moving on with life

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8 months later:
y/n's pov:
i'm 8 months pregnant with our little girl. her in a short month i'm gonna be giving birth to Braelynn Mae Williams.
*a little recap on life*
so bryan and i had a gender reveal party, we had a baby shower for miss Braelynn. uhh when i was about 4 months along bryan proposed to me.
we decided that we don't have any room for the baby and us in the dreamla home. so we decided to get a 3 bedroom apartment for us and we got the nursery set up for the baby. and we got our room set up the way we both like it. and we go to the dreamla house almost everyday. we are so excited to meet our little one. we have been waiting wait seems like forever to meet her. i'm pretty sure everyone is excited to meet Braelynn.
Chris is so excited to be an uncle and to spoil her. momma mel loves babies so she's excited to meet miss Braelynn. on the other hand i don't know if zach has any excitement or not i can never read or how he feel on things. but i know everyone is excited. and bryan proposed to me when i was 4 months along. i've never been so happy.
y/n's pov:
i woke up and i noticed bryan wasn't in bed i checked my phone to see what time it was and it was 9:30 am. i walked out of the room and down the hall and i see bryan cooking in the kitchen.
you: good morning baby
b: good morning beautiful
you: what are you cooking?
b: i'm cooking french toast
you: yummy
and bryan our 3 pieces of french toast on my plate and his plate and we sat at the kitchen table and we both ate our french toast and we just talked about what we were doing for the day. and he said that we have some pictures today.
you: what do you mean?
b: about a week ago i found a photographer and i asked her if she could take pregnancy photos
you: *starts laughing* you mean maternity pictures
b: yeah that
you: okay i'll wear a dress that makes me shows my stomach more.
b: sounds great
you: i'm gonna go shower. what time are the photos?
b: 12:30
you: okay
i go to our room and i picked out a dress to wear and i go into the bathroom and i turned on the shower water and waited for the water to get hot and i go in the shower. i got out and i put my hair in a towel and dried my body i brushed my teeth and i did my makeup but i only did slight makeup. i wore coverup, eyeshadow and mascara. i got dressed into my dress and i blow dried my hair and straightened my hair.
then bryan came into our room and picked out and outfit and kissed my lips and he left the room to go shower. when he came in i just finished my hair and he got dressed. we noticed it was a 11:30
b: we gotta go
you: it's only 11:30
b: It's about 40 minutes away and i wanna get dunkin
you: okay
we left the apartment and we went to the car and bryan opened up the passenger side door for me and he closed the door after i got in. he walked over to the drivers side and after he pulled out of the drive way he held my hand the whole drive
*skip to the place where they are getting pictures done*
we arrived to the place and bryan opened my door for me and we came up to a pretty lady
lady: hi you must be bryan and you must be y/n
you: yes
and i smiled at her
lady: hi my name is Stephany
she took us to multiple spots to take photos. i took pictures by myself and i took some with bryan. she said once she finished the photos she would tell us and we can pick them up.
we drove back home and i changed into sweatpants and one of bryan's hoodie. when i came back to the living room with bryan
b: wanna go see the boys? it's been a few days
you: yeah sure
we left our apartment once again and we drove for like 10 minutes and we arrived to the dreamla house.
chris: hi bryan and y/n
darius: hey guys
dayne: wassup guys
tyler: hey guys
tristan: heyyy
you&bryan: hey guys
so we stayed at the house for a few hours and ate dinner with them. and we stayed with them till they had to go live on tiktok. since bryan isn't apart of dreamla anymore he can't be apart of that. but he can still go live whenever. he actually hasn't gone live in awhile and i honestly don't know why. the ride was quiet and when we arrived home we held hands all they way up to the door.
you: you know i'm sick of being pregnant
b: i know you are baby, she will be here before you know it
you: that's true
when we got inside i went to our room to just put away clothes that have been sitting in the basket for a few days. i came out to the living room again and bryan is talking to his phone so i went to see what he was doing. and he was live on tiktok.
b: hey baby
you: hey babe, what are you doing?
b: live on tiktok i misses everyone
you: oooh i see
i sit next to him and watch him go live. but after an hour i got bored and tired.
you: i'm gonna go to bed, goodnight i love you
b: i love you too i'll be in soon
you: okay
i walked to the bedroom and not soon after i heard bryan say bye to his fans and i heard the door open and bryan came into the bed.
you: you didn't have to end your live because i went to bed
b: i know, but i wanted to cuddle you before you fell asleep
we cuddled for a few minutes and we drifted off to sleep.
*skip a week*
bryan got a text from Stephany that our pictures are done. so we drove to get our photos and they are beautiful. we got printed ones and she also sent them to my phone and bryan's phone. when we got into the car. i decided to post 3 of them on insta:

 i decided to post 3 of them on insta:

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y/n_rusnak: here are some maternity pictures 👶❤️ i cant wait to meet you braelynn Mae ❤️ tagged: bryanwilliams24 comments: *im gonna use user for all of them*user: omg these are beautiful! user: i can't wait to meet her either! she's gonna be bea...

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y/n_rusnak: here are some maternity pictures 👶❤️ i cant wait to meet you braelynn Mae ❤️ tagged: bryanwilliams24
*im gonna use user for all of them*
user: omg these are beautiful!
user: i can't wait to meet her either! she's gonna be beautiful just like her momma!
*i don't feel like writing anymore comments sorry*
we get home and i'm so happy that the photos came out good! we decided to order out we got pizza and we watched a movie. then our friend josh came over and we had a good time.
we decided to stop going over to the dreamla house because we didn't feel welcomed there we told them how we felt and if they want to see us or when braelynn is born they are more than welcome to come over.

authors note: i'm sorry for this boring short chapter i just didn't know what to write. and i'm also sorry for not updating the past few days been busy with school and family.
i might be either posting one more chapter or possibly 2 more chapter and i'll be finishing this book. i'll possibly will be writing another fanfic!
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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