Kida's House

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Kagome and the whole group stood there in her mother's home. "Kagome! You're back and you brought guests." Her mother said nervously looking at everyone who had entered. Kagome's grandfather entered the room and his eyes fell onto Jaken "Oh Kagome you have returned and brought an imp. Is he a lucky imp? Maybe he can stay here." He said daydreaming. Kagome stepped in front of Jaken "No grandpa you're not dehydrating him to put in you're shop as lucky." She said sweat dropping. Jaken stepped back shocked "Oh no Lord Sesshomaru!!!!!" He said cowering behind Sesshomaru's legs. Kagome walked to her mother and gave her a hug. "Mom do you think you can help me out I need to get some clothes for everyone we cant go to Kida's placed dressed like this." Kagome's mother stood up and went to get her purse. "Kagome why dont you get changed and we can go get clothes for everyone together." She said exiting the room. "Great idea. Come on Sango I'll give you some of my clothes I'm sure they'll fit you great." She said grabbing Sango's hand and dragging her upstairs. Inuyasha went over to the couch where Rin laid unconscious. Sesshomaru stood there looking at her resting. Kagome's grandpa came up to see the little girl laying on the couch. "What is the matter with the little one?" He asked "She's not waking up." Inuyasha said crossing his arms. "Oh really.... I'll be right back." Kagome's grandpa went to the bathroom and returned with a small vile in his hand. "What's that?" Inuyasha said looking at it. "It's smelling salts. The hospital uses these when people are unconscious. Oh Inuyasha you might want to cover your nose this stuff is really strong." He said uncorking the small vile. Inuyasha quickly covered his nose and stepped back. "Ah... That stuff smells horrible!!!!" He groaned. Sesshomaru stood back as well but didnt cover his nose nor did he speak. Kagome's grandpa kneeled down and waved the vile under Rin's nose. Her face scrunched and her eyes fluttered open. "Oh Rin!!!! You're awake!!!!" Jaken squealed with joy. Rin looked around the room in awe. "Where are we?" She said nervously. "We're in Kagome's time about 500 years in the future." Inuyasha said as he heard Kagome and Sango coming back down the stairs. Kagome was in a green tshirt and blue jeans while Sango was in a pink top and black.  jeans. Kagome's mother came back with her purse and some clothing for Sango and Miroku's children. Two dresses one yellow and one purple and a blue romper for their baby boy which all fit perfectly. "We'll have to get clothes at the store for Inuyasha, Miroku, Sesshomaru and Rin. Sota maybe you have some stuff that will fit Jaken and Shippo in your closet." Kagome said. Sota looked at the two and nodded then ran to his room. Kagome,Sango and Kagome's mother left to the store while the rest of the gang waited. Sota came back with clothes for both the demons handing them then directing them where they can change. "Hey kid! What's this Kida?" Inuyasha asked Sota. "Oh Kida. Are you going to be meeting her?" Kagome's grandpa said with a dreamy look in his eyes smiling and acting smitten at the thought of Kida. Inuyasha knew that look all too well as did Miroku. "Knock it off gramps." Sota said turning toward Inuyasha. "Kida is a few years older than Kagome. She's been out of town working she's been gone for awhile but she's not bad once you get used to her." He said with his finger on his chin. "She not bad to look af either." Kagome's grandpa said with a smirk. Shippo and Jaken entered the room wearing Sota's clothes. Jaken had a grey shirt with brown pants while shippo had an orange shirt with black pants. Inuyasha looked over and faced palmed "What are we gonna do about Jaken there's no way a mortal from this time can see him." Sota glanced over and thought hard about what to do. "Oh I know we can put Kagome's makeup on him." Sota ran to the other room and came back with foundation and concealer. He took the pad and smeared it onto Jaken's face. Surprisingly it was covering nicely. "Now all you need to do is do this when you go out into a store or something. Kida's place is huge and so is the entire property so you wont have to do it there it's all gated no one will be there." Sota said with a smile moving so the rest could see. Jaken's face and limbs were the same shade as Kagome's light skin. Sota handed the makeup to Inuyasha while Kagome and the others walked in the house carrying bags of clothing. She stopped in her tracks seeing Jaken's new complexion. "Whoa what happened he--- wait a minute is that my makeup???" Kagome sweat dropped. She walked over to Rin pulling out a beautiful white dress with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the edges and pink bows on top of the shoulders and white shoes as well. Rin's face lit up. "It's so beautiful. Thank you so much." Rin said gleefully taking the dress and shoes and left the room. She walked up to Inuyasha with black shirt and pants and some shoes too he took the clothes but left the shoes. Last she approached Sesshomaru with a white and yellow shirt and black pants. He stared at the clothes narrowing his eyes. Taking the clothes he left the room. Miroku was given a purple shirt and blue pants. In minutes everyone emerged wearing their new outfits. Rin twirled happily in her new dress and Inuyasha pulled at the collar of his shirt grunting. Sesshomaru just stood their wrapping his mokomoko around his shoulder. "Lord Sesshomaru you look great." Rin said smiling. Kagome put everyone's other clothes into boxes and put them in her room. "Ok everyone let's get going." She said everyone walked to the car and Kagome's grandpa guided half of the group to a family van then they were off. After about 45 minutes of driving they came to a huge iron gate. The car containing Kagome pulled up to a number pad that Kagome pushed buttons in and the gates opened to let both vehicles enter. After entering the vehicles went up a small hill and once at the top you could see the house. It was a good size. White with blue trim and a brown roof. It was by a man made pound that had beautiful koi fish swimming in it. Many trees were around the house and in the distance you could see cattle and a barn. The property was huge you couldn't see where it ended. The entire land was fenced off by huge rod iron gate. Everyone was in awe. "Kida's house has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. There's a barn and animals too. Free range cattle and she also does stunt double work so actors dont get hurt doing stunts in their movies." Everyone looked at each other with questionable looks. "What's a movie?" One of Sango and Miroku's girls asked. "Kagome will show you when you get inside." Kagome's grandpa said as the van came to a stop. Everyone got out and Kagome went up to the door. "Kagome maybe you should give Kida a call and let her know you're here and that you have guests." Her mother yelled to her and Kagome nodded and waved as both vehicles were driving away. Kagome unlocked the door and everyone entered. The ceiling's were huge the home was very inviting and cozy. Kagome locked the door behind everyone and pulled a cell phone her mother had purchased for her from their store run earlier. She closed her eyes nervously and hoped that it would keep ringing. "Hi you've reached Kida. You know what to do after the beep." The voicemail message gave her some relief. "Hey Kida its Kagome. I hope you dont mind me crashing at your place. Give me a call back I need to ask you a few questions and dont worry about the animals we'll take care of them while you're gone." Then she clicked the end button and put the phone back in her pocket. "Well everyone make yourselves comfortable looks like she'll be gone awhile."

☆Exciting lol like and leave me comments ☆

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