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y/n's pov:
bryan and i have been together for a week. we both decided to just keep it to ourselves and not tell anyone. i'm overthinking how his fans and of course the other boys' fans are gonna react about it. i'm overthinking how the boys and mel are going to think about it. i'm afraid i'm gonna he called a whore by the fans because i dated tyler for over a year and i only stayed single for 11 1/2 months and then they find out i'm with bryan. the fans actually don't know why we broke up. they don't even know he cheated on me. they are just left clueless on what happened.
i don't know what i think everyone in the house are gonna say. i think they aren't gonna accept it and they are gonna be mad about it. it's not like i'm going down the line with the boys. i only liked chris at the beginning but he did me "dirty" and i lost all of his trust and shit with him. i only dated tyler so i only really had a "thing" with tyler so i'm not a whore. i'm just sitting in my bed overwhelmed with my overthinking. bryan came in the room and. i think he could tell something is wrong
b: babe what's wrong?
you: i'm overthinking
b: about what babe
you: what the fans and everyone else are gonna say about us
b: babe who cares what other people say. it's our lives not anyone else's
you: that's true
you: babe can i ask you something
b: of course
you: i think i'm ready
b: ready for what
you: i'm ready to tell everyone in the house
b: are you 100% sure
you: yes
b: ok
family group chat ❤️:
                              hey guys i wanna hold a          meeting.
big brother❤️: okay when and where?
christopher 🤪: ^^
tristan 🥺: ^^
tyler 🖕💔: ^^
babyy 🥺❤️: want me to or you?
                            in the office where you guys have your meetings and in 20 minutes.
tyler 🖕💔: okie
tristan 🥺: okie dokie
christopher 🤪: okay
big brother ❤️: okay and what's it about?
                        you'll find out meet me in there in 20
you: babe i'm nervous
b: i know, but you'll be ok
*skip 20 minutes*
i'm in the office with bryan waiting for the others to come. bryan texted zach and mel to also meet us in here. everyone showed up and sat at the table and waited for me to talk.
you: so i have news i don't know how you guys are gonna react but i don't want you guys to get mad at me or bryan
chris: hmm you're pregnant and bryan is the baby daddy
you: no, no not even close
tristan: then what is it
darius: yeah what is it?
you: so in the past 11 and half months bryan and i have gotten extremely close. and a week ago bryan asked to be my boyfriend and i said yes. so we've been dating for a week.
bryan: yeah...
mel: aww congratulations sweetie i feel like he will treat you well he's a sweetheart
chris: momma mel
mel: you as well but it's bryan as well
you: thanks mel
mel: you're welcome sweetie
tyler: cool
and tyler walks out. i don't know why he's mad about it he's the one who cheated on me. and moved on as well well he moved on about a few weeks later.
chris: i'm happy for you guys *and hugs me*
you: thank you
tristan: you guys are cute. i'm happy should have been bryan in the beginning
you: yeah i said the same
darius: i'm happy for you sis. but bryan i swear to god you hurt her and she gets hurt again i will murder you. not really but i will be upset.
bryan: got it
zach: congratulations guys
you&bryan: thanks
b: see babe you just overthought it they'll accepted it and are happy for us
you: yeah i know just i'm an over thinker
b: i know babe we should tell the fans, let's make a tiktok together!
you: okay..

this is the dance that bryan and i danced to on tiktok, and the captioned said "girlfriend and boyfriend love ❤️ yes we are official we've been dating for a week 🥺❤️.   
user1: aww
user2: whatta whore
bryanwilliams: how is she a whore? she has literally been single for 11 1/2 months before we got together maybe you should find out how y/n and tyler broke up b4 you come at her.
y/n_rusnak_: bryan it's okay ❤️
bryanwilliams: babes it's not ok they called you a whore
user22: aww how cute
a lot of the fans were accepting about it and thought it was cute we were together i was really happy!!

authors note: sorry for the shorter chapter but i hope you guys enjoyed!
ily all❤️

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