffled to the kitchen. Kida took note of the children. "Kagome who do these children belong to? Wait where did the baby sleep last night?" Kagome looked around "Well these three children belong to Sango and Miroku. The two over there are Sesshomaru's wards and Shippo is with us." She said. "Ok but where did the baby sleep?" Kida asked again. "Oh we put him in a wood shallow crate. From the big square box in the room." Sango said smiling. "Big square box, shallow crate? You mean a drawer from the dresser?" Kida asked. Kagome sweat dropped. Kida looked around carefully and it's like Kagome could sense that she knew something. "Come here child." She said beckoning Jaken who was sitting with his back to her. His face and arms were covered in Kagome's makeup he tried his best to avoid eye contact with Kida but now she was telling him to go to her. He sweat dropped and didnt move. Kida got up from her seat and walked over to Jaken. Jaken's eyes were shut tight and everyone one held their breath as Kida approached him. She kneeled down and look at him. "Open your eyes child." She said sweetly to him. Jaken started sweating which caused the makeup to run. Kida noticed the makeup running and saw as Jaken's complexion had a odd tint to it. Her eyes widened and she stood up. She walked over to Rin and she kneeled down. "Would you like to watch a movie child?" Kida asked sweetly. Rin's eyes lit up. "Yes I would very much like that." She said with excitement. "Of course what would you like to watch?" Rin went silent and didn't know how to respond to this question. Kida noticed this raising an eyebrow and asked the next question carefully. "Would you like to watch a Disney movie?" Kida waited for Rin to answer watching her carefully. "What is Disney?" Kida stood up and turned to Kagome. "Kagome!" She yelled she was now frustrated. Kagome looked up nervously she knew exactly what was coming. "I'm not in the mood for this and don't you dare lie to me. What is going on?" Kida said gritting her teeth and narrowing her eyes. "Looks like the jig is up. You better tell her the truth Kagome. She's pretty scary when she's upset." Shippo said jumping onto Kagome's shoulder. Kagome nodded. "Kida you might want to sit down."
Kagome explained everything on how they were all transported here from the past and that they dont know how or when they will get back. She also explained about Inuyasha being a half demon, and Sesshomaru, Jaken and Shippo being full demons. Kida just sat there processing everything. She stood up and walked to her room and shut the door. After a few minutes she came back out. "Alright it looks like you all are going to be here for some time so what we need to do is go and get things for you. Clothes, hygiene supplies, a crib, diapers, wipes and stuff to fix the door." She narrowed her eyes at Sesshomaru once again putting two and two together realizing he was the one who did the damage. Kagome got up and so did Sango and the three of them exited the house and drove off in Kida's vehicle. "Well that went better than I thought." Miroku said looking at Inuyasha. Inuyasha nodded in agreement. Jaken went to wash off the makeup but to his dismay no one knew how to work the shower. He'd have to wait for the women to come back.

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