Part 1

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Chapter 1

Jimin woke up groaning in pain.

" Ahh my head.."

He slowly open his eyes to see an unfamiliar place.

" Where am i? "

He asked himself.

He kicked the blanket and almost fall on the bed when he saw another man half naked.

He cover his mouth to keep his scream and jump out of bed to find his clothes.

His phone ring and answer it immediately.

" Jimin you need to go here asap the body guard is waiting on you downstairs."

The manager voice sounds angry and ended the call after a second.

Jimin fix himself and run out of the room not bothering to ask the sleeping guy next to him.

" Sir is the scandal is true?"

" Sir did you and the famous song writer Min Yoongi really fuck last night. "

" Is the video edited or not?"

" Sir did you enjoy it? "

" Sir are you and Min Yoongi is in a relationship?"

" Sir are you gay?"

The reporters is bombarding Jimin a hundred question when he got out the hotel.

Jimin try his best to walk normal even his headache is killing him.

The body guards try their best to keep the reporters away but there's to many of them.

Jimin manage to enter his car safely.

He turn on his phone and check out the link that his manager sent to him.

His jaw drop and can't believe what he just saw.

He saw himself moaning like crazy while Yoongi is fucking him from behind.



the manager shout at Jimin making the younger flinch.

" I-i don't know hyung, I can't remember all I know is I'm hanging out with taehyung at his party that's it! I don't know how I ended up with that guy!! "

jimin try to recall what happened but he really don't remember.

The manager sigh and looked at Jimin

He knows that Jimin can't do such a thing , he's so innocent and pure.
He need to investigate this someone set up Jimin to ruin his career.

The manager tap Jimin's shoulder and smiled at him bitterly.

" I know your innocent..I think someone set you up..and we need to find out who is it..Just calm yourself down and don't go out okay? Some of that Min Yoongi fans are really angry at you they might kill you when they see you."

Jimin nodded and smile sadly.

" Jiminie!! are you okay?!"

The two of them look at where the voice came from and they saw Hoseok running towards Jimin and hug him.

" Don't be stressed out okay?! Manager will delete that link asap so no one can watch it anymore."

Hoseok said trying to cheer up Jimin.

Jimin cried on Hoseok's embrace.

The manager go out and leave the two alone.

Minutes later Jimin stop crying and fall asleep.

Hoseok carry him and lay him down on the couch.


" You did great! He's really ruined right now, the scandal is really trending rn. HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm not even surprised If he's going to kill himself because of this scandal.. am I happy? Of course I am HAHAHAHAHAHA I'll see you soon so you can get your reward byeeee! "

The stranger ended his call and smirked.

" I hope he suicide as soon as possible so I can shine immediately."


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