The afternoon with Sesshomaru

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Kida walked with Sesshomaru quietly. When they reached the animals Kida looked back towards the house and sighed. She walked to the middle of the field that she had fallen asleep in last night and sat on the ground. Sesshomaru sat next to her and looked over the flowers that where swaying in the breeze. "You are to show me how to care for these animals while you're gone." He said. She looked at him and smiled. "Dont worry about it. All that would need to be done is fresh food and water. That anyone could do." She said dismissing her reasoning to get out of picking an outfit for the unwanted date tonight. Sesshomaru spotted a few yellow flowers in the middle of the white ones that were by his side. "You are not wanting a courtship with this Alex?" Sesshomaru questioned still staring at the flowers at his side. Kida looked shocked this is the most she's heard him talk beside when she unknowingly swung the bat at him. "Umm no. I really dont have feelings for him like that. He's not what I'm looking for." She said. Sesshomaru looked at her. "You said you dont have time for pointless relationships is that true?" He questioned staring at her. "The courtship as you put it is not the kind of thing I'm looking for at this moment. I have too much to do and everyone I've met isn't what I'm wanting in a mate. The people here are afraid of dying alone that they settle for the first person that comes along. I will not do such a thing." She said picking a few flowers. Sesshomaru picked the yellow flowers and took in their scent. He watched as Kida picked a handful of the white ones and stood to her feet. "I'm going to head back or Kagome will come looking for me. You can stay here of you want. Also thank you for going along with that earlier." She said while walking slowly back towards the house. Sesshomaru sat there for a bit twirling the yellow flowers in his fingers. He stood to his feet and followed after her remaining a little ways behind her he could see Kagome and Sango waiting for her. He quickened his pace and reached her before she got to Kagome and Sango. He looked down and held out the yellow flowers to her. Kida looked at the flowers then looked up at Sesshomaru. She hesitated before reaching out and taking them from him. Kagome and Sango gasped putting their hands over their mouths and quickly retreated into the house so they didnt disturb the moment. "Thank you they are beautiful." She said blushing slightly. Sesshomaru said nothing as he continued to the house. Kida stood there confused staring at the yellow flowers that he had picked. She smiled slightly then continued to the house. When she entered she saw that Sesshomaru had also picked white flowers for Rin. She smiled at the sweet gesture and put the flowers she had picked in a vase and the ones Sesshomaru had given her were in the middle. The yellow stood out against the white. It reminded Sesshomaru of the dress that Kida had worn the other day. She put the vase on the table in the middle to proudly display the flowers in it. Kagome and Sango grabbed Kida and pulled her to the office. "We knew it. We saw him give you those flowers." Kagome said excitedly. Sango smiled and nodded in agreement. Kida scoffed and simply played if off as nothing. "I don't see the big deal here. You're looking way too much into it." She said slightly blushing because she realized the same thing but didnt want to admit it. She didn't have time for this nor did she want to admit she was pleased with his actions. He was from a different time not to mention he was a demon. "We are going to start dinner. You get dressed we'll take care of Alex." Kagome said as she and Sango left the room. Kida face palmed and walked over to the outfit they had picked out. A yellow sundress with a yellow ribbon and yellow shoes. She sighed and got dressed and tied the ribbon in her hair. She heard the knock on the door and knew Alex had arrived early. Alex stood there with a bouquet of lilies in his hand. The door opened and he held out the bouquet of flowers with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Unbeknownst that the person who took the flowers was none other than Rin. "How pretty. You must be Alex. Come on in." She said taking them inside and Alex followed her cautiously. He bowed to the men that stood just on the other side of the door. Inuyasha and Miroku eyed him suspiciously. Kagome and Sango greeted him with warm smiles. Sesshomaru stood at the other end of the room near the hallway waiting for Kida to come out of the office. Alex was very intimidated by the men in the house. Rin and Sango set the table as Kagome put together plates. The door to the office had opened and Kida came down the hall, her dress hung perfectly and the ribbon in her blue hair stood out beautifully. Kida met eyes with everyone as she entered the room.  Sesshomaru stood tall and followed behind Kida to the table taking a hold of her chair and waited her her to sit to push it in then narrowed his eyes at Alex who had attempted to take the seat next to her. Sesshomaru sat next to Kida and Rin took the one on the other side of her leaving Alex to take the one across from her. The plates were brought in by Kagome and Sango and glasses of wine and water filled by Miroku. "So it seems you have a full house these days Kida." Alex said starting a conversation. "Yes. Indeed I do." Kida said picking up her fork and taking a bite of the food. The beef was so tender it melted in her mouth and the garlic and oregano blended perfectly with the crushed tomatoes, the noodles were perfectly cooked not too soft. Everyone was eating except Alex. Sesshomaru had taken a few bites and even drank some wine. Alex furrowed his brows in disapproval. "I'm wondering why it is they chose to come here?" Kida looked up from her plate. "Excuse me? Alex what is that supposed to mean?" He had a smug smirk before replying "Well come on Kida it looks like two families are living here with you. The hotels are right in town why did they come take advantage of you and your home." Kagome, Rin, and Sango gasped Inuyasha and Miroku had their fists balled. Kida slammed her hands down on the table and stood to her feet. Everyone stopped and looked at her. "This is my home. Kagome and her friends are welcome here anytime they want. Who are you to say someone is taking advantage of me when Kagome has her own key for a reason." Alex's smirk faded as Kida gritted her teeth and balled her fists. "Alex you should go. You have insulted my guests. You have insulted me. It's time you leave." Alex got up and walked out of the house. His car started and he drive away. Kida got on her phone. "I'm changing the guest gate code then we can finish dinner." She said drinking her wine all in one gulp. Miroku quickly refilled her wine glass and she finished that one in one big gulp also. He hesitated when Kida held out her glass for another refill, Kagome nodded for him to refill it. This time instead of gulping it down she placed it next to her plate and put her phone away. "I want to apologize to everyone please pay no mind to what Alex has insinuated. You all are more than welcomed here." she said sweetly. Everyone finished dinner talking about their likes and dislikes. Kida was anticipating her journey tomorrow to Italy. She talked about the beautiful scenery there and the amazing food and wine. Refilling her wine glass once again then she headed outside on the porch. The moon was beautiful almost full. She admired its beauty as she stood and leaned on the porch railing slowly sipping her wine. She could hear music coming from the house. Inuyasha and Kagome started to slow dance as did Miroku and Sango. Kida entered the house and smile at their happiness. Sesshomaru held his hand out to Kida and she blushed as she put her drink down and took his hand. They danced slowly to the music as it played once the song was over Kida looked up at Sesshomaru with their noses almost touching as he lowered his face closer. Kida's alarm rang through the room and Sesshomaru quickly pulled away. "That's it for me tonight I have to get up early goodnight everyone." she said heading to the office. Soon after the house became quiet and calm as everyone soon fell asleep.

☆ok what do you think so far? Leave me comments please☆

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