rainy days

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Y/N's POV:
it's been raining all morning and all day here in california. i have been in my room all day didn't feel like getting out of bed. i've been scrolling through tiktok most of the day. and i just now noticed it was 3:50pm and i heard a knock on the door and i said "i'm coming" when i opened the door it was tyler.
t: hey umm we are going out to eat would you like to go with us?
you: uh sure where are we going?
t: Pizzeria Mozza
you: ouu i'm up to some good pizza. when are we going?
t: zach said we are leaving in 40 minutes
you: alright that gives me enough time to shower and get dressed.
t: okay sounds good see you downstairs
you: bye.
so i got into the shower and i came back into the room in my towel and i noticed i had one of tyler's hoodies in the room so i wore leggings and his hoodie and i wore my black crocks.
this is the outfit:

 this is the outfit:

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and i just brushed my hair and left it down

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and i just brushed my hair and left it down. i came downstairs and i guess i showered and got dressed before 40 minutes. so i went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water and i took my medicine.
and then darius stopped me before i went into the living room to join the other boys.
d: what are you and tyler?
you: we are nothing. we are just friends.
d: it looks like "you're more than friends"
you: what are you talking about dari? and why does it matter?
d: bc you're my little sister and it does matter
you: just tell me why you're asking
d: bc you guys are hanging out a lot more and are getting closer and you are wearing his hoodie
you: i live with him dari. i gotta get along with him and get to know him. and it's literally just a god damn hoodie.
d: sorry
you: it's fine.
to be honest it's not fine. i'm sick of darius fucking assuming shit. i don't assume shit when he talks to girls. gosh it's so god damn annoying.
i walk over to the couch and i sit on the end of the sectional by myself and i get on my phone and i decided to text my dad.
you: hey dad it's been a while. how are you?
d: hey hunny, i'm good, how about you?
you: well i'm ok, dari and i just got into a fight a few minutes ago but other than that i'm good
d: what were you guys fighting about?
you: it's nothing i don't wanna talk about it
d: okay hunny, hows california?
you: it's amazing especially the scenery here at night i love it here
d: that's good hunny, i'm gonna let you go
you: okay bye dad.
my dad wasn't the type of person who got along with me. he didn't want me he only wanted darius and my sister. and since i'm the baby of the family it sucks. but my mom didn't want me either but she loves me as much as she does as my sister and brother.
i feel wanted and loved when i'm around my mom. i don't feel that around my dad.
tyler came over to me and put his hand on my thigh and and hugged me.
t: what's wrong?
you: nothing
t: don't lie to me, what's wrong?
you: i decided to text my dad for the first time in 2 months. i haven't talked to him since the day i left to come here. and i never had a great life with my dad he didn't want me. he only wanted my brother and sister not me. and he always showed more attention to them and not me and not show me the love i needed growing up he made my mom raise me by herself.
and when i texted my dad he didn't even want to talk it was little a 3 minute conversation and it's sad i wish i had a dad that loved me and showed me what a daughter and father relationship was like.
t: i'm so so so sorry babygirl, i kinda don't know what to say. just know that's messed up what your father did and still is doing. just know your mom, your siblings, your family, and all of us boys love you so much.
you: it's okay babes, and i love you too
t: let's go before they leave us
you: okay
i'm glad that i finally got to tell tyler how my dad really is. and to be honest my sister and dari are very lucky to have a great relationship with our father. but anyway i need to not think about my dad it's not my fault and it's what he chose and yeah ir sucks but i'm 19 years old and it's been like this for 19 years nothing is gonna change.
i'm sitting on tyler's lap like always when we are all in the van. and i just rested my head on his shoulder and i held his hand by intertwining our fingers together. and he put our hands on my thigh. i felt happy and safe every time i'm with tyler. i think i might be falling in love with him. and he's not even my boyfriend and he probably doesn't he like me the same way. i hate love.
we arrived at Pizzeria Mozza. and when we got out of the van tyler never let go of my hand. we walked into the restaurant holding hands while our hands are intertwined together. that made me smile that he wanted to hold hands while we walk into the restaurant.
our waiter came and got us and put us to a table that held all of us. i sat next to tyler and dayne was across from me. the waiter asked what we wanted to drink
dayne: coke
tyler: mtn dew
you: dr pepper no ice
darius: pepsi
tristan: coke
chris: sprite
bryan: coke
zach: mtn dew
mel: lemon water
the waiter came out and gave all of us our water and she asked if we needed time to order food.
zach told her that we would just get 3 large extra cheese and pepperoni pizza with breadsticks.
and she said okay. we have been waiting for a good 30 minutes before our pizza came.
i had a total of 3 pieces of pizza. everyone was ready to leave but i told them i had to go to the bathroom. they said that they would all be in the van waiting for me.
so i went to the the bathroom. when i came out tyler was waiting for me outside the bathroom for me.
you: oh my god you scared me *laughs*
t: sorry *laughs* i thought you wouldn't want to walk by yourself to the van so i just waited for you.
you: aww how sweet
t: *blushes*
t: before we go back to the van i have a question
you: what's that?
t: i know it's not a romantic way but i don't think i can wait anymore, will you be my girlfriend?
you: oh my god yes!!
t: *kisses you*
you: *kisses back*
t: let's go back to the van
you: yeah
oh my god i'm really dating tyler. i didn't think he felt the same way. i'm extremely happy right now. i can't stop smiling. i sat on tyler's lap after he buckled up and i held his hand. we decided to tell everyone.
t: guys i have to tell you guys something, i asked y/n out and she said yes! she's my girlfriend now.
you: *blushes and hides your face in the crook of his neck*
tristan: get it buddy
chris: congrats guys.
bryan: yay finally
darius: i knew something was up between you guys, but congratulations guys
dayne: congratulations guys
mel: aww couple goals, i love it. congratulations guys!
zach: congratulations!!
you and tyler: thank you guys!!
we got home and i went to my room and i put on sweatpants and put my hair up in a bun. then i heard a knock on my door and i said "i'm coming"
and i open the door and it was tyler
t: come to my room and cuddle with me please babygirl
you: okay let's go!
t: yay!
we got into his room and we got under the covers and we cuddled and we watched the vampire diaries.
⚠️this is a SMUT! if you don't like these type of stores you may skip it!⚠️
i felt tyler moving his hand higher on my thigh and him gently rubbing my thigh i start to feel butterflies and my breathing gets heavier and and i think tyler notices that i'm enjoying it and he starts fingering me through the outside of my pants and i start to breath heavier.
tyler then got on top of me and hovered over me and started making out with me and then he took off my sweatpants and underwear and he started fingering me and eating me out and i started moaning and before i could reach my high. tyler tied my hands to the bed. and he started making out with me again and he started kissing my neck and sucking on the skin of my neck and leaving hickeys on my neck then he put his dick inside of me and he thrusted hard and fast inside of me and i started screaming his name and moaning loud.
i reaches my high but before tyler came he told me to get on my knees and suck his dick. so i sucked has dick till he cumed in my mouth.
he untied my hands and he layed down next to me and he covered us up and we watched netflix till we fell asleep.
*next morning*
bryan: "omg tyler, harder daddy"
you: *blushing* shut up bryan
b: how was last night?
you: pretty good now leave me alone
i walked into the living room where tyler is and i sit next to him, and he was watching youtube on the tv. so i watched whatever he is watching.
*skip a few hours*
tyler and i were cuddling on the couch and chris and bryan were on the other side of the couch and we were watching the vampire diaries. and i ended up falling asleep on tyler.

authors note: thank you 1K reads! 🥺
but i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i'm sorry i haven't been updating. i promise i will be better updating.
ily all❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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