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Y/N's POV:
it's been a year since tyler and i have been dating. i think we have been great. we are very happy. i'm glad that he's been in my life. not only is he my amazing and loving boyfriend but he's my best friend. he makes me happy i think i actually found the right one. i see a future in us. i see us getting married having a family.
not only have i found love and happiness so didn't darius, my older brother never really get into relationships because he never really thought that was important. he was a very independent person growing up. he didn't want to have a girlfriend because he didn't want to get hurt and he just thought that relationships were just a waste of time.
well anyway his girlfriend's name is kaitlynn:

she's gorgeous, and they are both very lucky to have each other

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she's gorgeous, and they are both very lucky to have each other. she's sweet and amazing and will do anything for anyone. and darius he's and asshole *laughs* no he's a sweet and nice and caring guy. and he will do anything for anyone too. so i guess you can say they are a perfect match. well they've been dating for at least 4 months. she comes and sees him every other week and stays with him for 3 days.
*end of that POV*

Y/N's POV:
for the past 2 and half weeks tyler has been quiet and not himself. and has been on his phone a lot more than usual. yeah i know i shouldn't be assuming things but why is he acting different. he's not his normal tyler i've always been around with for over a year.
it's kind of scaring me not gonna lie.
you: hey babe can we talk?
tyler: yeah what's up?
that's usual he always says baby or babe.
you: i'm scared
t: scared of what?
you: you..
t: why are you scared of me?
you: i'm not scared OF you
t: what do you mean y/n
you: you've been different and distant the past 2 and half weeks and on your phone a lot more than normal
t: what the fuck
you: tyler
t: i know you're probably gonna say "you're cheating on me aren't you"
you: are you?
t: see
you: are you?
t: no i'm not.
you: ok
he's so different, he's not himself. and he yelled at me and for super defensive about it. so i went to my old room and lied down on my old bed and covered up with the blankets i had on it. and faced the wall and cried. i ended up falling asleep. then i woke up to the door closing and it was bryan.
b: hey what's up
you: nothing
b: *looks at you weird* why are you in here? are you ok?
you: yeah i'm fine
b: if you were fine you wouldn't be in your old bed and looks like you've been crying
you: i haven't been crying
b: y/n you're not fine, tell me what's wrong.
you: tyler
b: what about tyler
you: i don't know, he's not himself. he's been acting different for the past 2 and half weeks and is on his phone a lot more than usual
b: if you're thinking he's cheating on you. i don't think he's cheating on you. he really loves you.
you: well when i asked of he was he got mad and got defensive that i was asking.
b: any guy will and even a girls if they are being accused of being cheated on when they aren't.
you: that's true
*skip 2 months*
y/n's pov:
tyler and i are still together but he's been more distant with me. we barely talk now. it's sad i've been distant with everyone because i'm upset because i'm slowly loosing the love of my life.
tyler went to take a shower and he left his phone. me being a girlfriend that's slowly loosing her love of her life she's gonna go through his phone.
i found a text message that said "beautiful girl 🥺❤️🥰"
him: hey baby
her: hey handsome
him: you know you're beautiful right?❤️
her: yeah sure
him: c'mon believe me
her: fine i believe you
him: i know this isn't romantic but you live in jersey and i can't say it in person, but you make me really happy, will be my girlfriend kelsey? 🥺
her: of course tyler! you make me happy too!!❤️
i couldn't read anymore i'm screaming and crying, i threw his phone on the bed and i screamed louder and cried harder. and i heard someone come in and i looked up and it was tyler
t: what's wrong baby
you: don't fucking call me that
t: what is your problem
you: you that's my problem
t: what did i do
you: should've changed your password, you've been cheating on me. a girl named kelsey from jersey. we've been dating for over a fucking year tyler. and you're gonna cheat on me with a girl that's miles and miles and miles away from you? are we nothing? am i nothing?
t: fuck..
you: why are you upset
reality hit me hard in the face worse than a few seconds ago i'm screaming at tyler and i'm on my knees and crying then all the boys come in and ask what's wrong
darius: sissy what's wrong
everyone: what?
*a few weeks later*
y/n's pov:
i'm back in bryan, chris, darius and i's room. i'm in pain real pain. i don't know what to do. i'm in so much disbelief it's not crazy anymore. i haven't left my room in 3 weeks. and of course tyler acts like nothing happened he's his happy self.
i announced on social media that tyler and i are broke up 3 weeks ago today. and that i'm gonna take a break from social media for a little bit till i'm feeling better.
ever since this tyler situation chris has been there for me. he's been checking up on me to see if i'm ok. he feels bad for what tyler did to me. so doesn't the other boys.
i never ever thought that tyler would do this to me. i guess tyler is bringing this girl over to the house next week so when she's coming i'm going to a hotel till she's gone. thank god she's only gonna be here for 4 days. so it's not gonna be too much expensive for a room.
i'm so hurt. i'm taking my first shower in a week. yeah i know that's gross but when you've been cheated on after being together for over a year you'll know what pain i'm going through and you won't wanna shower either.
i was interrupted by my phone going off indicating someone texted me.
tristan 💙: hey b wyd?
you: nothing ahaha laying in bed
tristan 💙: i know you're hurt but you need to get out to distract yourself
you: i'm hurt, i'm in pain
tristan 💙: yeah i know i understand
you: yeah well bye have fun whatever your doing
tristan 💙: come on, come to the movies with chris and i
you: fine
i got up and out of bed and showered and changed into this:

 tristan 💙: hey b wyd?you: nothing ahaha laying in bed tristan 💙: i know you're hurt but you need to get out to distract yourself you: i'm hurt, i'm in pain tristan 💙: yeah i know i understandyou: yeah well bye have fun whatever your doing tris...

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tristan drove and i sat in the passenger seat. i looked out of the window and it was pretty quiet the most of the ride. i was excited to go to the movies. it might help me to distract what's happened 3 weeks ago.

authors note: a cliffhanger? oops 😂
well this was kind of sad wasn't it? he's a dick for doing that. i hope karma bites him.
sorry for not uploading for a few days just been busy :)
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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