tiktok with the boys

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Y/N's POV:
I decided to start making tiktok's. i never really thought about making them but ever since i came out to LA i've been in a lot of the boys' dancing tiktok's so i decided to actually make my account look "presentable" or whatever you wanna call it. i set up a cute photo of myself and i put a bio
*your tiktok/bio* (sorry that it's so basic 😂)
hii i'm Y/N Rusnak
Darius Rusnak's little sister (only in the story bc he's 18 until january)
so i decided to make my first dancing tiktok before i go to bed:
*the wet sh*t dance. i'll put a tiktok* (if i can figure it out 😂):

https://youtu.be/hIwPAXiGdfg (i really hope you guys can open it 🥺 if not i'm sowwy)

that literally took me about 30 minutes for me to learn and video it to make it look "perfect" and ok to me. i posted it and even tho i'm not gonna get views bc i only have the boys that follow me.
so after i posted that tiktok i decided to put my phone down for the night and go wash my face and go get a snack. i decided on having oreos and milk. and i sat next to bryan while he had a bowl of ice cream. since i've been here we really haven't talked much
(b= bryan)
b: hey Y/N
you: hi bryan
b: so have you liked it here so far?
you: yes actually i'm having a lot of fun here
b: that's good, how long are you here again?
you: a month (i think i said i was here for a month when i wrote the chapter "flying to LA" if it's not sorry, it's now gonna be a month)
b: oh yeah that's right
b: oh uhh are you gonna be watching our live like in the room?
you: no sorry bryan i'm tired and i wanna go to bed.
b: ohh okay, well goodnight Y/N
you: goodnight bryan
i head upstairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth and go lay down for bed.
*next morning*
i woke up to a whole bunch of notifications from tiktok i go look and i already have 10K followers and i had 1M views and 300.2K likes and 100K comments. i said to myself "welp that was fast, i don't know how to react to this" so i went to find darius and he was sleeping on the couch downstairs. he must've fallen asleep down here. i woke him up to show my tiktok. and he said congratulations. but i'm afraid that it's because i'm Darius' little sister. i don't want this fame because of him i wanna earn it on my own you know?
so i got in the shower and put this outfit on:

 i don't want this fame because of him i wanna earn it on my own you know?so i got in the shower and put this outfit on:

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and i put a messy bun on. then i went into the room where the boys go live to make a tiktok. i decided on doing a simple dance. the deuces dance:

https://youtu.be/eSIIzEXo4fY (i also hope you guys can open this one. if you guys can't open it just go to youtube and type in the link or type in duces dance)

i posted it and then i got 1K more followers and i got 60K likes on it. and all of the boys are hyping me up on both my videos in the comments. i already have a feeling i'm gonna get hate saying i'm using darius for clout. which i'm not but people can be jerks.
i walked in on chris making a tiktok and he was dancing and i came in and barged in and i hugged him and walked away and he carried on with the show what people call it now.
and i heard my phone go off and chris tagged me into the video and the caption said "ofc this beautiful thing had to interrupt me while i was dancing and gave me a hug 🥰 @itz_y/n_rusnak"  it made me smile

authors note: i really don't know what else to write so here you guys go :) and thank you for almost 400 reads 🥺
~maddy ✌️~

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