Part 16

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Chapter 16

1 month passed after the news came out that they're dating everything is just perfect! Like other normal couple's Jimin and Yoongi is cuddling,bickering, Fighting,dating,being lovey dovey and do some sexy stuff.

Yoongi and Jimin career is now fine but they're in a hiatus.

Jimin and Jin always visits Namjoon and Yoongi's house in fact sometimes they do sleep over and cuddle with their boyfies.
Jimin POV (point of view)

I woke up and shocked to saw a sleeping handsome man beside me joke it's just Yoongi.

I stared at his face slowly caressing his cheeks down to his lips and smiled I can't believe this beautiful creature is mine...I'm really happy right now all of my dreams come true!, My career is fine, my fans still support me! And I'm happy inlove with Yoongi and I guess he's inlove with me too?

I said in my thoughts that make me giggle.

" Yah? What are you giggling about early in the morning."

Yoongi asked me while slowly opening his eyes that make me blushed.

" I-its nothing."

I said and buried my face into his chest.

" Nothing my ass..."

He said and let out a small chuckle.

" I know you Jimin... perhaps are you?..."

He paused and look at me with a shock expression that make me shocked too I don't know why.

"No way...are you Fantasizing about me early in the morning? My God Jimin I don't know your such a maniac."

He said acting like a innocent kid and leave a space between us while covering his body.

" What?! Fantasizing my foot! You're such a airheaded person you know?"

I said rolling my eyes and defending myself.

" Stop denying it baby,I know I'm handsome and sexy that make you drool but please tell me if your going to rape me so I can get ready."

He said confidently while touching my cheeks.

" Rape? I'm not insane to do that over my dead gorgeous sexy body."

I said irritatedly slapping his hands away.

" So you want to play that hard to get game huh?."

He smirked and pulled me before hovering above me cornering me in bed.

" If you don't want to rape me then I'll be the one to rape you..."

He said in a husky voice that make my throat dry.

" G-get off s-stop playing around early in the morning!"

I said trying not to stutter and pushed him but he won't bulged.

He just smirked at me while leaning forward to my lips I just shut my eyes in Defeat.

* Smack *

" A-a peck? "

I opened my eyes and saw Yoongi trying to hold his laughter.

" W-what?"

I confusedly asked.

I guess my face is really red right now.

" HAHAHAHAHAHA i-if you just HAHAHAHAHA saw your face HAHAHAHAHAHA."

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