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Kida awoke in a dark room she sat up slowly letting her eyes adjust to what little light there was being let in. Tears fell as she recalled the last thing she saw before she blacked out. The door slid open and candle light filled the room.   Kirin walked inside and put the candle down. Kida backed up but soon ran out of space and was now against the wall. He moved quickly towards her grabbing her arm and pinned her against the wall. "My lady you were going to leave without saying goodbye." He smirked at her. "Get your hands off me you dirty wolf." She sneered. "As I recall you didnt mind this dirty wolf not that long ago." His hands roamed down her side. "You bastard!" She raised her knee but he caught it. Closing her eyes she focused and opened her eyes but nothing happened. Kirin laughed "You really think that I would fall for that again?" He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head to the side, exposing her neck. "So you've managed to remove my mark." His eyes glowed deep blue and he bit down hard, causing Kida to scream out in pain. "No! Stop it." She had tears falling down her face.
"This time it will stay! You are now mine! You belong to me!"
"I belong to no one! You will pay for this!"
"Oh are you so sure? You think Sesshomaru will save you after you denied him what he wants or should I say wanted."
Kida's eyes widened in realization. Sesshomaru had been cold to her before she left to say goodbye to Kagome and the others. He had saved her so many times for her to crush him and his pride. Kirin was right and he knew it. She fell to her knees with her head in her hands "Even of by some chance he did decide to come look for you he wouldn't get far at all since I took you all over then eventually covered us in the powder. He will loose your scent that is if it doesn't fade before he finds it. Now get up." He said grabbing a fist full of her hair and dragging her down the hall. "Most of the women I have marked be they demon and human alike, have been inadequate and have been unsuccessful in providing me a son and have perished. But you my sweet Kida shall be the one who succeeds in birthing unlike the others." Fear overcame her. He dragged her to his chambers and threw her onto a bed with black and green silk. Using his claws he shredded the kimono. She scrambled onto her knees and crawled off of the bed. "So you're going to resist me?" Kida threw her hands out, but nothing happened. She looked at her hands in disbelief. Kirin chuckled. "I told you I wasn't going to fall for that again." Kirin jumped over the bed and grabbed Kida's wrist. "You see these cuffs? They've been enchanted to disable the strongest of beings. So you my dear mate are at a disadvantage." He threw her back on the bed and quickly climbed on top of her.
Kida struggled underneath Kirin's weight. He held both her hands with one of his above her head. Kida screamed at the top of her lungs for him to stop but Kirin continued kissing and biting her.
Sesshomaru followed their sent for hours just for it to disappear in the middle of a field. Growling he turned toward to eastern palace and turned into his true form running. When he jumped over the gate he reverted back. "Where is your general?!" He yelled his eyes glowing and markings jagged. The soliders coward in fear as Sesshomaru loomed near them. "Tell me where he is! Or this alliance is over and it'll be war upon these lands."
"Lord Sesshomaru. General Kirin has be relieved of his duties and is no longer our general. We do not know where he has gone to" a soldier for the back said nervously. The lord of the east came from his throne to see what the commotion was about. Upon seeing lord Sesshomaru he knew whatever happened wasn't good. "Lord Sesshomaru what seems to be bothering you?"
"Your former general has abducted Kida."
"Understand he is no longer associated with this palace. He is a disgrace and we will do all we can to help recover Lady Kida."
"General Moro should we fetch the slave girl?"
"Yes go fetch Suki immediately."
The soliders disburt onto the palace grounds to find Suki. Hours passed and a soldier returned carrying the mauled body of a demoness. The lord of the east was infuriated by the sight of the dead woman. "Who has done this?" He yelled his eyes glowed white as anger filled the air. Over the years Suki had become his favored slave of them all. She was obedient, sweet and respectful. "We found her by the forest entrance at the back of the palace my lord. There were bloody paw prints leading into the forest. Unfortunately the only scent there was that of Suki's blood. We currently have soliders following the paw prints into the forest." Sesshomaru frowned "You honestly think that those prints will lead you to him. We know who did this. That wolf demon did this. Put her down now." Sesshomaru said drawing tensiga. He slashed the demons of the underworld and Suki opened her eyes. "My lord!" She gasped as the eastern lord hugged her in relief. "Suki. What happened to you?" The lord asked. "My lord it was General Kirin but I dont understand why." Suki said confused. "He has abducted Kida." Sesshomaru said coldly
"Now I understand."
"I was the only one who...."
"Only one to what?"
"The slaves here dont just disappear, they are taken. I was the only one to return because I was unable to conceive a child. Instead of killing me he brought me back so our lord wouldn't be suspicious. He killed me so no one could stop him. To the mountain there is a tunnel that leads to wear his pack once resided. He plans to have Kida bare him a child. If she fails to conceive he will kill her."
With that Sesshomaru was gone. He transformed once running towards the mountain. Seething with anger and frustration he ran as fast as his legs would let him.
Arriving at the mountain he could faintly hear Kida screaming and painful cries. He followed them quickly. "Ahhhhh..... please Kirin.... stoooop.... stoooop...." Sesshomaru could smell Kida's blood. He stepped to the door and was paralyzed by what he saw.

The door had been left ajar Kida was pinned down with blood dripping from her upper body that was covered in bites and gashes from Kirin

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The door had been left ajar Kida was pinned down with blood dripping from her upper body that was covered in bites and gashes from Kirin. Her arms were chained above her head as Kirin was starting to undress. Sesshomaru quickly moved through the door and jumped over the bed pulling out tokijin. Kirin dodged Sesshomaru's strike. "Do you think I didnt catch your scent? I'm surprised you even came since she denied you so openly." Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at him. "Of course I have already had her so I can tell you she is definitely worth waiting for." Kirin said grinned at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru's eyes widened she had bedded this wolf? Sesshomaru when to strike Kirin again this time slicing his side. Kirin hissed in pain holding his side. Sesshomaru used his poison claw to slice into to Kirin's shoulder. Kirin cried out in pain as the poison seeped into his shoulder. With one final move Sesshomaru ripped Kirin's heart from his chest dropping it to the ground and stepping on it as he went to the bedside. He shattered the chains with his claws and removed the shackles from her wrists. He brushed the hair from her face and examined her for a moment. Her whole upper body from her waistline to pale cheeks were covered in bites and gashes, it was a hard sight to take in. Sesshomaru lifted Kida covering her with a blanket he carried her to Kaede's village. Inuyasha caught Sesshomaru's scent mixed with Kida's blood and ran towards it. "Kida? What the hell happened to her? Kaede said she went home!" Inuyasha said as he saw Sesshomaru approaching with an injured Kida in his arms. Sesshomaru  walked passed him and straight to the hut where everyone was gathered.  "No! What happened?" Kagome asked beside herself "The wolf general did this." He replied and sat next to Kida after gently putting her down. Kagome and Kaede started to clean her wounds and Kaede went to remove the cuffs that were still on Kida but they wouldn't budge. "This is strange they will not come off." Kagome went to remove them but it didnt work. Sesshomaru looked at them and gripped them and broke them off shattering them. "They must've been put there by Kirin by the amount of damage her powers were somehow block more than likely by those cuffs since she didn't have them when she was here earlier." Kagome said looking sadly over the damage done to her friend. "That explains why she didnt dispose of that wolf herself." Sesshomaru said furrowing his brow. Kida coughed softly then cringed in pain. Sesshomaru gently took her hand. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Sesshomaru. "You came for me?" She asked. He nodded his head she gave his hand a slight squeeze. Sesshomaru sat there with her until she passed out again.

The Future Tells All Book 1Where stories live. Discover now