Taking the risk

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Sesshomaru carried Kida she was breathing but had been unconscious for almost 3 days. "Kagome did you see her eyes?" Shippo asked from her shoulder. "Yeah I did. But let's worry about that after. She isn't going to harm us and we need to get her memories back." They arrived to the village and the people saw Kida unconscious and retreated to their huts in fear. Sesshomaru laid her down in Kaede's hut. Kagome clean the blood from her and inspected her wound. "Inuyasha. Is this..." she stopped as Sesshomaru leaned down. Growling and his eyes glowing red pulling the meido stone out and putting it around her neck. The meido stone pulsed and Kida's eyes snapped open. Her eyes met Sesshomaru's and she smiled. "Kida?" He asked as she sat up. "You..." He stiffened slightly and everyone held their breath. "You broke my wall." Relief washed over everyone and Sesshomaru threw his arms around Kida. Kida smiled hugging him back and tightened her grip on him. "Sesshomaru. Everyone. I apologize for everything that's happened." Kida said with tearful eyes. "No. Stop saying such things you lost your memories and a witch over took your body. You have nothing to apologize for." Kagome said smiling. "Come." Sesshomaru said helping her to her feet. Holding her hand tightly they walked into the forest. Everyone watched as they disappeared into the trees. After walking for a bit they came to the field with the well. He let go of her hand and turned to face her. He stared into her eyes before she looked away. He looked down at her neck and the wound was gone and a scar remained. The general had marked her. "You've been marked by that general." She reached up and touched her neck remembering what had happened. "I tried to stop him." She said in defeat. "He used me. I was nothing but a bet to him and his men." Sesshomaru's eyes tinted red at the thought. "Say no more." He pull her closer to him holding her tightly. She looked up at him he stared at her lost in thought. Her brows furrowed and tears fell from her eyes. She stepped back and put her hand to her neck and shut her eyes. Her hand had a blue light form in it and she winced as she held it there. The scent of the general faded from hers and when she removed her hand the mating mark was gone. Sesshomaru's eyes widened slightly as he watched her. Her hand fe to her side and she stumbled forward Sesshomaru rushed forward and picked her up. "Using these powers takes a lot if strength." She said fighting to keep her eyes open. He nodded to her carrying her back towards the village. Before they came into view she sat up and kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you for saving me... a lot." He nodded again before continuing. Kida rested while everyone was going about their day and Sesshomaru stood watch outside the hut. Kida came out and he stepped in front of her. "What are you doing you need to rest." She moved to the side and went to where the villagers were still repairing the damages that had happened. They turned around and coward to the side. Kida closed her eyes and focused and when she lifted her hands she opened her eyes they were glowing red as the huts repaired themselves. When she was done she turned to Sesshomaru and smiled as she walked by him. They villagers all praised her as she walked away. She sat on the steps of Kaede's hut and watched as the clouds passed by. Sesshomaru sat next to her and put his hand on her leg. She looked at him "So I remember that i've been labeled as your intended by Jaken." Sesshomaru stiffened and his eyes widened as he had forgotten that Jaken had scolded the general for having his arms around her. She watched him for a bit thinking of everything that has happened since she's been here. "I cant." She said sadly. Sesshomaru's brows furrowed and he removed his hand from her leg and stood. "I see. You still have feelings for that general." He said turning away. She got to her feet. "No!" He looked at her over his shoulder. "I want to go home. I dont want to be here." He frowned hearing this. "The well isn't working how do you plan to leave?" He turned around to face her but she was gone. He walked away into the forest heading towards the well. He sat in a tree near the well out of sight and waited. Kida was walking around the village looking for Kagome so she could say goodbye. Kaede was passing by
"Kaede have you seen Kagome?"
"I haven't since this morning."
"Could you possibly give her a message for me?"
"Of course."
"Tell her goodbye for me. That I hope the best for her and everyone."
"Your leaving? To where might I ask?"
With that Kida turned and started walking
"And what of lord Sesshomaru?"
Kida stopped walking and glanced over her shoulder at Kaede.
"I already spoke with him on the matter. I dont wish to discuss it any further." She said coldly as she walked away heading straight to the well. Tears ran down her face as she got closed to the well. Sesshomaru could smell her tears watching her as she walked up to the well. She stood there for a few minutes focusing on the well lifting her hand she touched the well. She stood there with the tears running down. She fell to her knees holding the side of the well. "I'm sorry. I want to be with you as well I just cant admit it to you. I wasn't expecting any of this. I wasn't expecting for my life to be turned upside down. I didnt expect for you to fall like this hell I didnt expect me to either. I do care for you. Im just not good for you and I can see that. You deserve better than me." She cried out loud not knowing Sesshomaru heard everything. She stood on the edge of the well and readied herself to jump in. Sesshomaru turned and left the area unable to watch her jump in and leave forever. Kida jumped but was pulled back. She turned with a smile on her face only to be met with blue glowing eyes. "No!" She screamed as she was knocked out and thrown over his shoulder as he ran off as fast as he could.
Sesshomaru stopped and ran quickly back to the well thinking it didnt work instead he was met with the stench of the general. Growling he ran following the scent.

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