Journey Day 1

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Kida woke to find she was alone in the hut. She quickly brushed her hair and used the water and towels that were left to freshen up. She hesitated before exiting the hut to find the general waiting for her. "Are you ready to continue?" He asked handing her some bread and fruit. She nodded taking the items from him. Kirin lead the way they walked for hours until he stopped by a stream Kida took advantage of this and drink from the fresh stream. She looked at her reflection noticing she had black lips and pale makeup on and her eyes were a dull violet color. She cupped her hands and washed her face off until there was to sign of the makeup. She dried her face on the skirt of her kimono. She looked again and thought maybe she had contacts and ignored it because she didnt like things near her eyes. When she stood up she took a deep breath and turn to Kirin. "You finally took that makeup off. It didnt suit you." He said then turned away and started walking again. Kida shook her head and followed him. They walked almost all day. Kida didnt once complain nor did she want to stop to eat either. He stopped and looked at Kida. "Can you keep going or would you like to stop for the night?" She looked around the sun had barely gone down and she wasn't even tired yet. "I can keep going." She said and with that they kept walking forward. After four more hours of walking Kida's stomach growled. He stopped and turned towards the forest once he found a clearing he built a fire and took out a pouch of powder that he took a handful of and sprinkled in a circle around the campsite. "What is that?" Kida asked now intrigued at what the man was doing. "This powder conceals our scent and hides demonic auras." He explained before stepping out of the circle and disappearing into the forest for a few minutes and came back with four rabbits. Kida watched as he skinned, gutted and ran two of them through with a stick before putting them on the fire. After the two were cooked he placed them on a big leaf and gave them to Kida. She watched him as he devoured the two raw ones he wiped the blood from his mouth and turned around feeling her gaze on him. Her face was blank as she looked at him. "Eat." He said to her as he turned away. Kida slowly ate the rabbits. When she finished she sat against a tree and looked up at the nights sky. He looked back at her then looked up to see what she was staring at. The night's sky was peaceful and he got lost in thought until he heard shivering. He looked over finding Kida had fallen asleep while he was lost in thought. The night was cold but it didnt affect him at all. He removed his cloak and draped it over the sleeping shivering woman. After a few minutes she stopped shivering and settled on her sleep. He stared at her for a while before disappearing into the forest he came across fruits and vegetables which he gathered enough for a few days that way the woman had something to eat while traveling. When he returned he found her trashing about in her sleep again. He frowned watching her be so restless. "Please..... Kagome..... I.... I....." Kida said softly in her sleep. "I.... just want.... to go..... home.... pl.... ease" he stiffened at her begging in her sleep. Kagome must be the friend she mentioned. He frowned thinking of what this meant. He knew he heard rumors of the return of the supreme witch but this woman was nothing like the rumors of the vengeful witch that had returned from the dead. Amelia had killed many upon her return with no remorse. But this woman who was traveling with him acted as if she didnt know she was the one who put up the barrier that killed the snake demon she thought he had killed it. Which means she didnt know of her power and she didnt know how to control it. Kida groaned in her sleep. "I.... dont... under.... stand.... please." She pleaded. She was having a horrible time. He had enough and lightly nudged her foot then quickly pulled his foot back to him. Kida was startled awake and she sat up and looked at the cloak covering her. She stared at he realizing that he had covered her with his cloak. He watched her from the corner of his eye. She showed no emotion while staring at him. He turned his head to her and they stared at each other for a few minutes before Kida laid back down and slowly fell asleep. He raised his eyebrow at her actions. It's as if she was analyzing him looking for something. He shook the thoughts from his head and listened to the night. Animals scurried around the forest and the breeze blew softly around them. Kida was starting to stir in her sleep and he huffed at the unsettling woman. She didn't beg in her sleep this time which he was thankful for because he unlike other demons didnt like to hear women beg or in distress. He sat there and waited for the sun to come up. In the few hours that he sat there the woman became more unsettled as if she was going to start begging again. In irritation he furrowed his brows and waited for the soft sounds. A ear piecing scream erupted and he shot his eyes open and jumped up with his hand on his sword he landed next to the woman who was screaming out in her sleep. He removed his hand from his sword and nudged her softly. Kida's eyes shot open and looked straight at him. "You screamed in your sleep." He stated staring at her. Kida was shaking not because of the cold but because of the horrible images in her head and the pain that felt so real. She quickly got to her feet which put him on alarm. She reached for her kimono which caused him to stiffen. She patted her body to her relief she was alright. "I'm sorry to put you on alert." She said as she sat back down picking up his cloak to dust it off before handing it back to him. He reattached his cloak and handed the woman some of the fruits and vegetables he had gathered during the night. He watched as she slowly ate. She was careful to not show any of the distress she was feeling at the time.

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