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⚠️this is a trigger warning, it's gonna be talking about suicide and self harm⚠️
Y/N's POV:
so the boys friend kayla has been with us for 2 1/2 weeks now and ever since she's been here i feel like everyone has been ignoring me. even my own boyfriend. (if you can't remember who you're boyfriend is it's tyler) and it's really pissing me off.
the most thing that's really pissing me off is the bitch is flirting with tyler and she's knows that we are dating. she needs to hop off my mans. and wanna know what tyler does?! he fucking let's her and he tells me "babe you need to quit being jealous i only want you and only you" bitch if one of the boys or a friend of yours or any guy was flirting with me you'd get pissed off too so don't fucking tell me to quit being jealous.
and literally no one talks to me since she's been here. only tyler does when we are in bed before we fall asleep.
i'm starting to get depressed over this dumb bitch. i feel like she might be making these boys ignore me. she has to be because my brother is also ignoring me.
i heard a knock on the door and i opened it and it was tyler:
t: you ready for bed
you: i think i'm gonna just sleep in my bed tonight
t: ok? what's wrong?
you: i'm fine
t: okay
to be honest it makes me sad that my boyfriend honestly doesn't care about me anymore. i honestly understand. like look at kayla she's literally drop dead gorgeous. she's a lot skinnier then me, she's got long dark blond hair, she's got beautiful blue eyes, she's extremely pretty. and i'm fat, i'm ugly, and i just have plain brown hair and brown eyes. so i understand why he would wanna leave me for her.
i decided to go shower and to clear my thoughts. i ended up taking an 45 minute shower. so i decided to finally get out of the shower and i dried off and put my hair up into a bun and i changed into this:

 so i decided to finally get out of the shower and i dried off and put my hair up into a bun and i changed into this:

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and when i got into the room bryan and chris was in the room

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and when i got into the room bryan and chris was in the room.
(c=chris) (b=bryan)
c: wow you're not sleeping with tyler tonight.
you: literally just shut the fuck up
b: looks at chris in a *really* look
c: what?
b: quit being an ass
b: what's wrong y/n?
you: nothing i'm fine
i put my airpods in and i listened to music and i just read a book on wattpad, i'm sick of feeling this way. everything would be fine if that kayla didn't show up.
about 30 minutes darius walks into the room and and he said "wow she's actually in our room for once"
i just gave him a glare and got up and i went outside and i went to a special spot i like to go to and i stayed there for 10 minutes balling my eyes out. i feel so alone and feel so unwanted. i'm afraid of my own boyfriend leaving me for some slut. i decided to text my mom on what's going on.
you: hey mom can we please talk..
m: yes of course hunny, what's wrong?
you: it's here
m: what do you mean hunny?
you: darius and everyone including my boyfriend is ignoring me. because this dumb slut named kayla landed here in la from new jersey almost 3 weeks ago. she's flirting with my boyfriend and i think she's making them ignore me. and it's making me mad i feel so alone.
m: hunny that is wrong but please watch your language. i think you need to talk to her and everyone else.
you: sorry mom but i'm mad and upset. and i can't do that i don't know what to say
mom: then i don't know what to tell you then y/n i'm trying to help and you aren't even taking my advise.
you: whatever mom
m: i'm not taking your attitude talk to me when you loose it.
you: bye.
ugh i fucking hate my parents, hate my life, i hate myself. i don't wanna be here anymore.
i walk home and i walked past everyone and tyler stopped me
t: baby what's wrong
you: nothing i'm fine
t: you're not fine you're crying
you: tyler i'm fine now please leave me alone. i went into my room and locked the door. and i found another razor blade and i sliced my thighs open and i cut about 6 times total on my thighs. i put my sweatpants on and i unlocked the bedroom door and i layed back in bed and tyler came in and layed in bed with me and asked me what's wrong. and i finally tell him
you: you really wanna know what's wrong tyler?
t: yes
you: well ever since that dumb bitch of kayla landed in la everything went downhill. you and everyone including my brother have been ignoring me for the past 2 1/2 weeks. and she has been flirting with you ever since she's been here and she knows that we are dating and you don't even care and let her flirt with you and touch you. you're my boyfriend and no other girl should be flirting with you or touching you. just me. i feel so fucking alone. wanna know what i did? i cut myself again because of her and you guys. i feel like i'm unwanted and that i don't belong here. and if you do leave me for her i completely understand why. she's absolutely beautiful and she's skinny and i'm just me. i'm ugly and fat. *starts crying*
t: what the fuck, i'm not exactly letting her flirt with me i'm just ignoring her when she flirts with me and no one is ignoring you, and you're not fat and ugly. you're beautiful the way you are don't fucking talk to yourself like that y/n
you: what do you mean "nobody is ignoring me" chris, bryan and darius said their first word to me today since that dumb bitch has been here. and you only talk to me when we are in bed before we fall asleep.
t: really?
you: no tyler i'm lying. yes tyler. yes really.
you: i feel so alone...
t: i'm sorry sorry baby
you: it's fine i guess
t: it's not fine baby
you: *sighs and continues to cry*
t: i will explain to the boys what's going on and have her leave.
you: when does she really leave?
t: i'm pretty sure she won't be leaving for 2 months
you: oh
t: i'm gonna talk to them now actually
*skips 2 hours*
t: baby she's leaving now
you: how?
t: i explained everything and the boys didn't realize and feels bad for you and they found a flight and they actually found a flight for 3 am (it's 1am right now)
you: oh okay, thank you baby i love you
t: *hugs you* i love you too beautiful, i'm sorry for what has bene happening the past 2 1/2 weeks
you: it's fine
t: no it's not
we cuddled in my bed and tyler has been playing with my hair and it felt happy and safe and comfortable in his arms. i instantly fell asleep.
*the next morning*
chris: good morning y/n i'm so sorry what happened the past 2 weeks i honestly didn't realize i feel bad
you: it's fine, it really is your apology is accepted. you didn't realize so it's fine
bryan: omg y/n i'm sorry i didn't realize what was going on the past 2 weeks i feel really bad
you: bryan it's fine. you're apology is accepted
bryan: okay *smiles*
darius: sis i'm sorry i shouldn't have done that neither should have the boys that was wrong of us, i feel bad.
you: dari it's okay you're apology is accepted
tristan: hey y/n i'm sorry for everything that's happened the last 2 weeks that was wrong of me and the boys
you: it's okay t you're fine and so aren't the boys. you're apology is accepted.
tristan: okay *and smiles*
dayne: hey y/n these past 2 weeks has been wrong of me and i'm really really sorry
you: dayne it's fine, you're apology is accepted.
tyler: i know i already said this last night but i'm really sorry i should have noticed everything and shit i'm your boyfriend i should have known all of it. i love you
you: tyler you're fine, i already accepted your apology, and i love you too
to be honest ever since kayla left we are all back to what we were before she got here and i love that. i love our little family. everything is fine and i decided to cook dinner tonight i decided to cook homemade mac and cheese with sausages. and i'm proud of my cooking tonight.
i'm so happy since i told tyler. everything js back to our normal lives and i missed it. i'm glad she's gone not gonna lie.

authors note: ⚠️i gave y'all a warning⚠️ so i hope you liked this update. i'm gonna try and start updating everyday, i hope y'all had a great night/day/ evening where ever y'all are from ❤️
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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