chris getting jealous

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Y/N's POV:
i'm starting to like chris. but when i say like i mean i really like him. he's extremely nice, he's a gentleman, he's funny and goofy, he's himself, he's a great person.
but the thing is he probably doesn't even like me back. just because he fucks me here and there doesn't mean he likes me.
but to be honest he could like me he always stares at me and he smiles at me every time i walk into the room or if i look at him starting at me. but that doesn't mean anything. the only way i can find out is to make him jealous. i could flirt with bryan and tyler all day and night and see what he does. i'm gonna talk to them
*group chat with bryan and tyler*
me homeboys 😂🥰
tyler: really homeboys? 😂
you: yeah now get bryan's attention i need you both into this.
tyler: BRYAN!! you're needed by y/n!!!
tyler: bryan boi
bryan: wtf 😂
you: ok good, i have a favor for both of you
bryan&tyler: whats up?
you: so i'm starting to really like chris, and i don't know if he likes me back. the only way to find out is to make him jealous. can i flirt with both of you guys to see if i can make him jealous?
tyler: sure ;)
bryan: sure cutie ;)
you: thank you :) i will be flirting with both of you guys all day and night. i just hope it works.
bryan: it should
you: why do you say that?
*tyler 💙 added tristan 😊 to the chat*
you: why did you add tristan?
*bryan 🥰 added dayne 🤪 to the chat*
you: why dayne?
*tyler 💙 added big brother 😘 (darius) to the chat*
you: omg no.
*bryan 🥰 added baby boy 🤞🥺❤️ (chris) to the chat*
you: i swear to fucking god.
chris: what's the group chat about?
bryan: i don't know thought it would be cool if we had a gc
darius: what up boys and y/n
you: keep our secret safe tyler and bryan.
bryan&tyler: it's locked 🔒 nothing will be said.
you: good i'm trusting you guys
bryan: you can trust us
tyler: yeah ^
darius: what secret?
you: it's called a secret for a reason darius
darius: sorry
you: it's fine
chris: i can definitely get them to tell us
you: shut up chris 😂 it's between bryan, tyler and i.
chris: ok sorry
you: it's fine. quit texting for a bit. i'm writing and i don't want to be distracted
everyone: ok

so now i'm gonna shower and wear something to wear around the house.
this is what you wear:

so after my shower i decided to to just go downstairs and hang with the boys

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so after my shower i decided to to just go downstairs and hang with the boys.
i go downstairs and i see that everyone is watching tv in the living room so i sit next to chris and tyler and bryan is sitting next to tyler so i sit there for a few minutes before i start flirting with tyler first.
so it's been 10 minutes since i've been sitting with the boys watching tv, so i slouch down a little and i lay my head on tyler and put my leg on his. and he put his hand on my thigh.
and i look over at bryan and he smiled at me and i see chris get up and leave. so after that i sit up and i see zach and mel look at me confused but i just ignored it.
later that day we were all just in the kitchen and bryan came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder and i smiled and i saw chris walk away.
i brought bryan and tyler to a different room and we talked
(b=bryan) (t=tyler)
you: thank you guys. i think i got him mad and jealous tbh i didn't think it would work because i didn't think he liked me back.
t: you're welcome
b: you're welcome but i told you he liked you. next time you know i'm right *laughs*
you: yeah
*they both walk out of the room*
i walk out and zach and mel both walk by and see me and they both bring me back into the room
(z=zach) (m=mel)
z: what are you doing hoeing around?
m: that's not nice zach but yeah what are you doing?
you: uhh..
z: spill it before i fly you back home.
you: so i'm starting to really like chris and i'm well was getting mixed signals from chris i didn't know if he liked me back so i got tyler and bryan to help me out to get chris jealous to see if he actually liked me and it worked he does like me back.
m: y/n hunny
z: that's just wrong
m: i hope you explain to chris because we just got out of his room and he was crying. that's my baby. and you hurt my baby.
you: i know..
z: so quit being such a little slut and go talk to chris
m: zach!
m: go talk to him hunny
*they both left the room*
i- i can't believe him. he sat there and called me a whore and a slut. after i explained to him what i was doing. what a fucking asshole..
so i sit there on the floor for 20 minutes crying debating if i wanna stay or if i wanna go home.
then i see tristan was in and he sees me crying.
t: y/n! why are you crying?
you: well zach called me a whore and a slut..
t: what? why?
you: *explains to tristan what you were doing*
t: zach has no right to sit there and call you a whore and a slut after you explained to him that you were just trying to make him jealous
you: yeah.. well i don't know if i wanna stay or go home
t: please stay.
you: ok i will.
you: i'm going to talk to chris.
t: alright
i was walking to chris, darius, bryan, and i's room to go talk to chris.
when i walk into the room chris was on his bed crying.
c: what do you want y/n
you: i need to talk to you
c: y/n you were literally fucking flirting with my brother and tyler, are you fucking serious right now? you wanna talk to me after fucking hurting me? i fucking liked you. but you went around being a fucking slut and flirting with my brother and tyler after i thought you liked me!
now he's screaming at me and i'm siting here balling my eyes out..
c: why are you crying you're not the one who got your heart fucking broken
you: instead of you fucking calling me a slut and screaming at me let me fucking explain
c: i don't want you to explain.
you: i was making you jealous because i didn't think you liked me back chris. i really like you.
c: yeah great an excuse *laughs*
you: i'm telling you the truth i will even show you the messages.
i showed him the messages and he didn't believe me he thinks i made this all up.
*skips a few days*
⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️
i feel alone no one is talking to me i don't even know why no one is talking to me. i wanna go home but i can't go home for another 3 weeks.
today i got out of the shower and i forgot my clothes so i had to walk the halls ways to get to the room in my towel and chris walked by and and said "oh look it's the slut in her towel probably to go try and fuck my brother and tyler" and tristan laughed and said "fucking slut"
to be honest i explained myself to tristan and mel and zach and they are all not talking to me and they are all being mean to me why.. i just wanna go crawl in a corner and die...
i went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. once i was done brushing my teeth i noticed there was razor blades so i sliced my wrist open a few times and i cried and cried.. i hate my life i hate it here.
i heard a knock on my door and i heard it was mel and she said "anyone in here?" and i said "yeah" and she walked away she said something but i couldn't hear what she said.
i got dressed and changed into this:

and i went back into the room and no one was in the room thank god and i put my airpods in and i went onto my phone and i decided to text my mom

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and i went back into the room and no one was in the room thank god and i put my airpods in and i went onto my phone and i decided to text my mom.
you: mom can i please come home?
m: yes of course when do you wanna come home?
you: when can you fly me out and pick me up?
m: mmm i think next thursday
you: okay can you book my flight please?
m: yes, why do you wanna come home? aren't you having fun?
you: yes i'm having fun i just wanna come home
m: okay hunny see you next thursday
you: see you next thursday mom
m: i love you
you: i love you too
i lay there and i listen to music and i fall asleep.
i woke and i'm still alone which is a good thing.
i wish i was coming home sooner but it's whatever i guess. i'm sitting here thinking why isn't my own brother talking to me?
this sucks.
it's around 5:30pm and i'm getting hungry so i go to the kitchen and i cook myself a cup macaroni and cheese and i cooked 2 hotdogs and i grabbed a doctor pepper and i ate.
after i are i rinsed off my fork and my plate and i put them in the dish washer and went back to the room.
*after lives and it's 11:20pm*
chris, darius and bryan come into the room and i turn my airpods up and listen to music so i don't have to listen to them.
(c=chris) (b=bryan) (d=darius)
c: i don't think the slut can hear us
b: nope i guess not
d: hey slut face of my sister if you can hear me say "i'm a slut"
d: nope she can't hear us
c: why isn't she home?
d: don't know
i got a text from dari
d: hey slut why are you even here. no one obviously likes you here go home slut. mom is definitely gonna love you. not she's gonna hate you like we do 😂
after i read that i cried. and i texted him back
you: i go home next thursday. i wanted to go home sooner but i can't. now fuck off and leave me alone.
i decided to go for a walk
i went on one of the trails behind the house and i was there for awhile and i guess i ended up falling asleep there.
i woke up and notice it was 6:30 so i went inside and i went to bed and the boys were sleeping so i went to my bed and plugged my airpods and phone in and went to bed.

authors note: sorry for not updating i have a friend over so i haven't had time to write. and i'm also sorry for the trigger warning but i put a warning in. i might publish another chapter tonight.
p.s.: also sorry for not cropping that one outfit i thought i already did and i didn't want to delete it and crop it and put it back on the chapter 😂

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