the night before you leave to go home

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Y/N's POV:
i'm packing the rest of my stuff to go home tomorrow afternoon i'm so excited to go home. i'm ready to go home and be with my mom and dad and my sister. and of course my best friends lindsay, ari, and jordan.
i've been in LA for the past 2 months and i've had the best 2 months. but the past 2 weeks have been trash.
i'm starting to like starting to hate myself. i've been eating less, staying in the room more and sleeping a lot. and this is all because of mel and the boys.
and my brother out of all people would do this to me. my best friend, and i lost all respect and trust and love for that person. he's not even my brother anymore.
wait till i tell our mom about this.
she's gonna be pissed.
chris' POV:
to be honest i'm extremely mad at y/n for what she did. but i'm also mad at myself because i made up a lie to the boys. i made up a lie because she got me jealous so i wanted to get her mad. but it didn't work out that way i got everyone to be mad at her.
they keep calling her a slut and a whore but i also am to but i have to play a long with it so the boys don't find something suspicious.
so i need to tell her the truth.. because she doesn't look very well. she hasn't been eating and she's been sleeping a lot.
i walk into the room and i see she's packing.
c: y/n what are you doing?
you: chris get out. why are you even talking to me?
c: because i need you talk to you about something..
you: whatever
c: why are you packing?
you: i'm going home tomorrow afternoon
c: why?
you: what's the point of staying? no body here likes me, no one talks to me. everyone hates me. and honestly i don't know why. i explained myself that i was only getting g you jealous and that i was "really flirting with them"
c: i'll explain
you: what do you mean chris
c: so i wanted to get back at you since you made me jealous by flirting with bryan and tyler
you: what are you talking about? this has nothing to do with what we are talking about
c: shush i'm getting to the point
c: so i lied to everyone saying you really liked enjoying flirting with bryan and tyler, but it flopped and it got bad and they ended up hating you.
you: *yelling now* what the fuck chris. that is fucking messed up. you got everyone including my fucking brother hating me. i hope you're fucking happy
c: i'm sorry. i'm not happy i feel guilty and bad for it.
you: good, just so you know i cut myself multiple times and not eating i loss about 10 pounds in a week and a half because of you. because of you making everyone hating me, i hate you chris *now crying*
c: yo- you cut yourself?
you: yeah see look.
what the fuck did i do..
i look over and everyone walked in and asked what was going on because they heard y/n screaming at me. but i deserve everything she said though.
you: why don't you have you're lovely best friend explain i'm going on a walk.
c: ok..
i gathered everyone and brought them to the office and i explained everything all the way up to y/n cutting herself and not eating and her leaving to go home tomorrow.
and all the boys told me i'm fucked up and they haven't talked to me since i explained everything. but i  deserve it
Y/N's POV:
i walked into the house after being gone for 40 minutes on my walk and everyone gave me a big group hug and said that they were sorry and that chris explained everything. he even told them that i loss 10 pounds from not eating for a week and a half and that i cut myself. and they were upset about that. they wanted to see my cuts. and they made me eat. they cooked me chicken noodle soup with toast with butter. and i had ginger ale to eat.
so i thought about a good hour. and i decided to cancel my flight. and the money went back to my mom.
my mom asked me why the money went back to her account. i told her that i canceled my flight. because everything is better and i'm getting along great and better with everyone. i decided to forgive everyone since it wasn't their fault.

they didn't speak to chris for a few days but they forgave him. i didn't forgive him hit a week. but i decided to talk to him but i won't forgive him for what he did. i hope he knows that. i told him i wanted to end things between him and i. and that i don't ever want to be a thing with him again just friends. he should understand why.
he did a lot of damage and he also lied. he could lie again in the future.

authors note: might be a cliffhanger? ahaha sorry :(
also sorry for the short chapter i promise i will make the next chapter longer :) i hope you guys had a great day/evening/night
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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