finding love

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y/n's pov:
bryan fought for me, and he waited for me. it's been a full 11 1/2 months since i found out tyler cheated on me. i still have a hard time trusting boys and what we call "love and falling in love" again. but i feel like i should give bryan that chance. a chance for him that maybe he could prove me wrong. maybe he could actually love me and care for me and show me what real love is.
but i think i actually do like bryan. bryan has been there for me not only since i moved into dreamla but he's been there for me since the day tyler cheated on me. we have gotten a lot closer in the last 11 1/2 months and we hang out and have fun everyday. he's my literal best friend. besides darius of course darius will always be my best friend. he's the only family that stuck with me and stayed with me. and loved me when no body else loved me in our family. literally everyone hates me in my family. both mom and dads side too. since i'm the youngest of our family they only wanted ashton and darius and our sister they didn't want me. i was an accident. growing up i really did wish my mom gave me away to another family. another family that would love and care for me. but then i'm glad that they didn't because i wouldn't have my close and loving bond with darius.
i decided to text bryan: (from now on i'm gonna make text messages different then other chapters i have written)
bryan ❤️
you: hey can you meet me in my car in 5?
bryan❤️: yes, but may i ask why?
you: please just trust me. meet me in my car in 5?
bryan❤️: yes see you in 5
you: thank you
i changed into this quickly:

 meet me in my car in 5?bryan❤️: yes see you in 5you: thank you i changed into this quickly:

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i brushed my hair and grabbed my wallet and my car keys. and i put on my black nike sneakers. and i headed to my car and i waited for bryan. then i see bryan come out of the house and get into the passenger seat.
b: so may i ask why we are here?
you: i can now yes, i'm gonna take you out to lunch and i'm paying i just wanna talk to you about something
b: ok, but i wanna pay
you: you payed last time i'm paying this time.
i started the car and gave the aux cord to bryan and then i put my window down half way and i pull out of the driveway. the drive was quite short but felt very long and it was quiet too. i then spoke up and said
you: where do you wanna eat?
b: hmm i kinda want ihop
you: okay sounds good to me
i drove to ihop and i pulled into the driveway and parked my car and i got out and so didn't bryan. we walked up to the door and bryan opened up the door for me and i said thank you.
the waitress came up to us and asked for how many and we said two. she brought us to a table for two and gave a menu. i decided on what i wanted and so did bryan. the waitress came back
w: what can i get for you guys to drink?
you: a large chocolate milk please
w: and for you sir?
b: i would like a chocolate milk shake please
w: okay, have you guys figured out on what you guys want to eat?
you: i have i don't know about him
b: yes i have
w: okay *laughs* what would y'all like?
you: i was 2 waffles with whipped cream on top with a strawberry on too as well and homemade syrup not the artificial stuff please.
w: okay anything else with that?
you: no thanks
w: okay, and what about you?
b: i just want 2 eggs sunny on top, with 4 pieces of bacon and 2 white toast and i want butter on them thats it.
w: okay i will be back soon with your food
she left and we just stayed on our phones for a little bit then bryan said
b: so what did you want to talk about
you: okay so i've been thinking a lot for these past 10 months. i think i like you bryan. i think i'm ready to give you a chance. yeah i'm scared to and yeah i have a lot of trust issues but maybe you can prove me wrong and actually treat me right and show me what true and real love is.
b: i've been waiting for this day for you to tell me this y/n but tell me when you're officially ready i don't wanna rush you, you know?
you: this is my official ready
b: okay *he smiles big*
we ended up changing the subject and talked about other things and our food came out and we ate and we had a good time and i had a really happy and amazing afternoon with bryan.
the waitress came out with the bill i payed and bryan asked to drive and i let him drive we got home and i told him i'm gonna hang out in our room for a bit.
b: i think all of the boys are in tyler's room so i'm gonna hang out with them for a bit.
after 3 months or so the boys came around and started talking to tyler again they realized they couldn't hate him forever. they shouldn't of hated him in the beginning because it wasn't their place to be mad or hate him.
i decided to just cuddle up in bed and watch youtube. i ended up falling asleep. i woke up about 2 hours after falling asleep and i got a text from bryan
bryan ❤️:
bryan❤️: hey love, i see that you are sleeping so when you wake up and see this please text me back ❤️ (28 mins ago)
you: hey bryan ❤️ i just woke up, what's up?
bryan ❤️: good morning love ahaha anyway please get ready i have something for you
you: ok?
bryan❤️: i'll give you 40 minutes
you: okay, i really hope it doesn't involve food because i'm not hungry
bryan❤️: it's doesn't involve food, i promise
you: ok
i got in the shower and washed my hair and body. i got out and dried my body and put my hair up in the towel. i got dressed into this:

i blow dried my hair and straightened my hair

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i blow dried my hair and straightened my hair. and did my hair like this:

i only put mascara on because i didn't want to wash a full face makeup when i got home

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i only put mascara on because i didn't want to wash a full face makeup when i got home. i put on my vans and met bryan out in the living room. and he said "let's go i hope you like it!"
we got into his car and we jammed out to music. we came to the beach and it was pretty because of the beautiful sunset and i said
you: why are we at the beach. i didn't bring my swim suit
b: we aren't swimming
you:oh ok?
b: just wait
we walked into the sand and i saw these candles lit into a like and it brung is to a big candle lit heart. and in the middle of that heart is had rose peddles and i was really confused. and bryan came out with a poster and it said "y/n will you do me a favor and be my girlfriend! ❤️" and he then handed me a rose and my favorite candy which is wild berry skittles. i teared up and said "yes" i jumped into bryan's arms and hugged him.
and he screamed "yes i got the girl of my dreams!" and he spun us and squeezed me a little tighter. i jumped down and he blew out all of the candles and picked up all the candles. i helped of course. and then we walked back to the car and he held my hand the whole drive home. i'm finally dating bryan and i'm honestly happy about it.

authors note: she's finally dating bryan!!! how do you guys feel about that? honestly i hope things go well. let's see!?
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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