Part 18

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Chapter 18

" Yolisha..."

Yoongi said almost a whisper, he don't now but he felt like something is stuck in his throat he can't talk nor move.

Yolisha smiled at him and snake her arms around Yoongi's neck.

"Yes darling? You missed me?"

Yolisha said in a cute voice while her hands is traveling in Yoongi's face caressing his cheeks down to his lips.

Yoongi felt all hair in his body stand up.

Yolisha leaned his face on Yoongi's ear.

" I'm here to take you back in a nice way or in a not so nice way."

Yolisha giggles while biting Yoongi's ear.

Yoongi don't know what to do he want to push Yolisha but he can't.


They both heard Namjoon's voice.

Namjoon got Frozen in his tracks when he saw Yolisha.

Yolisha kissed Yoongi's cheeks before bidding goodbye.

"Goodbye Darling! See you at our wedding!"

Yolisha said winking at Yoongi before entering into a pink limousine.

" Yoongi..."

Namjoon tap Yoongi's shoulder.

" What are you doing! What if Jimin saw you instead of me?"

Namjoon said shaking Yoongi's shoulder.

" I-i don't know I can't move nor talk when I look at her."

Yoongi said slapping himself.

" Do still have a feelings for her? Don't tell me you have! After what she do to Y/n! Yoongi wake up can you?"

Namjoon said in a angry tone.

Namjoon knew that Yolisha is Yoongi's first love but this is not right.

" I don't know okay?! Let's just not tell this to Jimin and hide him...they can't saw each other...and in other hand my boyfriend is now in Korea too..."

Yoongi said frustratedly.

" You have a boyfriend?! What about Jimin?!"

Namjoon can't believe this.

" Yes! I told it to you a fucking thousand times but you just laugh at me and shrugged it off!"

Yoongi spit back.

" Then what is Jimin to you? A toy?Your boyfriend is here, Your ex-girlfriend is here? How could you...what if Yolisha hostage that boyfriend of yours and Jimin? Who will you choose?... I can't believe this Yoongi..."

Namjoon shake his head before walking out he can't believe his best friend is a two timer.
Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin is now in Yoongi's house the triple date is over.

Namjoon and Yoongi is ignoring each other after that talk.

" Wahh I'm so exhausted.."

Jimin said and flop in the couch on the living room.

Yoongi walked straight to his room and locked himself.

While his in his deep thoughts.

He received message from his boyfriend.

"Baby...can we meet up the park? I'm really sad cause you forgot to fetch me at the airport earlier."

Yoongi hit his head how could he forgot that he will fetch his real boyfriend at the airport today.

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