Darius flying to LA

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Darius POV:
I'm flying to LA tomorrow. Not gonna lie I'm kinda nervous to meet Zach and the other boys. I'm a quiet and shy. What if they don't like me? I guess I can go live while I pack
*darius started a live: come join me while I pack :)*
D: hey guys!
(Af= a fan)
Af: why are you packing? Where are you going?
D: I'm moving to LA with other famous creators
Af: who are the other boys?
D: for personal and confidential information I'm not gonna say who, because I don't know if I can, sorry
Af: do you know the other boys?
D: can we not keep on this subject my whole live you will find out more when we are all moved in to the home in LA tomorrow or sooner or later.
Af: didn't have to be rude
D: I wasn't being rude but if you were live and people keep spamming your live about questions your not allowed to answer. Then you will do have the same response
*a whole bunch of fans freaking out because Chris joined my live*.
Af: yoooo Chris Williams just joined Darius' live!!!
C: hey dari :) excited for tomorrow?
D: oh we are allowed to talk about the members and stuff?
C: only us of course but I don't know about other things.
D: ohh okay
Af: what is Chris talking about?
D: Chris Williams, Bryan Williams, Tristan Blane, Tyler Scharage, Dayne Murray, our manager and myself are moving to a home out in LA and we are called Dream LA
Af: woah!! You know the boys?!?!
D: ahaha I only know Chris, but not very well and I don't know who the rest of the boys are
Af: then why are you moving out to LA with people you don't know?
D: after our manager got ahold of each and one of us we all started following each other on all social platforms and added each other on Snapchat. And we actually have each other's phone number. We have been getting to know each other before we moved into the house together. Don't assume things you don't know.
C: exactly what dari said. You guys don't know anything. This is actually stressful for each of us. We are excited but we are also nervous. Please don't assume shit.
D: thanks Chris
C: not a problem bro
D: alright guys I have a lot of things to do before tomorrow morning :) so bye guys I love you and see you guys next live!
*ends live*
Ughh this is so stressful, I yell to Y/N for help
Y/N: what's wrong dari?
D: I'm just stressed out about this and I'm not the only one all the boys are. But can you help me pack?
You: it's gonna be ok dari. Just breath. And of course I will help.
D: thank you
You: you're welcome
*skip 2 hours*
D: finally I'm finished packing, thank you for helping Y/N
You: you're welcome you don't need to say thank you
M&da: kids dinners done
You&d: okay, coming
*skip after dinner*
I take a shower and change into sweatpants and I FaceTime my girl best friend
D: hey girly
?: hey dari
D: how are you doing Alexandra?
A: I'm doing ok just sad :(
D: why you sad?
A: because you're leaving tomorrow
D: I know I'm sorry
A: it's ok silly
*skip an hour of the phone call*
D: I got to go I gotta get up early
A: ok baby, have a safe flight love you
D: thank you love you too
I plug my phone in and go to bed then I hear my door open and it was Y/N
You: dari I can't sleep sleep can I sleep with you?
D: of course *pats next to him signaling to lay down*
You: thanks dari
*you both fall asleep*
*skip to the airport*
Well looks like it's good bye to my parents and sister I'm gonna miss them so much.
D: by mom and dad I will miss you guys. I love you
Then I hug them both good bye
Then I go to Y/N
D: I'm gonna miss you. Take care of yourself don't let anyone hurt you. I love you
You: I love you too
And we hug for a good minute
Then I I walk to the plane to board my plane. I sit in my seat and wait for the plane to take off
*skip to landing in LA*
I just landed in LA so I decided to make a group chat with my parents and sister to let them know I landed in LA, and they said ok good and told me to have fun.
Then I walk around the airport and I found Starbucks and I got a coffee then I got a bagel. Then I saw Chris and I ran to him and gave him a hug and said hi to Bryan. Then we saw Zach and he said hi and that we were still waiting on dayne, Tristan and Tyler. Then they showed up and we got into Zach's van and head to the house.
Zach then showed us our room. And I share a room with Bryan and Chris. We all unpacked our bags and Zach told us to go to the office when were done unpacking.

Authors note: sorry that this chapter is shorter but I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) I will be posting daily if I'm not busy.
~Maddy ✌️~

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