happiness and fakeness

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Y/N's POV:
ever since i decided to stay living with the boys. i feel like i've gotten closer with everyone. i'm starting to forgive chris a little bit. he's trying his best to make it up to me. and to be honest him caring about me and our relationship makes me care for him more and forgive him more. but i can't just forgive him with a snap of the fingers he's gotta prove to me that i can forgive him and i can trust him again. until then we are only friends and that's it.
well i'm moving in and i'm becoming part of dreamla my mom and dad are kinda upset because the house is empty but all i can say is it's whatever. i'm just sharing a room with my brother (darius), chris and bryan. i got my own bed and dresser and i got room in the closet as well. i post tiktoks and i go live with them. i don't go live everyday maybe two-three days a week.
i'm starting to like tyler.. he's amazing, sweet, trusting, and i go to him for everything. i tell him how i'm feeling and what's going on. i've gotten closer to him than i have with the other boys. he makes me happy and smile. i'm starting to feel happy again. and knowing i'm feeling happy again makes me happy.
and tyler is completely different than chris. i feel like chris is full of himself while tyler is just himself. and he doesn't care what people say. and he makes everyone's mood from mad, sad, irritable etc to happy, smiley and laughing. that's what i like about tyler he can make me happy even though i'm sad he can change my mood fast and i like that.
i overheard chris and bryan talking earlier and said some girl named kayla was flying into LA tomorrow. and tyler told me that she's a friend from Jersey. so i talk to bryan. so i go to our room and he's laying on his bed.
b: hey y/n
you: hey bryan
b: what's up?
you: can we talk?
b: of course
you: it's nothing bad but i heard your friend kayla from jersey is coming here for a few days.
b: yes
you: is she nice at least?
b: yes extremely nice
you: that's good, when is she coming?
b: she's landing in LA tomorrow around 2 i think i'm gonna have to ask her.
you: i'm a very nice person-
b: of course you are
you: i wasn't finished *laughs*
b: oh i'm sorry
you: it's okay, but where is she sleeping because i don't like sharing a bed it was hard doing that the last 2 months and i'm not sharing my bed with a complete stranger.
b: that's a good point. she will probably sleep on the couch because zach won't let her sleep with one of us. but obviously it was ok for you and darius because y'all are siblings. but i'll talk to zach
you: okay thank you
b: no problem
i left the room to go take a shower but i was stopped by tyler.
t: babes
you: ohh babes now i see huh
t: *laughs*
you: what's up ty
t: i want cuddles
you: i need to shower and get ready because apparently we are going shopping today but i went shopping the other day so i don't know if i'm gonna but anything
t: *fake cries* okay
you: *playfully rolls eyes* bye babes
t: bye babes
so i go into the shower and and shave my legs and i just jam out to music for a little bit and change into this:

 (t=tyler)t: babes you: ohh babes now i see huh t: *laughs*you: what's up ty t: i want cuddlesyou: i need to shower and get ready because apparently we are going shopping today but i went shopping the other day so i don't know if i'm gonna but any...

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and do my hair like this:

and i do very little makeup:

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and i do very little makeup:

i might buy a few things but i'm not sure

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i might buy a few things but i'm not sure. i honestly don't know why these boys go shopping so god damn much. they are like women. *laughs to self*
so we get in the van, zach is driving, mel is in the passenger seat, the row behind it goes bryan, chris, darius. the row behind that is dayne, tristan and tyler and since there isn't enough room for me in the van i'm sitting on tyler's lap. 
zach gave the aux cord to chris, and he put on "blueberry faygo" by li mosey. everyone is jamming out but i'm just scrolling through instagram tuning out everyone.
we got to louis vuitton because that's where the boys wanted to go.
bryan, chris and tyler got a louis vuitton belt. and then we went to the mall and the boys got casual/dress pants with a button up shirt to go with their belts.
i decided to go to american eagle to get another body suit and a pair of cute jeans to go with it:

 i decided to go to american eagle to get another body suit and a pair of cute jeans to go with it:

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that's all i got and i was hungry so i told everyone i was hungry and so wasn't everyone else

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that's all i got and i was hungry so i told everyone i was hungry and so wasn't everyone else. we decided to go to a pizza place that was in the mall and i got 2 slices of pepperoni pizza and a medium dr pepper with no ice. i sat down next to dayne and tyler and dayne decided to make a tiktok and he put tyler and i in it.
i love dayne as my big brother. he's pretty cool and chill and an amazing guy and sweet. and he's funny. i've gotten a long and great with dayne ever since i came to LA. and he's helped a lot ever since i've been here. and i honestly appreciate it.
and i love everyone that's in dreamla. we've become one big family. and i honestly so glad i cancelled my flight home and that i moved to LA. it's one of my greatest things that i've ever done. and i don't regret it at all!!
i'm pretty sure darius and i are going home soon only for a week just to see our mom and dad and our sister and our florida friends. yes i'm glad i moved to LA but i kinda do miss home a little bit but when we go home we won't be gone long anyways.
it's time to go home since we haven't seen our parents in over 2 months.
we all got back into the van. we all sat in the same places and we got home and i put my outfit into the closet and i go lay down into my bed to chill for a little bit and i started getting tired so i fell asleep and took a little nap.

authors note: sorry i haven't uploaded in the past few days. i didn't know what to write. and i know for sure that i'm not uploading tomorrow because it's my birthday and i'm gonna be really busy. but i will upload tuesday!!
and thank you sooo much for 927 reads!!
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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