You fly out to LA

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⚠️ SMUT⚠️
Y/N's POV:
It's been a whole 2 months since Darius moved to LA. I miss him so much, we FaceTime everyday but it's not the same as being with him. I also watch his and the boys live everyday. Since he's in a different time zone as me he goes live at 9PM his time but it's midnight for me and sometimes I can watch their whole live and sometimes I can't.
It's almost 8:30 and I'm getting ready to FaceTime Darius, I usually FaceTime him for an hour.
*skip an hour*
I just got off the phone with Darius and everyday for the past 2 months Chris has been having conversations on FaceTime and he's so cute and we text a lot and I think I'm starting to like him.
Then my phone interrupted my thoughts and it was a text from dari.
D: hey I know we just got off FaceTime but I have like exciting news to tell you
You: yeah what's that?
D: I talked into Zach to let you fly out to LA for a month!
You:omg!? No way?
D: yes way, you fly out in a week
You: omg! I'm gonna cry 🥺
D: don't cry see you in a week sissy
You: see you in a week dari
I yelled to mom and and I go and tell her the huge news and she's so happy that I'm going to reunite with dari.
*skip to the flight to LA*
I'm on the plane to go to LA to see my brother and to finally meet the boys.
I land in LA and I grab my suit cases and I turned around and I see dari I run to him and jump into his arms and I start crying. I didn't realize how much I missed him. Then I go to Chris and I give him a big tight hug and he hugs me back. Like I really love his hugs. Then I introduce myself to the other boys.
Chris POV:
My god Y/N is more beautiful in person then she is over FaceTime. Like we talk and text everyday and I think I'm starting to like her. She's so sweet, she's amazing and she's beautiful. But what if she doesn't like me back I don't want to get hurt again.
I looked over and I see Y/N staring at me. And I smile at her
*skip to live*
Y/N's POV:
So the boys have been live for like over an hour and Chris keeps looking at me and I keep smiling I hope he doesn't see me smiling every time he looks at me. So I go to dari, Chris and Bryan's room and just chill there till their live is over with. Apparently I'm sleeping in their room bc my bags are in here. About 30 minutes after laying here I hear Chris at the door. And dari asked
D: Y/N are you tired?
You: no not really I'm gonna watch a movie on my phone
D: alright well I'm gonna be downstairs for a while so if you need anything just come get me.
You: alright.
C: I think I'm gonna go to bed I'm exhausted
D&y: ok
You: I'm putting in my AirPods don't bother me.
C: I'm going to bed ahaha so I won't
You: good
⚠️smut⚠️ (just so you guys know I'm bold so it's gonna be kinda bad)
Chris' POV:
I'm so horny and I don't know why. And Y/N is still awake. 
You: I can't sleep
C: come here then
She lays down so I start rubbing her thighs and I can hear her breathing get faster, then I get closer to her pussy then she lets out a small moan and that's when I choke her and pin her down then I take her pants off and her panties. Then I kiss her then I kiss her neck, her stomach and inside of her thigh then I start eating her out and fingering her she starts moaning. Then she gets on her knees and starts sticking my dick and i cup in her mouth then she starts riding me and her eyes start rolling in the back of her head and she starts moaning. She goes faster and I start moaning then I flip us over and I choke her and pin her down while I thrust hard into her while she's moaning. We both reached our high. And I fall beside her then she got up and got dressed and layed in dari's bed.

Authors note: sorry I haven't posted in 2 days I've been busy. And you're welcome for a smut 👀
~Maddy ✌️~

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