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y/n's pov:
i'm completely numb i honestly cant believe that tyler actually cheated on me. i'm at the point where i feel like guys actually don't care about me anymore. let's start why i'm saying why i say why "guys" don't care about me. my father my own father actually doesn't care about me. he's even said it to my face and he barely talks to me.
i had well have a brother. i say had because he walked out of our family because i said no to disappearing from our family and to never come back. he's older than darius and i. his name is ashton.
now tyler cheated on me after being together almost two years. i honestly never thought this would happen.
i got boxes and packed all of my things and moved back to my old room. i unpacked everything and got settled in. i put my AirPods in and listened to sad music. bryan came in and instantly cuddled me and gently rubbed my back.
b: hey y/n
you: yeah?
b: forget about tyler, he's a complete piece of shit that deserves to rot in hell
you: you don't mean any of that he's your best friend
b: i did mean that, if everyone else was in here they would agree too. we all have been ignoring tyler because of what he did to you.
you: really?
b: yeah, you probably haven't noticed because you've been in here for days
you: why have i been in here for days?
b: i know
you: yeah
bryan look me in the eyes and smiled at me and he wiped the tears away with his thumbs. bryan is the most genuine and sweet guy i've ever met. i got up to go to the bathroom. i looked in the mirror and i looked like death. i decided to brush my hair and put it up in a messy bun and i brushed my teeth. i came back into the room and bryan is still in my bed so i went to my bed and i straddled him (not like that get your heads out of the gutter lol) and i layed down on bryan and put the blanket over us and bryan wrapped his arms around me and he kissed the top of my head and said "everything is ok, keep your head up and forget about him there is other men out there that will treat you right you just gotta find him" i smiled at what he said and i fell asleep. i think bryan did too.
i woke up with chris and darius coming through the door screaming. they had way too much energy for me to handle.
then it went quiet.
(c=chris) (d=darius)
c: bryan?
b: ya? *in a sleepy voice*
d: why are you and my sister cuddling like that?
you: it's fine darius. he was just checking up on me and seeing if i was ok, and we ended up falling asleep, i must've rolled over on top of him *i lied so darius wouldn't get mad at us*
d: oh ok
c: bryan is a great guy and he will do anything for anyone. he will even try to make someone's day at least a little better.
you: that's exactly true.
c: well, umm mel, zach, dayne, darius and i are going to the mall. and i was wondering if you wanted to go because you haven't left the house in days and you've been stuck in here for days and we want to take you out to forget about him and to have a good day and to laugh again. and bryan you can obviously come if you want to.
you: yeah i will go as long as tyler isn't going.
c: of course he isn't coming.
you: then yeah i will go
b: i will go too. who can say no to shopping
you: let me shower ok?
d,c&b: yeah of course
i haven't showered in a few days. i've been too sad to get out of bed to do anything. i got undressed and wrapped myself in my towel and left the room and walked to the bathroom and i shut the door and locked the door. i turned the hot water on and put a little cold water on and let the hot water hot my back. it felt good, i washed my hair and body. i sit on the shower floor after i was done and i sat there for a few minutes. then i heard a knock on the door
b: y/n you ok?
you: yeah i'm fine i'm getting out now
b: ok see you downstairs
i got out and put a towel around my hair then i dried my body off and i wrapped my towel around my body. i walked into the room and i went to my closet and picked out this outfit:

i brushed my hair and left it down and i sprayed myself with perfume and i put on my vans and i grabbed my wallet and left my room and walked downstairs

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i brushed my hair and left it down and i sprayed myself with perfume and i put on my vans and i grabbed my wallet and left my room and walked downstairs.
c: finally
you: shut up
everyone including chris and i started laughing. we got into the van and i looked out the window the whole way to the mall. i tuned out everyone on what they were saying. i'm sitting in the seat tyler and i would sit together all the time. and i started tearing up. i'm so angry and sad that he actually cheated on me. with some fan from across the world. i was interrupted by my thoughts.
b: you ok?
i wiped the tears off my face and said
you: yeah
b: no you're not your crying, what's wrong
you: nothing i'm hungry
bryan ignored the fact that something was wrong and told zach. zach asked me where i wanted to go eat.
you: can we go to a pizza place is doesn't matter where i just want pizza
zach: ya of course
we drove to a pizza place and we ate and drank and we had a good time i tried so hard to not think about tyler and it worked i didn't think about tyler at all.
*skip about 2 hours*
we got home from the mall and i hung up all the clothes i bought. and i layed in bed and i put my AirPods and put on music and i read some fanfics of bryan and chris on wattpad. i laughed at a lot of them because some were good, some were boring, some were stupid and some were very dirty.
i went downstairs and i saw tyler on the couch. and i looked over and the girl he cheated on was on the couch. he had that audacity to bring her in the house where i live. i rolled my eyes and i started crying and running back upstairs to my room i shut the door and i just layed on my bed and balled my eyes out.
chris came in the room
c: hey it's okay it's okay
he came over and hugged me and told me it's okay. but i think he knew it wasn't ok.
you: how could he? how could he bring her here. here where i live?
c: i don't know , we are all mad him for it
you: i want to go somewhere. i wanna go back home
c: bubs you can't go home
you: why?
c: you gotta show him that you're stronger than that. you need to show him you can be strong and show him that it's not affecting you. i know deep down it is affecting you but you need to show him that it isn't.
you: okay i can try
c: i have an idea
you: what's that
c: there is another tiktok influencer in town his name is chris daniels i can see if he can come over and you guys can hang out and you can show tyler it's not affecting you and you can make him jealous
you: ok let's do it
about 40 minutes later chris came over and he saw me and he came over and hugged me and he whispered in my ear
(cd= chris daniels)
cd: i'm sorry for what tyler did. that was wrong of him. you're beautiful and he missed out on a lot
you: thank you
chris and i went to the couch and we sat together and he he held my hand and i put my leg on his and he put his hand on my thigh. he grabbed his phone and i got a notification that he followed me on insta and tiktok and then he dmed me and asked for my snap. and he added me on snap.
then he put my his hand on my thigh and looked at me and smiled.
i looked at tyler and he was just staring.
i don't know why he's mad he's the one who cheated on me and i'm just trying to make him jealous.
i looked over at bryan and he was staring at me and he looked sad he walked away and he went upstairs. does bryan like me? no he can't i must be just seeing things.

authors note: i don't like the way it ended but i didn't know what to write. but chris daniels hes hot 🥵 but what's bryan's deal? is he falling for you? guess we won't know till the next chapter 👀
~maddy ✌️~
ily all❤️

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