date night

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Y/N's POV:
so it's been a full month since the bitch aka Kayla has left the house to go back home. everything is great and back to normal and i'm back to loving myself again and i'm not depressed anymore i'm happy y/n again!
anyway i was planning on moving into tyler's room, but tyler has to talk to Zach first. i don't know why he wouldn't i'm never in mine, chris, bryan's or my brother's (darius) room anymore i'm always in tyler's room with him the only time i'm in my room is when tyler wants to have a "sleepover" with chris or one of the boys. and of course i respect that because he needs "homie time" as what tyler calls it. i think it's funny every time he says "homie time" i don't know why i just think it's hilarious.
i decided to go lay in tyler's bed and turn on his xbox to watch the vampire diaries on netflix because tyler and the boys are live for a couple of hours and i just want a quiet time so i just stayed in his room where it's quiet.
*skip an hour*
i've been watching the vampire diaries for a little over an hour and i got hungry and thirsty. so i paused the show and got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get a water and find something to eat. as soon as i got in the kitchen bryan saw me and he ran to me and dragged me to his live
b: heyy guys look at this it's y/n, tyler's girlfriend!!
you: hey guys, how are you guys?
hater1: eww she's so ugly tyler deserves better.
when i read that comment my expression went from happy to sad. bryan looked at me and knew exactly what was wrong and he gave me i'm a sorry look.
so i kept reading the comment and a lot of them were replying back to that comment saying i'm beautiful and that tyler is lucky to have me and told me to ignore the hater(s)
and i said thank you to the people who stuck up for me.
so i walked over to tyler and sat on his lap and kissed his cheek and i whispered in his ear "i missed you"
i read his comments
baily_jj_24: you guys are so cute
you: thank you baily
dream_la_fan: you are so beautiful y/n
you: thank you dream la fan
i just kept reading the comments because they are all for tyler anyway, i looked at tyler and told him i was hungry and that i was gonna go get food then go back to the room to go watch vampire diaries. then i kissed him on the lips. the comment section was filled with awww and goals. it makes me happy that tyler's supporters support us and me.
i went to the kitchen and got bbq chips and i microwaved one of those microwave mac and cheese things. and i got a bottle water and went to tyler's room.
i pressed play on the show and i started eating. i finished my food so i pressed pause and i went in the kitchen and through away my garbage. and i put my cup in the sink. the boys are now spread out in different places on their lives. tyler is in the living room i think. bryan is still in the room where they go live. chris is outside. i have no idea where tristan and darius are. it's 11:00 on the dot now meaning they should be ending their lives soon. so i went back into tyler's room and i cuddled up with a blanket and a pillow and pressed play on the show. i was half way through the episode i had 20 minutes left and tyler still hasn't came in the room yet. so i went on tiktok to see if they are all on live still. they all ended it except chris and tristan. then what the hell is he doing? so i decided to text him.
LOML ❤️😘:
you: hey babe wyd?
t: i'll be up in a minute,  i'm talking to Zach and i'm getting something to eat
you: ok, why are you talking to zach?
t: business stuff
you: ohh ok
as soon as i got off netflix tyler walked through the door.
t: hey baby *kisses you*
you: hiiii baby *kisses back*
t: what are you doing
you: about to shower, how about you?
t: you had two hours to shower then, why didn't you shower then?
you: i don't know, sorry
t: it's fine, when you're done showering i have to talk to you
when tyler told me that my heart dropped. did i do something? is he breaking up with me?
you: o- oh okay
i walked to my room and picked out my pajamas which is just shorts and one of tyler's hoodie. but i'm really really nervous and scared for what tyler has to talk to me about. i hope he isn't breaking up with me. and i honestly don't think i did anything.
i washed my hair and washed my body and i got out of the shower and dried my body. i then brushed my teeth. then i went into the room to get dressed. when i got in the room bryan was in the room and i was only in my towel.
you: oh my god i'm sorry i didn't think you would be in here your usually stay downstairs with the other boys for at least an hour after lives.
b: you don't have to be sorry this is your room too, and you didn't know that i was gonna be in here
you: okay, i'll grab my clothes and go to the bathroom.
i grabbed my clothes and quickly went to the bathroom. i'm kinda embarrassed i walked into my room in my towel in front of bryan.
well i got dressed and put my hair in a bun and went back to my room and hung my towels in my closet and said bye to bryan
b: wait before you go are sleeping with tyler tonight?
you: i don't know he said he had to talk to me. i'm kinda scared
b: why?
you: cause he sounded really serious when he said he had to talk to me and i'm scared he's breaking up with me or i did something with out realizing it.
b: i don't think he's breaking up with you. he's high over heels for you, he always talks about you and is always staring at you and smiles when he sees you. he loves you y/n
you: really?
b: yes
i then got a text and i looked at my phone and it was tyler
LOML ❤️😘:
t: hey babe are you almost done?
you: yeah i'm coming right now
you: hey i gotta go tyler wants to see me now
b: okay bye, talk to you later
you: bye
i walk out of my room and close the door and walk to tyler's room. and walk in and sit on his bed. and i look at him and half smile at him and look at my hands. i think tyler noticed something was wrong and he put his hand on my leg and said,
t: what's wrong beautiful?
you: nothing
t: don't lie i know something is wrong now please tell me baby.
you: i'm scared
t: about?
you: that you might be breaking up with me
t: what?
you: you sounded serious when you told me you needed to talk to me
t: sorry it sounded serious, i'm not breaking up with you i promise, i love you
you: i love you too
t: anyway what i needed to talk to you about is, i talked to zach
you: about?
t: about you if you can move into my room with me, and he said yes because we are dating and your always in my room and your barely in your room.
you: aww i thought you were talking about business stuff with him
t: babe that is business stuff
you: whatever *laughs*
you: can we cuddle and watch vampire diaries?
t: yes beautiful
we both fell asleep
*next morning*
Y/N's POV:
i woke up and tyler is still sleeping, i got on my phone to see what time it was and it was 10:45 i got up to go pee and everyone is awake i said good morning to everyone and got my cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal. while i was eating i was scrolling through instagram. when i felt arms around my waist and i looked up and i saw it was tyler
you: good morning baby
t: good morning beautiful
you: how did you sleep?
t: i slept great, how about you?
you: i slept great.
i watch as tyler poured his coffee in his cup and he got a bowl of cereal too.
t: hey babe i have a question
you: yeah what's up?
t: lets go on a date tonight. we will leave at 5?
you: yes!
t: okay, dress cute but not fancy cute if you know what i mean?
you: yes i do ahah
so i don't know what i'm gonna wear for this date so i showered and put on this:

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