Point Of No Return

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It took Kida two weeks to heal from the wounds Kirin inflicted on her. Sesshomaru stayed by her side the entire time. When she was finally able to walk without pain she would walk to the well and sit by it everyday. Sesshomaru would follow her not leaving her side. "Sesshomaru. I want you to know..." she started to say before he leaned down and kissed her. He deepened the kiss and pulled away. "I heard you the day you were abducted. I left when you stood on the edge of the well but when I heard you scream I came running back. I knew you had been taken and I set out to find you." Kida stiffened she hadn't realized he was there listening to her as she said her feelings. "Then you know?"
"I know and that is why I am going to stay this time to make sure you make it through the well." Her eyes widened at what he had said and she looked at him. "Isnt that why you come out here?" He said looking into her eyes.
"Will come back?"
"Once I'm on the other side yes of course." She said tears forming in her eyes. Sesshomaru frowned.
"Kida you're lying. I can smell it."
She gasped not knowing he could do that.
"Sesshomaru. Kiss me one last time."
Sesshomaru leaned in and put his hand on the back of her head and kissed her with so much emotion behind it that the tears fell from her eyes. Her hands started to glow blue as she pulled away she waved them in front of Sesshomaru and he was transported into Kaede's hut.
"Kida!" He dashed out the door. Kida made a sphere in her hand and lightly blew it towards the village and slowly turned into a complete circle sending the blue mist out. Sesshomaru stopped when it reached him and watched as it slowly floated like a wave passed him and moved onto to the village and continued on from there. Kida let the tears fall from her eyes. "I'll always remember you Sesshomaru. But to make it easier no one will remember I was even here." She said as she jumped into the well being surrounded by a blinding light and landing onto the bottom of the well. She looked up to see the ceiling of the well house. She climbed the ladder and with a final look down she focused and sealed the well for good. She exited the well house and was spotted by Sota. "Kida! You're alright! Kagome told us you were in trouble." He said relieved. "She did huh?" She said walking inside. Kagome's grandpa and mother were inside. Kida quickly sent her mist into the house and focused and disappeared in blue smoke. She transported herself home and walked inside. Her heart fell when she saw the wall by her front door. She waved her hand fixing it and continued down the hall entering each room and gathering the clothes that everyone had worn and bagged it all except the shirt that Sesshomaru had wore she kept that by her bed. She moved her things back into her room and put the bag of clothes into the closet in her office. She went to the kitchen and cleaned up everything. She sat at the table and her eyes fell on the yellow flowers Sesshomaru had given her. Tears misted her eyes the flowers were wilting and the petals were barely hanging on. She touched the vase with a finger and the flowers lifted with life being poured back into them. She sat there her heart breaking as her head filled with all the good memories. She stood and made her way to the field where her and Sesshomaru had their most private times. "What the hell." She said as she reached the grounds that had been destroyed and trees cut down. She smirked knowing exactly who did this. She threw her hands over her head and threw them both down at her sides as her healing mist erupted from around her when she opened her eyes the field was as it always had been, beautiful and completely peaceful. She sighed as she sat in the grass and stared up at the sky. She never realized how lonely she was until now. She wiped her eyes and shook her head. She had to do this. She couldn't have stayed there. Even if she went back only Kagome would know who she was and the one person she wanted to be around wouldn't even know who she was. This was the point of no return and she knew this was the best way. A shooting star shot across the sky and she made a wish for everyone there to be happy and live life to its fullest.
Sesshomaru watched as the blue mist moved towards the village but the scent of cherry blossom and lavender caught his nose and he followed it to the well. There stood a woman in a purple kimono with blue hair and blue eyes. She was crying. Sesshomaru turned to walk back to the village but stopped when she began to speak.  "I'll always remember you Sesshomaru. But to make it easier no one will remember I was even here." He turned back around and raised an eyebrow. He had never seen this woman before but she was addressing him as if she knew him. Suddenly she dissapeared into the well. Curious he walked up to the well, she was gone. He jumped in just to land at the bottom. He scoffed and jumped out and walked towards the village. Everyone was outside looking around. "What the hell was that?" Inuyasha asked confused. Sesshomaru scoffed at his brother and went to look for Rin. He followed her scent to Kaede's hut where Kagome was scrubbing blood off the floor. He raised his eyebrow at her. "Kagome who's blood is that?" Inuyasha asked coming inside the hut. "I have no idea honestly." Inuyasha tilted his head confused. Sesshomaru scanned the room for Rin she walked out with a paper in her hand and wearing strange clothes. Rin handed the paper to Kagome. Kagome gasped taking the paper from Rin. "Rin where did you get this?" Kagome asked shocked. "It was on my bed but I dont know how it got there. She's very beautiful isn't she?" Kagome smiled "I'll say. Do you know her Kagome?" Shippo asked jumping up to see the paper. "Yes. Her name is Kida. She's from my time and she's one of my best friends. But how did this picture get here? If I remember correctly this picture was inside her house but I haven't been there since the last time I came through the well." Hearing that Sesshomaru went over and looked at the paper his eyes widened.

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