move in day

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Y/N's POV:
today is the day i'm moving in tyler's room with him. he said we will make it feel like home for the both of us. we share the big walk in closet, so i left my dresser in the room with chris, bryan and darius. and i went to walmart and got those 3 plastic drawer thingys. the top drawer is for my underwear, middle is for all my sock, and the bottom drawer is for all my bras. inside the walk in closet there is a big mirror but i wanted my body mirror in the room still.
when we went to walmart i got a new bed set for the bed and new sheets for the bed. we ordered new led light strips for the room and i also got a smaller led light strips to go around my body mirror that's controlled on my phone. since tyler has hardwood floors in his room i got a carpet for his room that will go under his bed that will be enough to go on each sides of the bed.
i hated that tyler doesn't have a shoe rack in his closet for his shoes he just lays them there so i got 2 wooden shoe racks to hold both of our shoes. that's all the main accessories for the room i needed then i just printed out pictures of me and tyler to tape on one of the walls. so after i got what i needed i went to the cash register and cashed out and put my stuff in the car and i drove back to the house. i just left it all in the car and i got boxes and i boxed all of my things up from my old room and i brought them in my new room, mine and tyler's room. i hung up all of my clothes in the closet. and then i went to the car and got the shoe racks and i put them in the closet and i put tyler and i's shoes on the shoe rack. then i got my plastic three drawer thingy to put all my underwear, socks and bras in, i put that in the closet next to tyler's.
i then asked tyler to carry the carpet to the room because the carpet is really heavy. he asked me where i wanted it and he put it where i asked it.
then i realize i didn't have any tape to tape up the pictures i have printed off. so i drove to target and i got tape and a few candles and a lighter to light up the candles. then i drove to dunkin and i parked in the parking lot and i made a group chat with everyone to ask what they wanted from dunkin.
dreamla family ❤️:
you: i'm at dunkin what do you guys want?
momma mel❤️: i don't want anything hunny but thank you!
zach: a medium ice hazel nut swirl with 6 sugars and 4 cream please
LOML❤️😘: a frozen chocolate babe
big brother🥺❤️: i don't want anything i had it earlier
dayne 🥰: just a medium regular coffee with 6 sugar and 5 cream
chris🤞: the same as tyler please
tristan: i want a maple donut i don't want a drink i already have one
so i went through the drive thru and i told the person my order and payed for it.
i got into the house and gave everyone what they wanted and i went back into tyler and i's room and i taped all the pictures of us on a wall. i then put moved my body mirror in the corner before you go in the closet.
i then took off all the sheets and the old blanket off of tyler's bed and put the new sheets on and the new comforter on the bed and i put the old sheets and blanket in the bag that came with the comforter and i put it in a storage room we have. then i went back in the room and lit the candles.
now that i'm finished moved in completely i went to the living room where everyone else is and hung out with everyone
tyler: you're finished?
you: yeah
everyone: can we go see?
you: yeah
everyone liked the way i set up the room even tyler.
it's now 6:30pm and i haven't showered and i was sweating the whole time i moved into tyler's room and organizing the room. and zach asked us if we wanted to go to olive garden and we said yes.
you: i'm gonna go shower before we go
zach: okay we will wait for you
i went into mine and tyler's room to pick out an outfit and i grabbed my towels and i went to the bathroom and i showered.
i washed my hair and my body and i got out and dried my body. i wrapped the towel around my body and i brushed my teeth.
i went to the room and changed into this:

 i went to the room and changed into this:

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and put my hair into a ponytail. we then left to get into the van since everyone is going. i sat on tyler's lap and put my head on his shoulder and held his hand while his hand is on my thigh. the drive to olive garden in about 40 minutes. i ended up falling asleep and tyler woke me up to tell me that we are at olive garden
*skip dinner because i don't feel like writing it*
i was so full but i had a good meal and i had fun. when we got into the van i sat on tyler's lap and i held his hand and he had his hand on my thigh and i looked out the window while everyone talked about their day or anything random. i was tired and i wanted to go to bed. when we got to the house tyler and i went to our room and i changed out of clothes and i changed into a pair of tyler's sweatpants and one of his t-shirts and i lied in bed and scrolled on tiktok for a bit and i got bored of tiktok and i went on snap and i see that the boys posted on their story saying "sorry guys we had a busy day and still have things to do today so we aren't going live sorry :( love you guys" do a few minutes after i saw that tyler walked in and saw i was wearing his clothes and he smiled. and he changed into a pair of shorts and he went shirtless. and we cuddled up and watched the vampire diaries. and we fell asleep.

authors note: sorry that this chapter is boring and short. but hey look 2 chapters posted a day apart! ahahah
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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