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Kida looked around the room. Taking off the necklace and slowly standing to her feet. She took a few steps and fell forward. Sesshomaru caught her before she hit the ground. Her eyes met his and they were locked. Both faces stared at each other with no emotion. Kida screamed in agony grabbing her head. Her head was ringing as if she was standing under one of the biggest bells while it bellowed it's ring for all to hear. Her eyes shot open and turned from their bright blue to a dull violet. Everyone stepped back. Inuyasha drawing his tessaiga pointing it at her. Kida's eyes widened at his actions. "I dont understand." Kida said locking eyes with Inuyasha. "Inuyasha put tessaiga down and give her a chance. Please." Kagome pleaded with her husband. "Not a chance. Her scent is  different and look at her eyes they aren't blue anymore." He said pushing Kagome behind him to protect her. "Kagome please. It's me." Kida cried out nervously taking small steps back away from the sword pointed at her. Kagome looked to her friend and indeed her eyes were different. Sesshomaru step forward drawing tokijin. Her scent was very unsettling and it didnt sit right with him. Kida took slow steps to the side. "Please I mean you no harm. Just let me go home. That's all I want." She begged slowly stepping back not wanting to make any sudden moves. "Kagome please I just want to go home." She said sadly to her friend. "There's a well in the clearing through the forest go in it and you'll be at my mother's home." She said as Kida made it to the door of the hut. People coward from her presence as she slowly backed out and away from the hut. She turned and ran as fast as she could towards the forest. She came to the well and stopped she took a breath and jumped in. Hitting the bottom of it she looked up to see the blue sky. She climbed out to find herself still in the same forest. She was supposed to be at Kagome's mother's house. She tried again but got the same result as last time. Kagome watched from a far as Kida tried so hard over and over again to go back but the well wasn't working. Kagome quickened her pace back to the hut as she realized that Kida was definitely there but couldn't be sure about the change of scent or why her eyes changed. Kida screamed in frustration she was all alone and she was confused. She didn't recognize anyone but Kagome in that hut. Those strangers drew their weapons on her for no reason. She didnt know what to do everyone was on edge around her but she didnt know why. She looked down as the breeze blew not realizing that she had goosebumps all over. She was barely covered her outfit left very little to the imagination. Her hands still clad in the black and purple gloves and the purple cape still blowing behind her. Tears fell from her eyes realizing that she would not be going home. She was stuck in this strange place. Kida scrambled to the forest knowing she needed to get far away from here. She walking for hours not wanting to stop and take the chance of those men catching up to her. If it weren't for Kagome they probably would've killed her on the spot. The sun was setting and she was growing tired so she walked a bit further finding a small clearing in the trees and sat against a tree leaning her head back she looked up at the sky. What was she going to do now. Thankfully back home she had made up a will a few years ago to leave everything to Kagome's mother and grandfather so she didnt need to worry about the animals or her home. She huddled down wrapping the cape around herself since she was basically walking around in some kind of g-string strappy lingerie that she had no idea how she got into. Slowly she was slipping into sleep when a few mens stumbled upon her. She got to her feet ready to defend herself if she needed. The three men smiled sickly at her. "Oh look men a street mouse." His grin deepened taking in the vision in front of him. "She'll get us a nice price at the slave trade." One of the other men said rubbing his hands greedily together. "Don't come near me." She sneered at them. The men positioned themselves so that she was in the middle of a triangle. She gritted her teeth not sure if she'd be able to take them all in these ridiculous boots she had on. One charged at her and she quickly evaded his grasp and he stumbled straight into the tree that a few feet back behind Kida. Unfortunately she wasn't so lucky as she watch the first guy the remaining two grabbed her arms and knocked her out before she could scream.
Kagome had entered the hut and explained what she saw. Kida was unable to passed though the well and was stuck here in this time. "Well what do we do. She's not the same. She could kill us all in our sleep if we let our guard down." Inuyasha said folding his arms over his chest. He was right they didnt know if she was planning on deceiving them or if she was actually in control of her body. For all they knew it was Amelia playing a mind game with them. "Ok how about we take turns and watch her keeping our guard up?" Sango suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and Kagome went back to the well only to find that Kida was gone. Had she somehow got through the well? Or did she roam off into this dangerous era all by herself? Kagome gasped and started back to the hut. They needed to find her before something bad happened to her.
Kida's head was pounding again while she felt her body sway with the movement of a carriage. She slowly opened her eyes seeing that she had her hands tied behind her back. She looked around to find anything she could use to break free. She had a cloth covering her mouth and she could hear the men conversing about how good of a find she was and with her blue hair was sure to stand out and attract a lot of buyers. They laughed and they continued on while Kida tried everything to get free. She didn't want to be sold into slavery. So many scenarios invaded her mind at that time sending chills of fear through her. How could this happen and how long was she out for. She pondered and her headache was pulsing and she writhed in agony.

The Future Tells All Book 1Where stories live. Discover now