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y/n's POV:
bryan and i have been together for a year and 6 months. i've been the happiest i ever been. bryan makes me happy all the time. he never makes me upset. and he's so amazing, and sweet and did i mention he's handsome?
bryan and i are laying in bed sleeping and bryan has he arms wrapped around me and i woke up to someone knocking on the door. and i looked to see the time and it was 8:30. who in the heck is knocking on the door this early. i look over and chris is still sleeping and so isn't darius i got out of bryan's grip without waking him. i open the door and and it was some blonde girl. who is she and why is she here and why is she knocking on my door at 8:30 in the god damn morning.
you: uhh who are you?
?: uhh hi? i don't-
you: bryan, chris someone wake up.
bryan: babe it's 8:30 why are yelling?
?: babe? dang bryan it's about time?
b: holy shit! hi shay!
you: shay? who are you? and how-
b: babe it's fine she's like a sister to me this is shay dayne's sister.
you: ohhh okay i'm sorry
s: it's okay hun. what's your name?
you: y/n
s: y/n?
you: y/n rusnak i'm darius' sister
s: omg hiii!
you: i'm sorry but i'm going to bed i'm tired. but may i ask why you were knocking on our door?
s: sorry i'm trying to find daynes room ive only been here a handful of times.
b: here i'll show you his room.
s: thanks.
bryan's pov:
me: here i'll show you his room
i bring shay to daynes room and i plan on going back to my room and cuddle up to y/n and falling back to sleep after i bring her to daynes room. but of course since she hasn't seen me in awhile she's gonna wanna catch up so i probably won't be going back to bed.
s: so how did you meet y/n?
me: uhh she came to actually only visit us 3 years ago but she moved in 2 years ago i'm pretty sure. but i've known her a little longer than that because when darius moved in he would facetime her everyday so i got to talk to her a lot as well
s: oh wow that's cool! so how long have you guys been dating?
me: 1 year and 6 months
s: oh wow quite a bit
me: yeah but i'm tired i went to bed late so i'm gonna go to bed i will talk to you later when i wake up. it's nice seeing you again
s: nice seeing you to bryan
i went back to my room and i see y/n spread out on the bed sleeping. she's so beautiful, i went on the other side of the bed and layed down next to her. she woke up and looked up at me and and scooted close to and put her head on my chest and her arm across me. and she said "i love you" and fell asleep. i said "i love you too beautiful" and i drifted off to sleep.
y/n's pov:
i woke up and darius and chris were gone meaning they were up. i saw the time and it was 12:30 and bryan was also gone. i got out of bed and i went downstairs and everyone was in the the living room i saw bryan sitting on the couch and i went over to him and sat in his lap and he said:
b: good morning beautiful
you: good morning baby
b: how did you sleep
you: good, when did you wake up
b: 10 minutes ago
you: ohh okay
i layed back on him and i watched everyone and tv. i didn't feel good, my stomach hurts and i wanted to puke and i felt light headed. but i didn't tell bryan because i'm didn't want him to worry. i turned to him and told him i'm gonna shower and get dressed. so i got off of bryan and went to the bathroom and and i took my clothes off and put my clothes in the clothes basket that was in the bathroom and i grabbed new towels and a wash cloth out of the cabinet.
i turned on the hot water and i waited for the water to get hot and i turned on the cold water a little. i got in and i let the hot water hot my body. and it made my body ache go away. and i washed my body and hair. and i sat in the hot water for a minute. then i got out and put a towel in my hair and dried my body and wrapped the towel around my body. i went to the sink and brushed my teeth. then i left the bathroom and changed into this:

i brushed my hair and put it up into a pony tail. and i walked downstairs and bryan is sitting on the couch still and i sit next to him and he put his arm around my waist and i put my head on his shoulder.
b: whats wrong?
you: nothing why?
b: you are acting different
you: i am? i'm sorry
b: it's fine babe
you: ok
b: lets go somewhere just you and i and take pictures ok?
you: ok
b: let me go shower and get dressed than we can
you: ok
i just sat on the couch and scrolled on my phone for a while, while i wait for bryan to get out of the shower. i really don't feel good and i need to tell bryan but i don't want to that's the thing.
i looked up and bryan was dressed
b: ready?
you: yes
we got in his car and we drove off and we came to a beautiful spot. we took multiple photos. i noticed it was 4:30 and i was finally getting hungry.
you: hey babe i'm kinda hungry
b: where do you wanna go?
you: idk, chinese?
b: yeah let's go
we got to chinese and we got our seat. she got our drinks and i see bryan was on his phone so i asked what he was doing and he said "i'm posting for insta" and i just sat there and waited for him to stop posting. i got a notification that bryan made a insta post:

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