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Y/N's POV:
i'm just chilling in my room watching netflix and laying in bed. then i heard my phone go off and i see i had a text from chris so i opened it.
c: hey do you have a sec
you: yeah
c: wyd
you: just watching netflix, hbu?
c: ok but nothing i need to talk to you
you: uhh ok?
c: i can't stop thinking...
you: about?
c: you know what i'm talking about y/n the night you first got here and we had sex in my bed. i can't stop thinking about it. and i don't know why. you make me smile every time  you're in the room with me. you make me smile when you're being mentioned. i smile every time i think about you. y/n i think i really like you.
you: uh wow.. that's really sweet of you. when you're reading that you might be feeling bad but please don't i just don't know how to respond to all of that. but what i wanna say is i like you too chris.
c: what really?
you: yes chris i've liked you ever since i got your number and we started texting all the time
c: aww 🥰
you: ahaha what
c: nothing beautiful it's late get some sleep ok? goodnight ❤️
you: okay, goodnight ❤️

Chris' POV:
here i go i'm gonna tell her how i feel and  how i've been thinking about her. and that i like her. and i'm scared as fuck. i'm not just scared of rejection i'm scared of getting hurt.
y/n🥺🥰: uh wow.. that's really sweet of you. when you're reading that your reading that you might be feeling bad but please don't i just don't know how to respond to all of that. but what i wanna say is i like you too chris.
when i read the part that she likes me too i really wanted to scream and cry of happiness and joy of course. i'm gonna ask her on a cute date tomorrow. i'm gonna take her on a picnic and take her on a nature trail walk and when we get to the end of the walk i'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend. i'm so excited for this i hope she says yes.

Y/N's POV:
when chris told me he likes me i was beyond happy i wanted to run to his room and jump into his arms and cry on his chest because that's how happy i was. i didn't think he liked me back.
i'm really scared of being hurt. i know chris wouldn't just hurt me but it happens. i have a lot of trust issues and i hope he will understand that.  my thoughts were interrupted by my phone go off
c: i know you're sleeping but please be ready by 12PM tomorrow and wear comfy clothes for outside. talk to you tomorrow beautiful ❤️
you: i'm still awake ❤️ but why?
c: you will find out gorgeous 😂❤️
you: alright ahaha goodnight ❤️
i really wanna know what he has planned bc he won't tell me.

ohhh no a cliff hanger 😂

authors note: man i have you guys a cliffhanger 😂 sorry i didn't upload yesterday
~maddy ✌️~

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