finding happiness

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y/n's pov:
i woke up at a half way decent time today. i woke up at 9:30 and i went downstairs to get coffee and breakfast and bryan was eating his breakfast. i decided on just having a bowl of cereal. i sat next to him and i scrolled through instagram. then i was interrupted by bryan saying:
b: hey, good morning
you: hi good morning
b: how did you sleep?
you: pretty good, how about you?
b: i slept great, thank you
you: you're welcome
he got up and i stopped
you: hey i have a question
b: yes, what is it?
you: umm can we talk like privately?
b: yeah let's go drive and get dunkin or star bucks or something
you: i just had a cup of coffee silly
b: you don't have to get coffee and i kinda want to get dunkin
you: that's true, and ok
you: can i shower first?
b: yeah of course, i will wait for you in the kitchen or living room
you: alrighty i won't take long
b: don't rush, take your time
so with that i walked upstairs and i picked out my outfit and i decided on wearing this:

 then i was interrupted by bryan saying:b: hey, good morning you: hi good morning b: how did you sleep? you: pretty good, how about you?b: i slept great, thank you you: you're welcome he got up and i stopped you: hey i have a question b: yes, what...

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i got undressed and wrapped my towel around my body and quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door. i turned on the speaker that's in the bathroom for everyone to use and i put on music. and i turned on the hot water. and i washed my hair and my body. i realized my legs haven't been shaved in a while so i shaved my legs. i got out of the shower and i put my hair in a towel and i dried my body and wrapped the towel around my body. i brushed my teeth and i walked quickly back to the room. i blow dried my hair and straightened my hair and put on just mascara. then i got dressed and put on my white air force one's on. and i walked downstairs and i met bryan downstairs in the living room
b: it's about time *laughs*
you: i'm sorry
b: don't be sorry, it's okay
you: okay *laughs*
b: you ready to go?
you: yeah
you: shoot i forgot my wallet upstairs let me go get it
b: no i got it, i'll pay for you
you: no i can't let you do that
b: no you're gonna let me because i am no if's and no buts
you: fine.
b: let's go
we got in the car and we started driving down the road.
b: so what do you have to talk to me about?
you: uhh it's a question i guess
b: well tell me
you: okay, do you like me because you've been staring at me a lot and you were taking care of me when i was super upset and sad for days and weeks when tyler cheated on me and you made sure i was ok and got everything i needed.
b: of course i do. why wouldn't i?
you: no bryan, do you like like me?
he went quiet for a minute. and i got really nervous what is he thinking about? is it good or is it bad?
b: yes y/n i do like you. i've liked you ever since you came here to LA. like your gorgeous and amazing and sweet and nice and a genuine person. but i don't wanna rush things onto you so fast because you just got out of a really bad relationship. because that piece of shit cheated on you. you deserve way better. and deserve to be treat right. and someone loyal and who will love you for you. and will stick with you through everything.
you: wow bryan that is so sweet of you. and that piece of shit is your best friend.
b: yeah he might be "my best friend" but we are all mad at him.
you: i know
you: but thank you
b: for?
you: for my dunkin drink and for saying all those nice things about me
*sorry for not putting in the dunkin orders*
b: of course y/n you don't have to thank me
you: okay
the rest of the ride home was quiet we just listened to music and i looked out of the window. i'm glad that bryan and i are getting a lot closer. i wish i knew bryan likes me from the beginning and i dated him because i would've been treated great and i wouldn't of been cheated by him. but tyler was great and he did treat me well and i did love him and i still do. but he cheated on me and i feel like i wasn't good enough for him.
when we got home i said hi to tristan and darius and went right straight to chris, bryan, darius and i's room and i put my AirPods in and listened to music while i cleaned our room. i picked up all the dirty clothes off the floor and put them the each dirty clothes basket. and i put my clean clothes away that was in my basket and i put the boys' clean clothes on their bed.
i vacuumed the floor. made my bed then i made the boys bed. i then put some candles on and turned on the oil defuser i have. and i sprayed some air fresher in the room. then i took all of our dirty clothes and i did our laundry.
i then put my AirPods back on my bed and i went downstairs and sat on the couch next to bryan. and watched whatever they were watching on tv.
i got bored of watching criminal minds because i've watched it about 5 times and we've been watching it for 2 1/2 hours so i went back to my room and i watched the vampire diaries.
then bryan came in and sat on my bed with me and cuddled me and watched my show with me. am i starting to like bryan? no i can't. i just got out of a bad relationship 2 months ago.

authors note: oh no! i left you guys on a cliffhanger?! is she starting to like bryan? what do yall think?
ily all ❤️
~maddy ✌️~

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